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  • Custom Trading Clipper 160
    A specially made Trading Clipper that has been rebuilt for easier handling.

    Build Original Ship
  • Base Performance
    Ship Hold info
    Sailing Requirements

    Studding Sail: 4, Broadside: 3
    Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
    Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1

    Optional Skill


                Range 495 ~ 825
                Effective Range 528 ~ 797
                Volume 660 (Custom Trading Clipper Cabin 40 + Cannon Chambers 16 + Hold 604)

                Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
                Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
                Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
                Custom Trading Clipper Cabin: 21 ~ 60 Cannon Chambers: 8 ~ 24

                Range 825 - 21 - 8 = 796
                Effective Range 797 - 21 - 8 = 768

                same stat as red pine Trading Clipper with 6 improvement(8 maybe in colony), +20 extra cargo, +1 turn...and low lvl...

                price check?

                goes 8/8

                goes 8/8

                ok here are the base stats
                11 turn
                9 wave resistance
                14 armour
                601 dur
                Minum guns are 8
                when refited 612 cargo

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                Ming Mei
                levels needed are 6/16/1 and ship handling proficiency is 0/160

                ok here are the base stats
                11 turn
                9 wave resistance
                14 armour
                601 dur
                Minum guns are 8
                when refited 612 cargo

                Xiao Wei
                10knts max speed not modded

                3 broad sides and 1 stern gun.
                4 studding sail slots
                3 extra armour slots
                2 special equipment slots

                r18 max effective cargo is 758 (with 21 crew and 8 gun minimums)

                got one for sell ING SinaJ

                anyone know what the optional skills are for this ship? Galley + Workshop doesn't give galley skill like the regular trading clipper.

                ^^^ meant galley + warehouse =/= galley skill

                ^^^ so far,
                large gaff + anti-fouling paint = emergency acceleration
                heavy modified gun port + money chest + special ship hold = improved hold
                maybe galley for this ship requires a heavy modified gun port as well?

                improved 8/8 max turn and sail , from panama to hangzhou for 25 days


                No Offense, but the ships that CPC auctions off are not even worth stealing. Last night she had a MsuF but again that's only what 10b? CPC has a good thing going and she has a good rapport with both the game staff and players. I don't think she would ruin her reputation over a couple mediocre ships.

                WTB CTC at 6B.

                WTS ticket 3b

                It's a disaster that CPC auctioned CTC for 515m. It's totally a shame that CPC declined bids higher than 515m!!She is CRZY.

                Ming Mei
                Indeed, CPC declined higher bids against clients' will.

                Ming Mei
                Indeed, CPC declined higher bids against clients' will.

                The Poopster
                WTS Ticket 7B

                7b Hahaha. this ship is terrible.

                lol i don't think why this ship worth afew bil while to get to lvl 64 is not very hard , just run dungeon all day and 3 4 day i can get a alt from lvl 1 to lvl 64 , even for aide , this ship have high cargo , but not worth that much

                If this ship was auctioned for 500mil+ it's right on the money. Though I remember CPC asking for 1bil to start on a CTC auction the other day and there were no bidders. All this trolling for 2bil, 6bil, 9bil just means there are many resellers who can't unload it for insane prices. It's just a NC lvl52 trading clipper with fewer supported optional skills, lower requirements and +20 cargo, not worth billions.

                what the hell is wrong with you people? This ship is um... not worth a lot. I don't know why so many people get so heated about a TRADING CLIPPER. If you can't get yourself into the non-nc version of this ship within a month of starting this game then you haven't paid any attention to how this game works.

                Now mind you, I did not say if you HAVEN'T gotten yourself into one, I said if you don't know HOW to get yourself into one. Some people know all about dungeons and esbt's and they also know about buying EA goods for trade xp. They actively choose not to do that and there is nothing wrong with that, but they know HOW to do it.

                This ship is a head-scratcher for me honestly, the non-nc version is easy to get into and the stats honestly are not that appealing.

                I see a lot of trolls here. This is a nice ship and is worth about 3B for a ticket in my opinion. CRZY's auctions are not the standard of prices. I've seen stuff auction off in her auctions way under value. And then someone go and turn around and sell the same item for 10 times the amount CRZY's auction sold it for. Why does that happen? It's all about who's online and who's paying attention.

                This is a nice ship and is worth about 500mil for a ticket in my opinion. CPC's auctions are not the standard of prices, nor are your opinions, nor mine. This ship isn't faster than a regular trading clipper, doesn't turn faster, doesn't have higher wave resistance, and only +20 cargo. The only saving grace is the extra round of improvement and extra low required sailing levels.

                who would buy this ship 3b?although 1b i won't buy it

                People with 3B should be able to get and use a lot better ships...

                So 3B it is.

                So anyone else watching the Lame Idonae auction in merchant chat? Everybody wants to be CPC now a days lol

                Oh so this ship is worth 3B

                I mean ffs i can get a MTC,MMG,MI,FHK,MHK ect better then this for 1-3bil

                Yeah like I said 3B.

                lol , if a newbie have 3 bil , he can pay 1 bil to buy ea goods and buy a LMS for him self already =.=

                Dongwoo That makes you the first newbie, newbie can't sail a LMS yet even his ducats rich. NOOB

                lol lvl 35 adv is not very hard nowaday because we have something called "college"

                Ming Mei
                who is sailor2 ?

