Rurik's Grave
According to the Primary Chronicle, Rurik built the nation that became the foundation for the Russian Empire. He may have once been a Viking. Until his death, he was a ruler for his people.
Exp: Fame: Ducat:
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
1. Speak to Scholar in St Petersburg
2. Read Archaeology in St. Pete's archive
3. Speak to Scholar again
4. Speak to Olga in Scandinavia West Coast 3x
5. Return to St Petersburg and speak to Scholar.
6. Use Recognition in St Petersburg near the iron gate to the left of the shipyard.
Quest name: Russia's origins (Chrono Quest - 3rd period, 18th Century)
Quest location: St. Petersburg Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r8 Recognition, r10 Archaeology, ARC(Far North Languages)
Pre-requisite discovery: Primary Chronicle discovery (from "A tale of years gone by" quest) + Ladoga Lake discovery (from "An enormous lake" quest)
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