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  • Russia
    Because all ports around the base of St. Petersburg are frozen over, overseas travel has been delayed. In recent years modernization has been completed successfully, and expansion toward the Black and Baltic Seas has commenced.

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Quest: Alternate hagiology
Obtained in London Adventure Guild
Requirements: Search r6 / Theology r8 / Unlock r6
Guide: Talk to Scholar x3 (London Archives)
Talk to Olga x2 (Scandinavia West Coast)
Talk to Scholar x2 (St Petersburg Archives)
Observe and Search (St Petersburg Cathedral)

Quest: A unicorn's horn
Obtained in St Petersburg Adventure Guild
Requirements: Eco research r7 / Biology r9 / Artic language
Guide: Talk to Millionaire x2 (in front of St Petersburg Adv Guild)
Talk to Merchant x2 (Stockholm Tavern)
Talk to Seafarer x2 (Bergen Tavern)
Sail to 8630/1000 and do Observe and Eco research (North of Bering Strait)

Quest: What is left behind by the instructor
Obtained in Naples Adventure Guild
Requirements: Search r8 / Appraisal r10 / Unlock r8
Guide: Talk to Bard x5 (front of St Petersburg Cathedral)
Talk to Musician x2 (near Item Shop)
Talk again to Bard x2
Observe and Search in the northwestern corner of the Baltic Sea North landing (West of St Petersburg)

Erm I'm trying to get the city official to increase my storage slots as Donce described a few comments ago, but he is not being helpful. Do we know how to trigger this feature?

I've heard the current theory is that that you need to be 78+ in adventure, trade, or battle before the City Official will increase your storage capacity.

I asked the same thing in the official forum and there they replied it's 76+. Either way, it explains my situation as I'm in high 60s low 70s everywhere so I still have a few 100s of 1000s of exp points to go through before I can take advantage of this :-).

Got nothing at 56/77/27 so it would seem that 78 is the magic number. One more nanban run til my next Trade lvl; will try again after to confirm.

Nothing at 56/78/27 either! There must be some other requirement. Total levels? Investment?

Well, a friend has 68/78/61, and nothing from the Town Official. Not sure how much they've invested, but... the mystery continues, I guess.

Dumped 30 million into St. Pete, still nothing. Bummer!

8-star Difficulty Quest: A thorough investigation of a czar
Requirements: 7 Search, 9 Archaeology, 7 Unlock
Received from: London's adventure mediator
1. Speak with Earl of Leicester once in London's royal palace
2. Speak with Amsterdam's barkeep once
3. Use Hamburg's carriage to travel to Frankfurt, enter the Cathedral, and speak to the Election Manager once
4-5. Speak twice with St. Petersburg's City Official
6. Enter the St. Petersburg Palace, walk to the large double doors left of the throne in the back, then use Search
Discovery: Handprint of Peter the Great, 4-star Historical Relic discovery

Murph & Guilder: on the official forum they are now saying...
1) this should have been so that at adv 76 you get the binder and bag increases, at trade 76 you get the recipe book increase and at battle 76 you get an extra weapons forte slot.
2) but it's currently glitched and you get all three at adv 76!
3) it should be fixed in a future patch
=> so either we'll reach adv 76 before the patch and we get them all three or the patch comes before that and we get them as intended. :-)

for me, battle lvl 75 was enough to increase Forte weapon slots.
Maybe fame also plays role in this - not sure

Yeah, but how high's your adv? They say battle 76 would *in theory* be needed. In practice, the feature is thought to be glitched and gives you all three benefits at adv 76...

Felt is still not available in St. Petersburg, but once it is there are a number of recipes available:

Recipes in St. Petersburg (requires 18 Century-P.3)

City Girl (close to the Bank)
Russian hat sewing recipe
Sewing r10, 40 Fur + 10 Felt + 3 Gold Thread

Commander Cossack’s hat recipe
Sewing r10, 5 Feathers + 35 Felt + 3 Suede

Russian hood recipe
Sewing r11, 30 Felt + 15 Embroidery Thread

Russian long robe sewing recipe
Sewing r12, 30 Silk Cloth + 10 Jewellery + 20 Embroidery Thread

Russian tall hat recipe
Sewing r12, 30 Leather + 15 Fine fur

Commander Cossack’s ensemble sewing recipe
Sewing r13, 30 Cotton Fabric + 40 Felt + 30 Leather Cord

Beast fur luxury hat recipe
Sewing r13, 30 Fur + 15 Exquisite fur

Russian noblemen’s luxurious ensemble sewing
Sewing r14, 50 Felt + 15 Goldwork + 20 Fine fur

