A general term for a kind of tall earthenware with a small mouth. It gets gradually wider from the base.
Seen since the time of ancient China, of the many different types, the Jingdezhen Porcelain is the most popular.
★★ (Treasure)
Exp:280 Fame:140 Ducat:56000
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards

How to get this discovery ?

Ming Mei
Shipwreck, East Asia.

Scumm Waring: be aware of Islam, Kantemir and Adelinka they stealing other ppl accounts and items!

This discovery can be found in an East Asia Trade Ship
someone know how many map piece sw needed for this?

Around 30 I believe. It's a random discovery if you get a shipwreck in East Asia but they don't appear too often in that area. I myself have pulled 88 wrecks and only gotten one Shipwreck that was in East Asia, and it didn't have this.
ok have 452 raised wreck only got one sw in east asia. so this is last discovery i need

Xiao Wei
I found that when assembling SWMPs and you complete a map, the game will try, though not always, to pop up a shipwreck close to your current location. So if your in Europe and you finish a map there you have a greater chance of getting a SW there then other places. You can still get a SW halfway across the world of course. Maybe try assembling the map in East Asia next time?
ok will try that.
7* shipwreck near Korea, 20/20 swmp's
r1 Meiping discovery
I got this discovery from the a 7* East Asia Trade Ship wreck located southeast of Anping. Needed about 18 SWMPs to complete.
I used Letters of Appreciation to get East Asia ★6 higher map for a legacy clue.
I got ★7 map and found this map is "East Asia Trade Ship". pulled it right below Sakai. Found Meiping!!
It is known that Meiping can be discovered only from ★7 "East Asia Trade Ship" (not "East Asia Tow Boat")
Anyway, I got this using LoA not SWMP :)
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