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  • Mystery of Atlantis
    A book compiled by John Tradescant as part of the research of Atlantis. It sets forth his interpretation of the disappearance of Atlantis as well as the history of ancient Egypt and ancient Greek, in a logical manner.
  • ()
    Exp: Fame: Ducat:

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      In honor of Atlantis' brief return, a quick guide:

      Quest Name: Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead

      3 stars, London Adventurers' Guild, 2,000 ducats
      Skills: Search R1 / Appraisal R1 / English (Body Language is fine; Germanic translation notes sold in London can be used if you want to try the 'quest appears sooner with language skills' approach but no archive reading is needed)
      Special Requirement: this quest requires a Honey Pancake x1 for one step per player running the quest. Pancakes can be bought in Tunis at the Rest House Clerk, from player bazaars, or even produced manually with cooking skill. Or maybe you still have yours from adventure school? Heh.


      Oxford - Talk to Justine, Tradescant, Boy, or Girl near the carriage in the northeast of town to start a cutscene; honey pancake x1 required for this step.
      Oxford - Julien appears; click on him or anyone else to continue.
      Oxford - Inside the college, talk to Tradescant near the Professor.
      London - Talk to Justine or Tradescant near the carriage to Oxford.
      Frankfurt (accessed via Hamburg, as you probably know) - Talk to Charioteer on arrival.
      London - Talk to Justine or Tradescant near the harbour port official.
      Oxford - Use Observe and Search near the Professor.

      Discovery: Mystery of Atlantis (★) - Treasure
      Item Acquired on discovery: Doctoral Thesis on Navigation x1
      Reward when reporting quest: Headache medication x1.

      This discovery opens up the rest of the Atlantis adventure route with Truth of Atlantis and Future of Atlantis discovery quests. It also unlocks Solar Barge Imperial Quests needed to reach Acropolis of Atlantis ; there are Merchant and Maritime quests which do the same. You only need to finish one Solar Barge IQ pre-req quest to begin building the Barge, happily, but feel free to do 'em all. It's a great story chain.

      Important note: you cannot currently do this quest (or any of the Adventure quests which follow it) without having completed the insanely lengthy Xanadu/Great Adventurer job chain first. Following Age of Revolution 3.5 patch, however, you'll no longer need Xanadu discovery as a pre-req. Please excuse any errors on my part; I'm an old sea dog, and my mind isn't what it used to be.

      Cheers. *vanishes ala Atlantis*

      Lets hope, Atlantis will stil be available after Age of Revolution 3.5 patch :)

      Quest name: Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead (Chrono Quest - Mythical Era)
      Quest location: London Adventurers' Guild
      Skill requirement: r1 Search, r1 Appraisal, ENG(English)
      Pre-requisite quest: "Aspiring a Pure World"
      Additional notes: First quest of Atlantis adventure route questchain

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