                Silly fruit basket, ECHOES and maze are two different people. As of sailor4 he used to be sergant002's alt but I think he was give to a friend of sergent002's

                I dunno they sure look like 1 person to me by their one person move at a time movements

                iam Sailor2 ... what's wrong if i sell CTC 3b ? i sell ship to rich players . who doesn't have money ..so don't buy it

                why don't u tell us your real name ? not this alt name ?

                yah but tell me who is sailor1 , i will tell you my real name . iam calling sailorgroup . i know sailor3-4-5-6 but i can't find sailor1 ...:(

                theos mom
                theo your the dumbass obviously he was stating buying EA goods which levels Trade faster resulting in high enough level, kinda of slow or not thinking makes you a retard

                A CTC goes for 500-700mil. Anyone who is asking more for that is a moron

                just take this example : like a newbie messup with TB and got a HSFCV , he got scammed and sell for 5bil , then he can still have enough money for get up to lvl 64 and use a BTC , then he stop , and grind maritime , while he grind maritime , his adv lvl goes up too , so he can start to use a LMS when he hit lvl 36 then , but if he dream about a Tea clipper , it gonna be a pain for him lol

                crazy to buy this ship 3b

                oh lol , i am sailor2 and im selling ctc for 3 bil , and u call me a scammer lol

                oh lol , "i am sailor2 and im selling ctc for 3 bil" , and u call me a scammer lol

                just repeating , not saying lol

                Why do you assume CPC said any of those things? They are not posted here by anyone claiming to be CPC. IF she did say these things on another forum then go post it there instead of this idiotic attempt to feign innocence when all you are trying to do is keep repeating it until everyone thinks it is true.

                What it all looks like to me is a smear campaign to try to drive away competition and it will only end badly. Even if you succeed, you will no doubt end up pissing off a large portion of the gaming community (again) and fall off of the face of the earth (again).

                I just bought my CTC for 5B. I love this ship!

                how many times do I have to say it? 3B. quit resisting

                WTS CTC in ticket 19b pm me!

                I sold mine for 2.5b =(

                07-15-2013I just bought my CTC for 5B. I love this ship!

                Sakura Sakura
                07-15-2013how many times do I have to say it? 3B. quit resisting
                07-15-2013I sold mine for 2.5b =(

                lol just a same scammer

                How is this ship worth even more than 1b? For the cargo size? At lower levels, trade players can't load that much anyway and it's just a waste of space. Unless u're wasting away POs with r2-3 trade skills which would be waste of resource too. I can't imagine any player actually loving this ship after spending billions on it cos u won't be utilising it well and by the time u do, ur levels should be easily high enough for much better trade ships... ships that may not cost even half a billion

                3b is a little high, 500-700m is a little low. Id say 1b-2b depending on mods. This is a good aide ship for mid level players to swap with battle ship when sailing for tactical purposes. Also a nice ship for newbies with such low lvl reqs and with 3 more mods than regular 52 TC for adding wave resistence, its worth keeping until can sail BTC or LMS.

                Now we know that Cornelia= CPC;

                Meng Meng
                i think 1b is a good price for this ship even modded

                I guess Chester makes a good point. Yes it is good for tactical purposes with an aid. Its not a high cargo ship like FHK or MHK or even MI but with its low sailing requirements and having EA skill it is great to swap with aide. As for the top aide ships only MTC has EA with as low sailing requirements.

                Li Yue
                If I can spend 2b on a MTC, why would I buy a CTC at that price? Just because Chester thinks 500m is too low? What tactical advantage does a CTC offer over a MTC at the same price point? slower acceleration and lower cargo capacity? If your aide can only sail in low requirement ships, how do you expect the aide to 'tactically' swap with a battleship? Or do you assume NC battleship as well? Heck at 2b, you can buy a MAV ticket and max effective cargo that baby for over 900 capacity. CTC makes a nice and cheap NC ship, but not at over 500mil for a ticket or over 1bil for a fully modded one.

                Li Yue i admire u lol , u said all the think i wanna say >.< u took all of my fun :(

                2b only would get you a crappy MTC because theyre more than that. 2b is fair for a max CTC. LiYue is missing the tactical concept. Yes you would swap with NC ships for the EA. MAV doesn't have EA so you make no sense. This ship swaps well with any of the NC battle ships other than HSFCV and is good cargo with EA and with 8 mods max wave is easily achieveable.

                lol "2b only would get you a crappy MTC" MTC ticket is just only 800 ~ 1b , 2B is for fully modded with Dsails =.=

                MTC ticket 800-1b, now you bullshitting

                Li Yue
                I'm not missing the tactical concept at all. Anything a CTC can do, a MTC can do better. MTC has EA, faster top speed and faster acceleration if that's the route you want to go to chase down or to run away. On the point of MAV, what's a bigger deterrent to enemies if you just want to sail away? a CTC with EA or a MAV? You really think swapping with a EA equipped CTC will let you get anywhere out of the reach of a rowboat or most other battleships? If both MAV and CTC are at 2bil a piece, a MAV is downright more useful in nearly every way other than EA. And you if you must have EA, grab a MTC for 2bil.

