This is a particularly large catfish living in the Amazon river. Its whiskers can be twice the length of its body.
★★ (Marine creature)
Exp:260 Fame:130 Ducat:52000
- Difficulty/Name
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- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards

Amazon River - south fork 13362,4973
Caught it at R4 fishing in the amazon
caught at 13362,4973 r11 fishing
A friend caught one just outside the Amazon Upstream landin' with R7+1 fishing!
I spent almost an hour and a half at the coordinates that Henryk and Rob listed with R17 fishing and got no Piraiba discovery. When I moved in front of the Amazon River Upstream landing area however, I got it within literally just a couple of minutes. Im not sure if KOEI moved the discovery area over there or I just got unlucky, but if your after this fish DO try in front of the landing area first.
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