Russian noblewomen’s luxurious ensemble sewing
Sewing r14, 40 Felt + 20 Gold Thread + 20 Fine fur

Attendant (next to Millionaire)
Face-protecting helm recipe
Casting r12, 20 Felt + 10 Leather Cord + 5 Improved steel sheet

Metal scale armor casting recipe
Casting r14, 60 Felt + 40 Leather Cord + 10 Improved steel sheet

Last but not least, Travelling Merchant (outside the Cathedral) has three Handicrafts recipes available as well, also requiring the 18.3 Adept of Age title. They are:

Bejeweled gloves recipe (R9)
x10 Leather
x5 Jewellery
x3 Fine Dye
Yields: Bejeweled Gloves (Bejeweled gloves, no skill boosts)

Russian decorated lace hat sewing recipe (R10)
x30 Lace
x10 Jewellery
x10 Suede
Yields: Kokoshnik (Kokoshnik, +1 Textile Trading)

Russian leather boots recipe (R10)
x20 Leather Cords
x10 Suede
Yields: Russian Boots (Russian boots, no skill boosts)

And since the original is buried, here's a handy link showing off all of the above equipment:


Thanks for the other info, Destry. Hmm... One of these days, we data collectors really should get around to posting information on the Port Royal / Xanadu recipes, shouldn't we? Oh well. Back to adventuring for now. Cheers all, and happy recipe producing.

According to the Japanese wiki, Felt requires 77k development at St. Petersburg before it will show up.

did u guys get the crafted items from Skt.P recorded in the Memorial Album? I made a pair of boots when Skt.P arrived in UWO, but it didn't open any new MA collection :(

Nope. I now think we'll probably get an announcement when the new MA collections for St. Petersburg, Port Royal, and Xanadu are finally put in the game.

Small update: I should clarify that I haven't tried making any of the above recipes since the last patch was released.

About the quest "Birds getting changed" mentioned in the above comments, Curious gave accurate and helpful directions, but for those of us who aren't yet fluent in Survey coordinate-ese: the discovery is north-east of Narvik, up in the North Norwegian Sea. And I don't think you can get up that far without Mercator's Northeast Passage missions. I hope that helps anybody looking to do the quest!

The also-above mentioned quest "A forest in the tundra" sends you to the White Sea, up in the Northeast Passage. Coordinates are accurate there too! Thanks to all of you for entering all that information for us, it's much appreciated.

The quest "Northern most tip of Eurasia"'s discovery is in the East Kara Sea.

Quest: Angel of the frozen ocean
Requirements: Eco r11, Bio r13, Nordic (some pre quests)
St Petersburg - Millionaire x2
Oslo - Seafarer x3

Discovery - West Bering Sea

Quest : Where to find the mysterious man
From: St. Petersburg adventure guild
Req : Nordic
Steps : Stockholm Church talk to boy
Stockholm Tavern talk to boy
Lubeck Church talk to boy
Hamburg Church talk to boy or wallenstein
Hamburg Tavern talk to boy ( outside, right of the door)
Stockholm Harbour Talk to boy
Chrono title 17.2 116,480 ducats also , this is a possible pre-quest ( based on closing comments).

"Yeah, but how high's your adv? They say battle 76 would *in theory* be needed. In practice, the feature is thought to be glitched and gives you all three benefits at adv 76..."

Yes, although it might have been patched in the astronomy update (?).
I got all three benefits when I reached 76/58/51 (you need to talk 3 times with the city official)

Quest: Materials for a Sea Adventure Story

Obtained in London Adventure Guild.

Requirements: Search r5, Appraisal r7, Spanish. (Got it without having Spanish)

Guide: Talk to Seafarer in London.

Talk to Seafarer in Havana.

Search on the left side of the table to the right of the Barkeep for discovery.

Map: Unfinished Map

Obtained in St. Petersburg Archives(?)

Requirements: Geography, Recognition r5

Description: The map of the cape north of the landing point of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Coords: 1111,1170 (Much farther north than the Scandinavia West Coast landing point than you'd expect lol)

Uh, a long time ago, we were all wondering about the Russian City Official who gave you special benefits from talking to him? Well, I'm 78 trade, and just visited him for the first time since Wild West patch was released. Bam! My Recipe Book increased after a quick chat about my business ventures. So they might finally have fixed that glitch.

Quest: The Slavic sun god

Obtained in Marseilles Adventure Guild

Requirements: Search r5, Theology r7, Unlock r5.

Guide: Talk to the Bard in St. Petersburg 2x.

Search inside the Archives for discovery.

you need to invest about 7mil to be able to buy Felt and Rabbit Fur.

Also, it looks like Gold will be available in St. Petersburg soon.
Current development is 79972 / 80000

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