A perennial native to North America that blooms mainly during the summer. The flowers have three petals, which are blue-tinged violet. The flower word means, a moment of happiness.
★★★★ (Historic site)
Exp:800 Fame:400 Ducat:160000
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Quest name: Beyond regret (Chrono Quest - 3rd period, 17th Century)
Quest location: Zanzibar Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r4 Ecological Research, r6 Biology, ENG(English)
Pre-requisite discovery: Dodo* discovery (from "A world becoming clearer" quest) + Green Dragon Crescent Blade discovery (from "Proof from a Historical Novel" quest)
Additional note #1: "Main" part of Xanadu/Great Adventurer questchain
Additional note #2: 90-days deadline quest
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