Shell Beach
A beach located across Shark Bay on the west coast of Australia. It's composed entirely of small white shells.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Seashell Beach
8* quest from Huangzhou Adventurer Guild
9 Recognition, 11 Geography, Oceanic Languages
20,000D advance
Go to Kakadu, Talk to Seafarer x2, Talk to Port Official x2.
Discover: Perth Sea Basin, Around 5473,6225
Shell beach
5* Discovery
Upon Discovery: 990 Adv Exp, 495 Adv Exp.
Upon Quest Hand in: 215,000D, 220 Adv Exp, 125 Adv Fame, 1 QMP
Quest name: Seashell Beach
Quest location: Hangzhou Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r9 Recognition, r11 Geography, OCE(Oceanic Languages)
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