0. No Title
- Don't name a title.
1. Chef Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of cooking.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
2. Smith Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of casting.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
3. Tailor Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of sewing.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
4. Handicraft Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of handicrafts.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
5. Storage Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of storage.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
6. #Alchemist Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of alchemy.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
7. #Linguist Meister
- The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of languages.
Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
Able to influence nearby apprentices.
8. Circumliner
- The title given to a sailor who has travelled around the world.
Receive discounts on costs associated with sailing.
Circumliner Cloak
Circumliner Robe
9. Superior Company Membership
- The title given to a sailor who is a member of a powerful company.
The company will subsidize some of your expenses.
10. Marechal
- The title given to a sailor who has achieved a good record in the Battle Campaigns.
Marechal Cuirass 24
12. Adventurer Graduate
- The title given to a sailor after completing the Adventurer curriculum at the Maritime Academy.Job assignments from the guild may increase.
School Degarine
13. Merchant Graduate
- The title given to a sailor after completing the Merchant curriculum at the Maritime Academy.
Job assignments from the guild may increase.
School Chamal Outfit
14. Maritime Graduate
- The title given to a sailor after completing the Maritime curriculum at the Maritime Academy.
Job assignments from the guild may increase.
School Doublet 1
15. Student
- The title given to a voyager who is currently enrolled
at the Voyager Academy.
Uniform 2
Regulation Cap 1
16. Shipwreck Hunter
- Title given to a voyager who has abundant experience
in raising shipwrecks.
The rate for obtaining shipwreck map pieces increases,
and analysis rate occasionally doubles.
18. Adept
- Title only given to those with a deep knowledge of
and advanced skills in alchemy.
Success rate of experiments increases.
Adept's Robe 38
Adept's Biretta 19
19. Fuigo Bellows
- Title indicating those who fire the furnace
and burn the bellows to obtain gold.
Due to their constant attempts to make gold, the production rate of gold has increased.
Bellows Blower's Robe 7
Bellows blower's hat 7
21. Flower Connoisseur
- Title given to one who's charm has been recognized
by the barmaids who work in the taverns of each nation's major city.
Becomes easier to raise friendliness with barmaids.
22. Relic Hunter
- Title that can be claimed by voyagers with
rich experience in ruin exploration.
Ruin exploration becomes more advantageous.
23. Trendsetter
- A title given to a seasoned and sensitive fashion expert
who knows the day's trends inside and out.
Makes starting a new trend with a Museum exhibit easier.
Trendsetter's Dress
Trendsetter's Hat
24. Cultural Contributor
- A title given only to a person who with a keen eye for trends
and tireless efforts contributes to cultural development.
Slows reduction in Cultural Contribution rate.
25. Gladiator
- The title of a fighter who risks his life daily in battle.
Lanista Gladius 6
Dussack 21
26. Cranio Espada
- A Title representing a skull and swords,
a mark for pirates who have earned
infamy across the entire land.
This can only be switched to at
Pirate Island.
27. Professor of Voyages
- A Title given to voyagers who have
performed research at the college and
earned high marks in their performance.
- Event Complete
Academic Gown 6
Academic Tam 5
View All Comments
I've never heard of anything boosting Roman Coin acquisition apart from the Oxford skill, and some Astro consumable item whose name escapes me at the moment. Sounds like a bit of an urban legend to me, though if anyone has proof to the contrary, I hope they'll be kind enough to share it.
Title "Adept of Age (19 Century)" unlocks "Bizarre Rumours" Treasure Hunt
what?! no new memorial album from these treasures yet? crap....
Could also be a bug. Hmm. Are the sword/bow relic rewards from the 17-p4 TH about thieves recorded in the appropriate MA yet? Well, either way, I'll be holding off on the 19th Century TH relic hunts until the MA recording process is fixed. Thanks for letting us know about these facts, Dvc80 and Kossmyn.
no, neither Honorable thief's Bow nor Sword of Lioness are recorded, but as I said there is no bug- since you cannot complete the collection, due to that Nabuco-related item, it won't be shown until that content is added.
That does make sense, I just wondered. It'll be something else to look forward to in the future. Thanks again.
I got a new title after completing the two Astronomy memorial album. The title is Stargazer. The description is, "Title given to person with deep understanding is Astronomy and have discovered all twelve zodiacal constellations".
Adv title: Gold Dreamer
"A title given to those who discovered a Large Gold Nugget that will be recorded in history. The amount of gold nuggets gained increases but the cost of mining increases as well"
got it after a 39k gram lgn
Gold Dreamer isnt permanent, depends on the ranking in san francisco.
