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Modified Ironsides
An Ironsides modified with improved

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 3, Broadside: 5
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 1
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1
Optional Skill
Range 547 ~ 912
Effective Range 584 ~ 882
Volume 730 (Modified Ironsides Cabin 102 + Cannon Chambers 52 + Hold 576)
Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
Modified Ironsides Cabin: 57 ~ 153 Cannon Chambers: 26 ~ 78
Range 912 - 57 - 26 = 829
Effective Range 882 - 57 - 26 = 799

How much will this cost? 10B? :D

Sounds about right

High armour and some durability only good thing on it. Why worth allot?

I don't know.

nc ship burn in hell

lol its not 10bil. no one can even drive it yet

Port Official
sure as hell no one dont have lvl 34/32/35 in the server

omg no.. why!? we are gonna die now in SEA >_

Why you no come out?


Ship do look good, but on detail it's lacking badly in sailors and even max cannons, durability loses out too but that extra armor and speed is fantastic, if ship comes out as these stats, UWO definitely did a good job in balancing the ship stats with other top tier ships.

well said Dongwoo

Where are the festive ships? I hoped to see them on ivyro, but no :(

Wen zhi
festive ship are NM creation, i don't think the other server have them

Wen zhi
How do you obtain the Festive ships then? NC? :'(

of course it's from trash box

trashsure box

Meng Meng
It's not even in the current treasure box, and aren't you guys concerned? I mean they're releasing this ship even thought the normal still hasn't been out and East Asia update too!
NC dealers -___-

Cao Wei
If it's out I'll spend at least $1500 USD to get as many of this ship as possible!

And before any non-NC-buyers complain how NC ships breaks the game just remember that the only reason you can play the game for free is because others fund the game through buying NC and keep the company/server running :)

agree with naoyasu, if u play for free just shut up, we funding the server for u

Ming Mei
@Naoyasu: thats BS man. From the first days i was playing on server there wasnt NC ship but all other kinda of stuff and server was doing fine. They just want more money.

Wen zhi
Ming Mei how'd you know they weren't losing money at the start? And there's nothing wrong in a company wanting to profit this is not charity... Either NC or Monthly Fee which would u prefer? I only wish chance of winning with Tbox is higher so the price (ducats) would be lowered cause of more supply hopefully that'd be a balance between the profit and player happiness :)

Ming Mei
@Naoyasu: thats BS man. From the first days i was playing on server there wasnt NC ship but all other kinda of stuff and server was doing fine. They just want more money.

Wen zhi
Ming Mei how'd you know they weren't losing money at the start? And there's nothing wrong in a company wanting to profit this is not charity... Either NC or Monthly Fee which would u prefer? I only wish chance of winning with Tbox is higher so the price (ducats) would be lowered cause of more supply hopefully that'd be a balance between the profit and player happiness :)

I guess this is already iron-material? If MSF is iron it will be around 1050 dura so Ironsides is 100 dura less roughly...

So far our NC ships are identical to chinese server's NC ships and assuming this will continue Modified Ironsides will be OAK MATERIAL that's 75 bonus dura compared to the non-NC version which means it will have around 1076 dura with official paneling. So Modified Ironsides will have around 20 more dura 5 more armour around 30 more vertical sails and around 10 more sailors than MSF but it will lack Improved Gunport. At the end of the day this ship will be a tanky alternative that is suited for charging in with Direct Hit Prevention to melee/interrupt/set-up for teammates but it will not outright replace MSF which is arguably more suited for ranged canoneering. At least that's how I see it. So feel free to invest in MSF knowing that it is truely an end game ship.

So far our NC ships are identical to chinese server's NC ships and assuming this will continue Modified Ironsides will be OAK MATERIAL that's 75 bonus dura compared to the non-NC version which means it will have around 1076 dura with official paneling. So Modified Ironsides will have around 20 more dura 5 more armour around 30 more vertical sails and around 10 more sailors than MSF but it will lack Improved Gunport. At the end of the day this ship will be a tanky alternative that is suited for charging in with Direct Hit Prevention to melee/interrupt/set-up for teammates but it will not outright replace MSF which is arguably more suited for ranged canoneering. At least that's how I see it. So feel free to invest in MSF knowing that it is truely an end game ship.

What about the AFCV?

AFCV will have 70-80 more dura than Modified Ironsides with just 1 less armor and also around 60 more sailors. Obviously it will be a super tanky ship and the best offensive melee non-row ship but it's slower and have less turn & wave resist etc. Nice job balancing these ships out :)

Ming Mei
Natascha. Not sure if official paneling is in Japanese server but I read a few Japanese captain's logs and mini-wikis about how oak ironsides have low dura which makes it a balanced ship etc.

Is this out? I want to buy please

It's in the new tbox that just came out. gogogoogog spend NC and get this ship so I can trade for it!

