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  • Clermont
    The first steam ship that was
    put into practical use. The ship
    is propelled by the wheels set
    on the sides of the ship.

    Build Original Ship
  • Base Performance
    Ship Hold info
    Sailing Requirements

    Studding Sail: 2, Broadside: 3
    Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
    Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 0

    Optional Skill



                            Range 900 ~ 1500
                            Effective Range 960 ~ 1451
                            Volume 1200 (Clermont Cabin 60 + Cannon Chambers 20 + Hold 1120)

                            Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
                            Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
                            Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
                            Clermont Cabin: 30 ~ 90 Cannon Chambers: 10 ~ 30

                            Range 1500 - 30 - 10 = 1460
                            Effective Range 1451 - 30 - 10 = 1411

                            To gain access to the Clermont, your nation must be in Industrial Revolution (IR) status. Once it is in IR status, go to your nation's IR city, and then go to the factory. Near the blast furnace, you should see a NPC named "Steam Engineer". Talk to him about steam ships, and he'll tell you to go to the "Largest city in Jutland Peninsula".

                            Well, it turns out this is Lubeck, so go to Lubeck and speak to the Shipyard Master, then report back to the Steam Engineer at your nation's IR city. He'll ask you to go to Boston shipyard, so go there and talk to Franklin (as in, Benjamin Franklin) at Boston Academy. After you're done, go back to the Steam Engineer at your nation's IR city, where you will gain the ability to make hulls for Clermont as well as build and use one.

                            NOTE: You must invest (roughly 3m-5m) in your industrial revolution city to make the hull or build the ship. This is NOT a requirement to simply use the ship though.

                            A list of IR cities by nation:

                            Spain: Bilbao
                            England: Portsmouth
                            Dutch: Rotterdam
                            Venice: Cattaro
                            France: Le Havre
                            Portuguese: Viana do Castelo
                            Ottoman: NONE

                            Special thanks to Daemon for the correction to the Boston part of this miniquest.

                            any list of what skill clermont can have ?

                            The Papaya website has a list for all ship skills

                            Clermont skills:

                            Camouflaged Hold: Money Chest + Special Ship Hold
                            Domestic Livestock Room: Warehouse + Special Ship Hold
                            High Lookout: High Quality Rigging + Mast Top
                            Galley: Galley + Warehouse
                            Emergency Acceleration: Large Gaff Sail + Antifouling Paint

                            any1 know what top speed a clermont can have if u dedicated it to speed ( mod , grade , steam job , etc )

                            i'm interested in making this as main sail ship for trade , i'm calculating if this can at least be as fast as my current ship ( CLC ) at 10-12knots with fuel cost i still can make profit for nanban (better if it can go faster) , speaking of fuel what can we do to save fuel ? i know if the country is in revolution industry can save some fuel also ...... some title ? any other way like job ?

                            next question is if my aide and me both have clermont does the fuel consumption double ?

                            thx in advance for any answer and info :)

                            ok first, im pretty certain you can get 10 knots even without that much invest in speed modding.

                            and i think you could turn down the engine once you reached top speed with the "steam whistle" shortcut.

                            @ Damnshort, a speedmod clermont is doable, although due to coal consumption, I personally don't recommend it. And here's why:

                            When your nation is in IR status, the default amount of coal used per day is 3, and at 100k per unit, that's not too bad of a loss (300k per day). When your nation is NOT in IR status, the usage jumps way up to 18 (I think - I can't remember the exact number but it's close to that), making the coal usage be a staggering 1.8m per day at sea in that condition.

                            Now, you can reduce that down a bit through the use of a title (can't remember the exact title or the conditions to receive it; maybe someone else can comment on that) and I think high level management/navigation may help as well (but hopefully someone can clarify if that's true or not, I personally haven't used one as a lead ship).

                            In addition to the cost incurred by all the coal use, consider this as well: What if you run out of coal while at sea? or in EA? You won't be able to sail until you get more, and with Coal Fuel only being sold in European IR ports....you could be in for a hell of a journey back. If you can only hold 400 coal (200 in inv and 200 in capt bag), if you're using 18 per day...that's a maximum of about 22 days at sea when your nation isn't in IR status.

