The Hercules Constellation
A constellation that represents the Greek hero Hercules. It is a large constellation located between Lyra and Corona Borealis, but has no first or second magnitude stars.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest name: A Hero's End (Chrono Quest - Mythical Era)
Quest location: Athens Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r9 Recognition, r11 Astronomy, r7 Theology
Pre-requisite discovery: Tiryns discovery (from "The Birthplace of Hercules" quest) + The Lyra Constellation discovery (from "The Legendary Minstrel" quest)
1. Venice Shylock (2)
2. Pisa Galileo Galilei x2
3. Gibraltar Strait Visibly
1. Venice Shylock (2)
2. Pisa Galileo Galilei x2
3. Gibraltar Strait Visibly
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