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Pirate Patrol Corvette
A Special Patrol Corvette with
improved overall capabilities.

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 3, Broadside: 4
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 1
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1
Optional Skill
Range 435 ~ 725
Effective Range 464 ~ 700
Volume 580 (Pirate Patrol Corvette Cabin 100 + Cannon Chambers 60 + Hold 420)
Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
Pirate Patrol Corvette Cabin: 50 ~ 150 Cannon Chambers: 30 ~ 90
Range 725 - 50 - 30 = 645
Effective Range 700 - 50 - 30 = 620
This is probably referring to new ship Pirate Patrol Corvette which is on current cove right now.
If you looked at 'Real Money$' section on ivyro HOME/main, the first few ships are uwc version of Order of the Prince's ships up to Chapter 2 that already translated to English names, until you can see there are a picture of old ships with weird chord sign, along with upcoming uwc version of Adv. Galley/Satisfaction/Bounty, and last few ships are uwc version of future ships.
This page is spoiling info that there will probably a lot of whole new UWC version of returning old ships such as Turtle Ship, Ottoman Galleass, BTC, so on. I might be wrong, but with the fact PPC arrived it would be a sign.
and very low level requirement..
Looks like ivyro updated somehow, and i was right this is Pirate Patrol Corvette. However, it looks like the other new 'mysterious' UWC ol' ships are revealed to be under 'Pirate' name (Example, Pirate Ottoman Galleass, Pirate BTC, Pirate Atakebune, and so on)
They might have put "pirate" for any other unreleased ships with no known English translations yet. There's a pirate big trading clipper. While it sounds awesome, there is a big chance it is not gonna be that.
You're right, who would use BTC for pirate anyway lol i think it will be most of them under Pirate label, not all, but yeah it's too quick for me to jump to a conclusion so let's wait for a while
And after one week and more days waiting, another Pirate-version of old ships is in current Legend Chest, pointing out one of Pirate ships collection on ivyro database, Pirate Hind
Pirate Hind. And after lurking around Korean server, it is most likely that the Big Trading Clipper is with name Improved not Pirate, while yea it sounds awesome to have BTC with Pirate name..
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