                If you don't like this ship, why do you feel so passionate about posting on here? Unless you really do want the ship and are just spreading your cost lowering propaganda so you can get one. For you I'll sell it for 10b, but anybody else I'll sell it for 3b. Oh yeah, if that's too much, go get a trading clipper instead. I'm sure you can pick up a cedar trading clipper for about 8m if you spam for it. That's the poor man's boat.

                I honestly don't care what the dumbass kids spend their ducats on, but when a Custom Vaisseau sells for about 1B and is all the maritime boat you'll ever need for pve grinding, i don't understand why this boat could possibly be worth more than 1B and that's top end pricing imo.

                This boat is only marginally better than the above mentioned "poor man's boat". There are MUCH BETTER OPTIONS out there for the kind of money you people want to sell this boat for. If some newbie can afford to buy this polished turd then they can damn well afford to buy their trade level up to the point where they can get in a much better, faster, larger boat.

                And I don't buy the argument of this being an Aide ship either, trading clippers just aren't that damn fast. (I DID NOT SAY THEY WERE SLOW, I'm just saying they aren't speed demons either)

                If you don't like this ship, why do you feel so passionate about posting on here? Unless you really do want the ship and are just spreading your cost lowering propaganda so you can get one. For you I'll sell it for 10b, but anybody else I'll sell it for 3b. Oh yeah, if that's too much, go get a trading clipper instead. I'm sure you can pick up a cedar trading clipper for about 8m if you spam for it. That's the poor man's boat.

                Wtb this ship for 3bil.
                My ingame name is Coolstorybro

                Want to sell my dick for 300 dollars>>>>>> I want a PS3

                Dont sell yourself young man, one day your testicles will drop, girls will stop being "icky" and you'll find out what that thing is really for.

                lol.. Everybody is fighting about this CTC. I got 2 CTC from box, i sold one for 2b i think that was fair. As for others that saying its worth lot less, then why don't you look for it, thus if there is someone want to sell it that cheap, and if your argument is you can get a beter ship, then get it. We never ask you to buy our ship in the first place, we can find another buyers and i tend to agree with Lo, you guys just want one and couldn't get one and make these comment propaganda to lower the price.

                well yes u think thats fair because u got 2bil from it... the point is that this ship is not worth 2bil... or 3bil. i can buy way more better ships with that type of money then this... L O G I C it helps use it!

                @george Well, i use my logic dumbtard!! I was selling the ship, so my logic as someone want to sell anything is get as much PROFIT as posible and it was posible to sell it up to 2b. Its simple theory of economy, if you don't know that, may i sugest for you to go back to school and learn some more?
                Its your logic as buyer that you want to buy things as cheap as posible and its fine, but the question is, is there someone want to sell it that cheap? If you get CTC ticket, and you want to sell it for 500mill then do it, but i wont sell it for 500mill and i sold it for 2b.
                My point still stand, if you dont want to buy it then dont, we never ask you to buy it!! Now, use your logic when you sugest someone else to use logic in the first place!!

                Xiao Wei
                Ita just a trader thing. Look under every high end trade ship. You get a bunch of whiny crying traders alwaya tryin to drive down the prices. Never any useful arguments, just a bunxh of whining and bitching.

                just like all things in life, if someone wants it they will pay, if someone want to charge me 15 bill for a ship and I want it, ill pay,
                1. I want it and find it worth that
                2. its game money who cares
                charge what you want, if I want it I will buy it, and I don't expect people to pay what I did if I sell ill try to sell for what I paid but also realize I might lose money oh well

                @Xiao Wei, i agree traders should not try to drive prices down and buy low to sell high for profits... in fact traders should just shut up and spend all their money anyhow and forget any such business logic that creates profits, leave the money making to non-traders like u that just wants to sell ships for good money and get rich

                Xiao Wei is right, traders are the worst!! I am a reseller, when I sell NC battleships yea I get trolled. When I sell NC trade ships I get trolled wayyyy worse. The worst ship I sold was FLFS. OMG the ridiculous offers I got. I guess a majority of traders don't know shit about ship performance, atleast not like most maritimers do. They just see something they want and spam it down to a price they can afford. Traders think that the haggle button works against players too.

                If you hate traders so much, don't sell to them. Stop whining about them here. Sell it at the price you want, sell them to maritimers only. Tell them it's potentially a 92 man pirate's dream clipper and be done with it.