                            For the aide clermont, only the main ship will be counted in fuel consumption I believe. But do bear in mind, if you have an aide in a clermont at all (even if you have coal in your inventory) you receive a slight (approximately 5%, from my understanding) speed reduction.

                            In short, if you do decide to make one of these as a speed ship, keep these limitations in mind and try to mitigate coal use as much as you can.

                            i see , so i will not use clermont while no IR status , coal fuel is enough if the ship speed same as my speed now , i can reach sakai in 45-50 days with my current speed, with 3 coal a day that's mean 150 fuel needed and another 150 to go back , if i can make the speed more it's doable i think , even more if i can reduce the consumption through other mean ( titles etc )

                            so the downback is don't ever forget to stock up fuel before journey and only can use while in IR status .... hmmmm

                            and nice to know bout the aide with clermont don't suck up fuel

                            thx caddy for the info

                            To clarify a bit, Coal Fuel is also sold in North American Cities. But still, seeing as a Clermont with no fuel takes over an hour to cross the Atlantic, crossing the Pacific should take about a week :p

                            True. And @damnshort, remember that IR status could change WHILE you're at sea. This is part of the reason I don't really recommend it.

                            As far as speed goes, though, I've seen a couple speed modded ones that are quite effective for speed for a low level FS ship. In my (very limited) testing they seem to perform great against a headwind (due to the fact that their primary power comes from steam rather than sail, so they're less adversely affected by headwinds).

                            i see , well that sucks , they should make it fuel consumption as it is until we reach a port at least T_T , change in the middle of the sea is .................

                            so the next question is are IR can be predict ? or totally random ?

                            IR status is requalified I think every 3 days. If your nation has gained enough fame/XP/prof (it might be just fame though), then your nation gets IR status. So unfortunately, it's a community effort, and that means it is essentially impossible to tell for sure.

                            [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
                            [This comment has been deleted by a moderator of this site.]

                            Built using Large Steam Ship Hull in national factories. Talk to the Steam Engineer to build the ship.

                            What does the row power do for clermont? does it improve accel?

                            Zero effect as I understand it. This is a steam ship powered by coal fuel, and not row-type. Somebody can feel free to correct me on that of course if I'm wrong. Cheers.

                            Steam ship does not have oars, so it does nothing for a steam ship as it is a "Coal Fuel powered" (Steam) ship

                            Can anyone edit this page? Cargo shows 112 and the Refitting portion shows "Range 144 ~ 240", "Effective Range 153 ~ 231", and "Volume 192 (Clermont Cabin 60 + Cannon Chambers 20 + Hold 112)". Which are all wrong figures.

                            It do happens sometimes. data gets messed up. I even remembered FKW having 99turns. but yeah. needs attention. \n 1500 - 30 - 10 = 1460 on r25. 1200.hold

                            1200 (* & /) 1.20 = Effective = 1440 ~ 1000.
                            1200 (* & /) 1.25 = range = 1500 ~ 960.
                            just correct if wrong XD

                            i have no idea what it happens, there has been no recent update on the ship performance. anyway, i just found this problem and corrected this error.

                            I made some nanban with a clermont.

                            Here is the result

                            Clermont G3 expedition SSU1,2
                            359/569 max speed +117
                            15/37/31 TS +8 Wr +23
                            cargo 1427 +16
                            cargo total 2929

                            steam engineer, boston skill, Sail handling R15, 4 oxford ship speed up skills, 30% speed boost, EA, fleet of 2

                            Bordeaux - Sakai by Good Hope : 45 days
                            Nagasaki - Montpellier by Good hope : 45 days
                            Rotterdam - Sakai by Northwest passage : 45 days
                            Nagasaki - Antwerp by Northwest passage : 47 days

                            I never went below 12 knots even in headwinds. Max was 17-18

                            What boston skill you are referring to Scara?


                            Now, do all steamers have the same boiler power or not? Normally not, but since it's an ability without stats, it's very likely.

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