The Life Records of a Saint
The life story of an individual of the Kievan Rus' that later became a saint. Written by Nestor the Chronicler, it is described in the Primary Chronicle as well.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest: The memories of saints
City: St. Petersburg Adventure Guild
Quest name: The memories of saints (Chrono Quest - 3rd period, 18th Century)
Quest location: St. Petersburg Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r3 Search, r5 Theology, r3 Unlock
Pre-requisite discovery: Primary Chronicle discovery (from "A tale of years gone by" quest) + Gold coin of Vladimir the 1st discovery (from "The golden age of the Kievan Rus'" quest)
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