                This ship shouldn't be below 1-2b no matter what. First off with such simple sail requirements anyone can sail and most alts/aides can sail. It can be speed modded for and alt/aide and used and swapped for tactical speed reasons with pretty much any NC battle ship for a nice combo. Only faster combo would be MTC + NC ships and MTC are atleassst 2b unmodded. This ship can go 8/8 meaning easily gets max sails, wave and turn with the 2 optional skills and room to spare without even using Delphin sails(just stack admirals cabins and traverse ropes). Being able to get such high sail speed and wave resist mean you can even put this ship to min cargo range and eat the penalties for even more speed, and with 4 sail slots this gets good speed. Or if your a sissy trader you can go to max range and eat the penalties for cargo hauling. Any ship with these low sailing reqs, this much speed (EA) and cargo is easily 1b+. The price is only low now due to so many on server. This happened with ETCs too in the TB, they went down to 2b, now 4b again. This is a very good ship and underrated.
                O Laurencio, a 92 man pirate ship. You must be one of the players Xiao Wei speaks of.

                It's not just the current TB, netmarble give 100 of those each week with there summer promo. That will lower the price for the ship at least for all July.

                @Sakura/reseller... and being a reseller is not a trader because?? do resellers not troll newbies for cheap NC ships, offering ridiculous prices that in no way match its value? have u look in a mirror lately?

                Hernan.. how to get one from promo??

                Xiao Wei is right, look at all the traders whining and making weak excuses not relevant to the ship to lower prices..

                Port Official
                How do I get one of these from the promotion? Only 2 weeks left in July....

                Just buying nc, netmarble give 10% extra nc and you get a chance to get an ctc. Players are pick at random every week. Any amount of nc work.

                lol just some noob scammers bought it for 500 ~ 2bil and now can't sell them

                Keep talking this ship up like it's something worth having. For those that come to this site and end up buying one anyway: remember you were told by more than one person that these ships ain't "all that". They are okay, just okay.

                I am gonna recycle all CTC and impound them!!!

                Meng Meng
                for newbie , this ship is just for speed , for middle lvl , this is a good aide ship to run FSD , for high lvl , this ship is useless because we had something called "tea clipper" and "big trading clipper" and " LMS " "LS " so for me i wont even bother to pay 300m for this ship

                And again, if you don't want it, don't buy it. Simple. We never ask you to buy it in the first place. You bunch just want this ship price goes down, and keep it for a while so you can sell it again with high price. Stop this BS this ship ain't worth it, because buyers decide if its worth the money or not. If i want to buy this ship and someone sell it at 2b and im ok with it then i'll buy it. Simple. wheather its worth the money or not is irrelevant since i want this ship.

                Xiao Wei
                Your reading comprehension is seriously lacking. I'm not saying that I wouldn't buy it at 3bil. I'm saying 3 bil is a ridiculous price for what you are getting. 1 bil is tippy top end in my opinion. I'm not talking the ship down because i want to sell it for higher prices later, I am however saying if you know ships at all then you should know it's not worth any more than that. You can get much better ships for about the same price.

                Why should I just sit quietly by while the new players are being duped by all this over-hyped nonsense? FFS I've seen people buy min cargo trade clippers that were touted as "super fast" only to figure out way too late that it's a fail build. And lo and behold I'm seeing the same nonsense here. "make it min cargo for tactical speed". Pirates are laughing their asses off 'cause nothing you can do to a TC or CTC will make it fast enough to outrun a real pirate once he sees you.

                If nobody speaks up when this kind of nonsense is spewed, then otherwise unsuspecting buyers have no idea you are blowing smoke right up their backside.

                And your reading comprehanension is seriously lacking too. Im not saying its worth the money or not, my point is someone who sell something, is the one that set the price, not buyer and buyer is the one who decide if he want it or not and/or decide its worth the money or not.

                Okay you're not buying one so you don't set the price, I'm not buying one so I don't set the price, so we have nothing left to talk about innit?

                Now to the potential buyers: This ship is NOT WORTH 2 BIL! YOU SET THE PRICE! Tell them it's worth 1 bil tops! It's up to you, don't muck this up.

                BWAHAHAHAHA.. And you said that i have serious lack of comprehansion? I said that SELLER IS THE ONE WHO SET THE PRICE, not buyer. BUYER is someone who decide wheather he wants it or not and/or worth the money or not. Now, who is what? Btw, i bought one at 2b and 1 got another one from box and i sold one of it at 2b. so I have pretty much right to say anything in this comment section. My point still stand: "IF YOU DONT WANT IT THEN DONT BUY IT!!" Simple, if you can COMPREHEND this then don't bother to make a new comment and i wont make any comment as you are lacking of comprehension to my comments.

                Junk. Suitable for very young merchants

                sellers don't set the price genius, buyers do. You can try to sell it for 20 billion all you want, you think you just set the price? Buyers are the ones with the ducats, they set the price it ACTUALLY SELLS AT.

