One of the four elementals, the spirit who controls water. It is said that this spirit has the form of a beautiful female, and upon marrying a human, she'll be able to obtain a soul. However, if she is betrayed by her husband, she'll lose her soul, seek revenge on her husband, and return to the form of water.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
next ? Edinburgh- Plymouth- Dublin- Dover-Amsterdam nothing info ?
The information about Undine Folklore quest can only be obtained in the aforementioned cities, & after you take the quest from Henrique, here's the following steps:
-Talk to Henrique in Sagres once
-Talk to Paracelsus in Venice twice
-Talk to John Dee in London twice
-Talk to Paracelsus in Venice again thrice (three times)
-Talk to Gil in Calcutta once, for the discovery to appear
Folklore Quest name: Folklore of the Water Spirit
Information acquisition city: London / Venice
Information obtaining method: Read Theology book at Archives
Skill requirement: r8 Theology
Culture Area of Destination: India
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