A city of the southern Mongolian Plateau. Built by the Yuan Dynasty emperors, it was the political capital during the summer months. In The Travels of Marco Polo, it was described as an elegant city with the best technology, and became ingrained in the dreams of many a seafarer.
★★★★★ (Historic site)
Exp:930 Fame:465 Ducat:186000
- Difficulty/Name
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
Very fun quest chain
Quest name: The promised future (Chrono Quest - 14th Century)
Quest location: London Adventurers' Guild
Skill requirement: r13 Recognition, r15 Archaeology, CHN(Chinese)
Pre-requisite discovery: Spiderwort discovery (from "Beyond regret" quest) + The Travels of Marco Polo discovery (from "Adventurer's bible" quest)
Additional note: "Main" part (& final goal) of Xanadu/Great Adventurer questchain
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