                You don't have the "right" to say a damn thing unless you own the site. You can say all you want about it, congratulations that you sold one for 2b, that doesn't mean it was worth that price. Fact is there are better ships out there for about the same price and whoever bought it for 2B was a fool.

                i agreed with nicola , let him talk , if my friend buy this for 1bil iw would kill them IRL lol

                @Emma What your definitions of setting a price? Because my definition is someone who set a price of certain things. For example, if you go to a store or supermarket who is the one who set the price that they sell there? I say its the owner of super market set certain price for certain things and not the buyers/costumer. Maybe you know this thing called "price label"? So who is what now?
                @Nicola By your logic buddy, you don't have the right to say damn thing unless you own this site too. So, dont say a damn thing here too and STFU!! because you don't own this site. BTW, i never say it worth the money or not, i said that i want this ship i bought it, got another one from box, sold it at one it at 2b.

                From all of you, my point still stand: "IF YOU DON'T WANT IT, THEN DON'T BUY IT!" and that should be enough advice for a newbie out there. If you want this ship then buy it, if you don't and thin there is a better one then don't. YOU from any other people should the one who decide for your self and start doing so!! Don't let other people influence you, do what you want and what you think and/or feel right. Thus including me from influencing you.

                A piece of advice to you who make a comment and try to bashing me out, try to avoid making a debate with a law school student and/or a lawyer if you can't win it.

                I will stop making any further comment and i rest my case to the jury (buyers) to decide.

                lol let say 3 guys messing with the Tbox , they got 3 ship , they don't wanna use it , they sell it at 10 bil , no1 buy , they gonna have to lower down eventually , because they still want money , there will have a time when they can sell it for even 1bil , they will have to shout for 500m , then who said they decided the price if no1 buying ?

                @Igor Yes, you never said to me to shut up, i told you to STFU. because your logic is flawed, your logic is: "just told you don't have the "right" to say anything here." and that because "unless you own this site". By that logic neither me nor you can say anything at all at this comment section because both of us don't own the site, thus making us as a person without a right to say anything at all at this comment section. If its not flawed logic then i dont know what it is.
                @laurencio ummm.. The seller? because based on what your earlier comment, he just set the price from 10bill to 1bill to 500mill. If you dont know what setting a price mean is, use my definiton and my definition is: "someone who set a price of certain thing". It simple definiton really, if you can't get it, i can't help you bud.

                Xiao Wei
                Well I have no doubt that you are going to be a lawyer because a.) you love to argue and b.) you have lied twice now. You forgot to end this one with yet another "I will post no more on this subject"

                I'm not even talking to you anyway, I'm simply putting it out there for the UWO community who are looking for information. This ship is okay, only just okay. For the price many are asking for this ship, you can buy better. You have yet to refute that part, but you already said (twice) that you weren't going to post anymore on this subject. Have some integrity man!

                But as long as we are arguing, point in fact you stated that you had a "right" to post here. I never said you couldn't say anything, I simply said you don't have a "right" to say anything here. You are reading entirely too much into what was written. It is your logic that is not only flawed, but downright wrong. You have no rights to post here, only priveleges. Show me where my logic is flawed there. Remember, I never said you can't post or you shouldn't post, I only said you don't have a right to post. You need to do a lot better than this or you are going to get torn to shreds in your mock trials.

                Thanks i hope i will be one when the time is come. As for your point a. my answer is yes i do love to argue. As your point b. my answer is if you are fighting with someone you thought you are win because you beat the hell out of him you are feeling sorry for him because you are beat them already and try to save his dignity from embarasing them self and saying i wont punch that guy anymore, but suddently he start to attack you and punch you again, what will you do? stand still and let him punch you all the way or you punch them back? well, if im in that situation i will punch him back, even though i contradict (not a lie, but contradict from what i said) my self. BTW, i do have integrity, i tried twice not to making any fruther comment for saving them from makin further embarassment, but these guys just keep comming and trying to bashing my comment down.

                I never said that this ship bad or okay or good or great or superb, what i said is: "If you don't want it then don buy it." Simple. If you think there is better ship then do as you please to buy that one, but if you want this ship, the seller set the price of the ship (curently at 2b, i believe) then buy it. NO one, i repeat NO ONE, ask you to buy it or not. and again from what i said earlier, Decide anything you want by yourself and start doing so!!

                la la la la arguing because of a ship

                @Shirin i did, and i think i do. Im user of this site and it have income from user like me and you. (btw, do you know where website income come from right? if you don't know its from user click on the site and turn into some statistic, furthermore those statistic get them ratings to get income from advirtiser) Because we indirectly give them income, thus making us have a right. If you dont have a right from indirect contribution then, a lot of things, for example: if you are a house wife and providing your husband with a delicious food, wash his clothes, clean your house and other indirect contribution to your husband, does it make you have no right to say anything at all? what are we, leaving in the 17th century? My point is i think what you are saying is wrong because its not previllages, its a right for you. if ivyro try to change the coment section to facebook acount, does that make you have no right to protest if you dont agree with it because you don't own this site? Try to know what is your right and previllages bud.