New title!
Master of Ancient Technologies
A title reserved for those who have greatly contributed to the nation's Ancient Technology Research. Can use the Solar Barge as many times as one likes.
If equipped, the Solar Barge to Atlantis button will show up the next time you enter the docks of your home nation. It showed up for me after two 600 page AT research reports, but it might be unlocked sooner than that. I'd guess it only works until Monday? The title may have to be unlocked again each week, or may not... we'll see!
I just checked and I also had the title. I only submitted one "incomplete" research once at something like 130/100/40 pages. I guess if you submit it once you get the title.
This Master of Ancient Technologies title appears to be tied to your nation's research progress (can be checked with the palace secretary or if you have ancient research ongoing it's shown there on the quest page). So it's more of a national perk rather than an individual perk, or perhaps a combination.
I reported two incomplete researches and a 600/600 one so far. I think I got the title when my nation reached like 22k/50k points or thereabouts and I think I hadn't reported the 600/600 research yet. I suppose you need to have done some research of your own, but the dominating factor seems to be your nation's performance.
Also, if you are online when your nation reaches enough points for you to get the title, you'll get a red text message about it.
Just a reminder: Monday (10am OGP time I believe) is when Atlantis moves. Word has it that not only will your nation's ancient tech/solar barge gauge be reduced, but you'll also lose the MOAT title for a bit, likely until you can rebuild the barge, visit Atlantis, and perform research again.
I actually had the title without having done a single quest for ancient technology research. All I did was discover Atlantis, so it seems to me that your nation's development level is what makes it appear after that requirement's fulfilled. Atlantis moved as expected and the title is gone now, though. I wonder where it's ended up this time?
New title : Deepseeker
"A title reserved for those who have explored deep within the Labyrinth. Stamina reduces at half of the normal rate in the Labyrinth"
I got it after trying the Atlantis Labyrinth, i was at floor 11 when i died dont know if recieved this prior, in another floor.
U get if got it for clearing F30
I got the same title from the Labyrinth, but after clearing floor 10 or 11 (can't recall which). According to J-Wiki, you obtain it after "Raburinthos over 11 sections"... possibly you can get the same title from Poseidon's Temple dungeon under slightly different circumstances? Hmm. Either way, it's a life saving title in the Endless Dungeons, as you cannot use stamina restoring items in those two places.
I think it's just 10 floors of either Endless Dungeon. Somebody I helped recently didn't have the Deepseeker title when we started out, and on the beginning of floor B11, they reported having it available.
Since you can't edit comments, I'll just add really quickly: the above example happened in Temple of Poseidon dungeon found at Atlantis.
How do we get Stargazer Title? Readed all comments and I haven't found any info about it.
To get the Stargazer title, you need to discover all 12 of the Zodiac constellations like Taurus, Libra, etc. The quests are not listed here, but a couple of Japanese guides has them:
A fair amount of them have pre-quests as you need to do, and have certain Chrono titles to discover constellations and stars out in the open as well. I know one of them needs the 14th century title which you can only get through discovering Xanadu, which involves an extremely long series of quests to unlock.
Actually, there are a few quests that give out the 14th century chrono title outside of the Xanadu chain. "A State of Prayer and Meditation" out of Tunis is a 2 star quest that gives 14th century title. It has a few prereqs: Discovering the city of Salonika, dicovering the city of Ragusa, and completing "Roof and Spine", a 2 star geography quest from Istanbul. MUCH easier than that pesky 64 quest Xanadu chain :D
There's also "Investigate the Palace of Menelaus", 3 star Theo quest from Alexandria. Its prereqs are "Story of the Trojan War", 2 star Appraisal quest from Seville and the geography discovery "Pelopponese" from a geography map in from the Lima Scholar.
Ahh ok, I didnt know that. I guess new quests were added since then that gave the 14th century title without needing to unlock Xanadu.
With a bit of testing, I can confirm that the Deepseeker title is unlocked when you not only reach the 10th floor of an Endless Dungeon (Labyrinth on Crete, Temple of Poseidon in Atlantis), but when you have cleared that floor as well. In other words, the enemies must be gone (fight them or trap-torch them), and the exit to the next floor opens. The title becomes selectable at that point, and no sooner.
Seeker of the Unknown
A title reserved for those who have explored the deepest within the Labyrinth. The chance of finding a special room in the dungeon increased.
I don't remember this being reported.
Master Breeder title, seems to need r15 pet training, pets acquire items more frequently, and equipment have higher chance of being a collector's item.
was there a bounty hunter title that gives speed boost?
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