Cultural Contributor
A title given only to a person who with a keen eye for trends
and tireless efforts contributes to cultural development.
Slows reduction in Cultural Contribution rate.
This title is obtained automatically when one have over 30k cultural contributor.
Does one lose this title when one's cultural contributor drops below 30k?
One last post from me before I quit spamming the front page: no, you never lose the title if your cultural contributions drop below 30k. However, until you reach 30k again, the title ceases to have any effect, even if you have it equipped (and I seem to recall you cannot actually switch into it until you've gotten to 30k again, after dropping below that number).
20% reduction in culture contribution consumed, regardless the difficulty of the quest.
When one takes a second quest with the title in effect, the message "Making distinguished culture contributions has reduced the amount of culture contribution consumed."
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