                Look at some of CPC's past auctions of this boat not one has gone above 700mil and the ones that bids started at 1bil got No Bids this boat isnt worth over 1bil at all If you sold for more you got lucky or found a dumb buyer

                Auction#839 Ship Ticket#80 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,V187,H285,T11,WR9,14 lvl 6/16/1 / FireMorgan / SOLD Bigjoey 380mil

                Auction#894 Ship Ticket#80 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,V+187,H+285,T+11,WR+9,Arm+14 lvl 6/16/1 /TooMuchPain/ Sold for 520mil

                Auction#880 Ship Ticket#80 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,V+187,H+285,T+11,WR+9,Arm+14 lvl 6/16/1 / Siral / 1bil / SOLD Idonae 701mil

                Auction#881 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,Intense repair V+187,H+285,T+11,WR+9,Arm+14 lvl 6/16/1 / anna101 / SOLD WolfsBane 625mil

                Auction#869 Ship Ticket#80 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,V+187,H+285,T+11,WR+9,Arm+14 lvl 6/16/1 / Siral / 1bil NO SALE

                Auction#871 Custom Trading Clipper1/6,Dura601,CRW40,GUN16,CARG604,Intense repair V+187,H+285,T+11,WR+9,Arm+14 lvl 6/16/1 / anna101 / NO bids @1bil

                Wow, no ,you don't have a right to post here. The owner of the site can delete your posts, ban your IP and you have no legal recourse. And why do you have no legal recourse? because you have no RIGHT to post here. You generated revenue for the owner, that's great, I generate revenue for my local grocery store, but i have no RIGHT to be on their property and they can ask me to be removed at any time because I do not own the property. You seem to be confused on what a "right" is.

                @lancelot actually i do, at least in my country. If this site server and company is located at my country i do have a right to sue them from deleting my post, thus if im not braking of their rules. I can sue them from preventing freedom of speech to illegal deletation of someone else intelectual property (since post/comment in my country consider as a form of outcome of your thought, thus making it protected by Intelectual Property Law). You are the one seems to be confuse which is your right and which is other people right. Its the right of the owner of the store kick you out of their property. But you have a right to be in there property as long as the owner isnt mind. This is the definiton of right in my country, you have every right of things as long as its not violated other people right. By people it means, including but not restricted to person ,legal entity, government or any other means that is right according to civil law.

                @ lancelot,
                wow stop geeking out

                You mad bro?
                Its just a game, don't take every messages in this site or in the web seriously. Jeez, you're doing too much...

                Yeah okay go ahead and sue them for deleting a post, that's insane. You can SUE for anything, but i seriously doubt you'd win. I still say you are confused on what a right is and what a privilege is. Good luck suing over your intellectual property. You have heard of "frivolous lawsuit" right? Now watch how this works, I'm going to say I'm done posting on this subject, and I unlike you will not be baited into saying anymore. Thanks for playing though.

                Wen zhi
                Two Morons having a law debate on a video game site Have a Life Much?

                Random player's mom
                Yeah where are the good ole days when somebody would come on impersonating some other player and talk about anal plunder? Or use the word "cock" or "cunt".

                That's much better.

                this isnt a membership only site wher you Have to log in to post.everyone has the 'right' to post here. The owner has the ability to revoke that 'right'.

                anyway saying you are going to sue because your posts were deleted is like a gold seller saying they are going to sue for being banned. an admin/modetator can delete posts at their own discretion.

                I prefer Cunt and Ass comments compared to this CourtTV bullshit now...HOW MUCH IS THIS BOAT WORTH?? I heard 700mil in alo post and 2bil in another

                @Theo I know frivolous lawsuit is, thats why i said if this site or the company that own the site is located in my country i can sue them, the fact that its not, then the law of my country isn't apply to it, doesn't it? Btw, who is saying im going to sue them in the first place? i said as i quote my self: "I do have a right to sue them" and the other one is "i can sue them", i never said that i want/will to sue this site. WTH is wrong with you? can't you defferentiate between can and want? simple example for you, I can kill people, but i dont want to. get it? its different.. Again you are embarashing yourself, i tried twice not to make any further comment, but you just keep comming making the fool out of your self. Good, if you want to stop, thats mean you are not going to embarass your self again with you stupidity.

                this all started with somebody raising holy hell over CPC selling one for 515 million and not accepting bids from somebody who has shown a pattern of trying to disrupt her auctions. It has gone downhill from there and I didn't even think that was possible. Will you two retards shut up about legal bullshit nobody else even cares about? Both of you said you wouldn't say anymore, not do us all a favor and don't!

                At any rate, 500M to 1 Bil seems to be the prevalent pricing. If you're selling try to get more, if you're buying try to pay less.

                Maria shut up i can sue you for your comment lol. Just joking, you 2 get back to your game life or real life, seem you really need it instead of debating ship legal here. Leave this site with comment of game related such as pros cons and fair value price on the ship pls. We have enough hate here.

                Cpc did the right thing not to accept that troll bid to jack up the price of boat from a honest bidder. I remember when some bid 275 m for a custom siam cpc call for all final bids no bid so she closed the auction. Then someone said 300 m she didnt accept his bid. I offer the same guy to sell my custom siam for 250 m he decline to buy obviously cause he wanted to drive up the price. He admitted himself to me he was trolling.

                Inside dupe: UWO has officially decided to substitute MSupF for CTC in the coming NC summer bonus lottery. Move this debate to the MSupF page.

                Port Official
                This is a very low lvl NC-ship, if you get it cheap buy it, all NC with low levels are attractive to almost all. Strange debate this!! It got decent cargo and crew, but no one will pay more than what a fully modded TC is worth!!

                fully modded TC = 100m silly

                Meng Meng
                price check plz? no ticket..........

                ticket = 200-300 , modded 600-700

                Ticket is 2b modded=3,5b

                ticket is 2b modded 3,5b , another scammer

                almost @s good as ETC not so much difference

                u modded a CTC and a ETC to test , i would love to see it lol , just a scammer trying to scam newbie money

                Mei Hua
                not much difference

                WTS CTC 1/6 w/ High lookout leave message here xD no replies on offers under 1,4b

                why don't u leave ign here for ever1 too see how noob u r , i bet your name is some known scammer lol , for newbie , save up money and buy a normal ship when hit lvl 52 , this is just a piece of crap , some noobs like lena ^ for example bought it for 1bil and now try to resell it

                ticket is NOT 2bil more people say under a bill than over a bil and the auction list laurencio posted is proof its just better ships out there

                Beatrice , im sorry , but honey , u're wrong , ticket is NOT over 500m

                Sellme yours for 500 then. I was shouting last night for hours to buy at 600 and didnt even get 1 offer

                if u don't see why , look up lol , those noobs bought all of this ship if they sees it below 1,5 bil , look whos crying now lol

                If this ship is "500m" ill take 10. This is a very underrated ship. There are just so many on sever because of the promotion. When event is over this ship will be 1b+ easy. If I had one I wouldn't dare sell for under 1b. Wait 2 weeks and itll be worth more. I will be trying to accumulate these in ticket form if theyre 500m..

                seen this advertised in seville yesterday at 900m and dropped to 700m for quite some time seller - MikiJr. i believe

                lol sell for 1b+ easy , sounds like "scam for 1b+ easy" to me , any noob don't have problem with thier brain knows he can get to lvl 52 in 2 days sit in syracuse farm esbt sell 1m each and buy ea goods so year , and any1 1 running FSD for ea goods knows he can get his aide to lvl 44 in a week keeps running FSD to grind aide , so yeah , this ship worth 500m , i would sell all of them if i have and laugh at the buyers face

                My god the ignorance. Did I just see somebody say there is not much difference between a custom trading clipper and an expedition tea clipper?

                ETC's can get over 1000 cargo, they are MUCH faster and accelerate quicker too. It does not take long to be able to use much better ships than a CTC, hell it doesn't take long to get your aide up to be able to use much better ships than a CTC. What is wrong with you people? Unless you are spending rl money to get 1-2 billion ducats, you should ALREADY be high enough level for something better by the time you are able to get that kind of money together.

                This is a fine ship for the right price, but my goodness comparing it to any version of a tea clipper is ridiculous.

                i saw that too , but don't u think its too ridiculous to even repeat that ?

                If nobody points it out, then how does a new player know it's nonsense?

                I guess there isn't much difference between an iron TLG modded for battle and a Vaisseau either.

                i guess a newbie must know how to get to lvl 52 trade and he will know how to use TLG to grind battle and i guess most of newbie rush to get 52 trade and go for a TC while i see BTS is much better lol

                This ship is much better than the lvl 52 tc. With 8 mods its easy to get max sails, wave and turn with so mich room to spare you can put in max cargo and eat the penalties still. Not to mention the low sail reqs can easily tow your nc battle ship then swap with aide when battling/ defending. This ship is worth more than 500m for the EA, low sail reqs and cargo.

                what part of "you can buy a better ship for that price" do you not comprehend?. Why do you keep trying to say this ship can outrun pirates? This ship cannot out accellerate any rowboat out of port, hell a vaisseau can catch it out of port. It cannot outrun any clipper-killer pirate ships in open water. Just stop. It is an okay ship, it is over-hyped by people wanting to sell it, it is not as big, not as fast, not as good as you are making it out to be.

                To the prospective buyer: you will outgrow this ship quickly, don't spend more than you have to on it.

                you guys are just wanting to get a cheap ship for 500m and sell them later for 2b+

                Mmg, mi and thise asian ships dont have EA skill. This has sufficent cargo +EA. only ship better is etc/mtc

                Wen zhi
                This ship belongs in the lower tier of the heavy ship class, meaning the improvements caps are lower. +90v/+90h sail, +18 turn, +17 wave, +33 cargo, etc. Sure you can "max out" the sails, turn and waves without NC parts with 8 improves, but it's against a much lower cap. Meaning even at its best, it can't hope to be in the same class as ETC/MTC/MMGs with their higher tier improvement caps of +110v/+110h sail, +22 turn, +21 wave, +41 cargo, etc. And we didn't even go into the base stat disparities. Not all max sail/turn/wave are created equal.

                You guys seemed to have undervalued the "low level requirement" of CTC, which is an important reason why it is worth as much as ETC/MTC given that its peak performance might be lower.

                a modified tea clipper is 13/17/15 to sail is that requirement too high for you and your aide? Is the 1 level trade difference what you are using to justify the worth of a CTC against it? Are the levels into the high teens in any discipline too hard for you and your aide to reach? Would you like to call a help line?

                +90 sails or +110, You still at 500+v and 600+H... well worth it.... stop hating on this ship driving down the price. All the time spent bitching you could've ran FSD a few times and be that much closer.. Whiny bitchy traders..

                Hans, even with +26/+30 NC sails and teak build this ship is barely scratching 400v/500h. Please stop trying to level your Lying and Whining skill.

                wow , some noobs will never give up , i told u all already , stop trying to scam newbie for 2 3 bil and ask your mommy for 5$ to improve it , then see the result ? i bet its a useless ship

                wow THIS WAS UWO FORUM ive been deceived all this time

                Meng Meng
                so this is worth 3B

                lol this is the perfect example for a noob scammer bought this ship for 2bil and can't sell for more , let me introduce my self , my name is ZaP , lvl 53/67/55 , i use a vais 5/5 to travel around followed by my aide "LindaTheQueen" in MFCV 0/4 (usually barca for adving) , JB is my friend , 1 of my trusted friends , ask all seville if me or JB is a scammer please , because all u get is just some noob named sailor2 trying to say bad things about me (that i don't know why) so yeah , think about it before u say it because i cmt alot above , and if u ask me why im trying to pull the price of this thing down , i don't need to , because i don't need this useless ship , im saving money for my dream ship(a normal tea clipper) and i don't even have this ship , so am i a scammer because im trying to save some newbie ass ? i admit that i am poor and i don't have many ship but im happy with what i have , i don't need this stupid ship of your , so keep it and ask your MOMMY 5$ to improve it , i bet it not very better than a normal TC because after all , a newbie will grind maritime and run dungeon to get lvl trade up if he have a good teacher and build him self a BTC when he reach lvl 64 and thrown this useless ship away and even if his aide get it , his aide won't be happy much because he already have a TLG full cargo =.=

                yeah yeah keep spamming all u want , i am a noob , i have r8 cannon skills and r8 evasion so yeah , im still a noob

                Port Official
                ZaP is just a little kid new too game =)Don't ruin his life for stating his opinion!

                so what ? im new to this game , atleast i don't have to scam some newbie just for 1b 2b like u

                tell me why this ship is worth 2x the price of a custom vaisseau? IMO it's worth about half the price of a battle ship. That has been the norm for a long time. Now all of a sudden a totally useless trading ship comes out and it's worth 3-4x what it should be? One more time: You can buy a better ship for the same price. Honestly if you can't work up your aide to be able to use a modified tea clipper then you need to go play dice venture.

                bad Lewis , u saw what they said , this ship is like the best ship ever , let them sell it , i doubt if there's some1 wanna buy this ship for over 500m

                so much drama over a useless ship no one sails...

                not really , its not very useless , i saw some1 lvl 20 using it , ticket and EA , that's all , this is just a newbie ship use for low lvl , and it can be aide ship if u can't afford a MTC , but this can't worth more than 500m

                If someone says it'sworth 2b+...anyone could just spend 1,5b from that on EA goods to get 65 trade, a nice and faster 5/5 LMS and a TG/TLG for aide, if he'll reach 35 or 44 (probably will). This is a nice ship for newbies that won it, a ship you give to your noob friend as a gift.. like custom schooner.. just bigger version

                well , i think this ship is better than TG , because of the cargo and crew , and beside ,this ship look way better than a TG , u don't want a pig follow u where ever u go right ? and most important , newbie usually don't know what aide to pick , they pick random aide (ik cause i pick so many random aide already) eventually they will replace it , and they ain't gonna get thier aide to lvl 35 so , i guess this ship for aide is a good idea , but its not worth that much , if my aide say he want this ship , i'll slap his face because im not gonna pay 300 400m for this ship

                My aide uses a Big Trading Carrack and get more cargo than this

                Mei Hua
                ^^ fake dude ? if u can log in and say that again im gonna laugh so hard at your face lol

                You could just buy EA goods during 2xp to lvl to 65 trade and that will not cost you 2B to do.

                Can we move on yet? I think there is enough info here now for a new player to see there is at least some debate over the value of the ship. We don't have to keep it on the home page every day. tnx and stuff.

                Discreet Service
                Email to uwoaccount@hotmail.com if you want to trade in ships for $$$ or spend $$$ for ships.

                WTB this ship 2.0b ign/ Fluffington

                lol noob ^

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                Except for top-end battle ships, ships are almost never worth more than the ssip's and parts that are put into them and they never have been, so I don't know why that's coming up all of a sudden. You will no doubt put more than 700M worth of ssip's and parts into this ship to fully upgrade it, but it just won't sell for that much. It's a lot like a car rl, you will never get your money back out of it.

                If you wanted to make money then you should have just sold the ssip's and left the parts in the company shop in seville and sold this thing in ticket form. It's not a FIS or AFCV or AV, you don't make money by modding and selling it.

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