It's in the new tbox that just came out. gogogoogog spend NC and get this ship so I can trade for it!

ll 962 dura? hope its not made of iron.

Meng Meng
Iron Sides, not made of iron by default? lol

962 dura is oak one. with national material, 1085 dura - maximum 1335.

Now in the TB. It comes with:
160 vertical
239 horizontal
turn 7
wave 9
Dura 855
Armour 77 (no kiddin - that is what is written on their official site)
Hold 576

Will try to get one later today and will give you the stats if I'm lucky

Armour 77 sounds too Over Powered

Mei Hua
Yes, it is... but that is what is written on the uwo.netmarble.com (check the section with the new TB)

MSF=price drop further, AFCV=Price drops, Modified Ironside=The new Gangnam Style sensation, everybody wants one now!!!

dura 962(national 1085), v157 h266, turn 10, WR 9, Armour 43, minimum sailors 48. confirmed.

what is max sailor?

armour 43

max sailors 153

sigh.. UWO another overpowered ship

yeah the stats in ivyro are wrong...its UBER op-ed as said in main website

Ming Mei
I saw one, the stats here are true. 77 armour a myth.

i think this is a good ship for those who arent full tankers or full snipers. you can tank and still snipe at the same time. it should be a fun ship. Hope i can get one when i hit the treasure box, it would be my first NC ship

By the way, this boat's namesake wasn't called that because it had iron plating, it was all oak. Go look up the U.S.S. Constitution. Upon consulting wikipedia, apparently there was a British boat called Old Ironsides as well that predates the U.S.S. Constitution, but they probably stole it from us anyways, with the assistance of Dr. Who and his TARDIS. He's always helping the English conquer the galaxy for some reason.

not just oak, if i recall it right, i think the mats r Live Oak , Willow, Red Pine, or sth else

Cao Wei
how much cost this shit at Seville ppl market?

Don't know how much it goes, but a company mate gave these items for it:
MNG x1
MBG x1
AoL (blue) x1
MTT x10
Shipbulding permit X3
General cloack x1
and some other shit that I don't remember but the sum was about 1B
Also saw it at Seville for 12B (the person was asking for ducats only)
Another one was selling it for 19B (but was on WTS/WTT option)

also saw some guy to sell the original (not modified) version for 1.5B

AFCV + more things for a MIs????
it is not a good trade i think. 1 AFCV is alot better then MIs.. if it is MFCV then it makes sense to me

It's not about what is better. It's about what is newer. Besides, you can't really know which one is Better in battle until you try them both out

Irone Sieze be a good tank, but it's rather slow, big cargo

@io : actually AFCV is newer than MIS. afcv comes with TA update and ironsides comes with EA update, but we dont have it yet.
and afcv are still better than mis :D

Do I really have to explain that I meant newer to the server?

157/266 sail power slow? Its among the best sail power in any big maritime ship..... Afcv is nice but on that one i hear people conplaining it was clumsy and slow. Well best way to really know is indeed testing both ships, but few are fortunate enough to even get one of those, imagine geting both....

It's the cargo that is big. Even with -20% (?) it would still be around 400. So slow acceleration in battle.And you need acceleration in battle beacuse, well, you always turn and need to accelerate to top speed again.

Ah lol the myth of the big cargo.....the difference is too few to be noticeable also its extra armour also gives it more accel so its compensated, also with that big armour and dura and 16 cannons that can sink easilly even ships with loads of dura the difference on battle starts to be how long your lumber for repair lasts and the pattern will switch to maritime ships with good amount of cargo since the diff on accel for min cargo or normal cargo is almost unoticeable. But ok keep trashing the ship you cant get....when you got serious beaten by someone using one you gonna see for yourself.

Why you think Dog uses a 5/5 offical vaiss?

dont have improved gunport is a shit for that size ship

Cao Wei
lol... interesting argument... do you think using an "old ship" AFCV+ more to trade a "new ship" MIs still a good trade?
Modified Special Corvette came later then MAV, MFCV.. would you trade MAV or MFCV for a MSC?
and I dont think we need to argue about whether AFCV or MIs is better, it is obvious

I feel like I'm arguing with thirteen year olds sometimes. I'm not defending that the boat is worth an afcv plus whatever, I'm explaining it. And until you've seen both ships in battle it's not obvious to anyone who is even making an attempt at being honest and objective.

you are the 13 years old kid. I guess you dont know much about sb, and not even want to compare about the ship? unless letting 2 ships to fight together? lol
it is very simple to compare with basic stats.
Dura: with both pannelled... AFCV is 79 more dura.
armour: MIs has 1 armour more then AFCV, but this is small. also both can do improve and put panels to get to 100+.
Lets not take about players skill/rank. In cannon battles.. has more dura company to MIs. 79 dura is a lot.. worth for more then 1 improvement.
Direct hit preven? it takes 1 skill slot, so it is a bad move if you do that with cannon battles... maybe ppl will do that for melee.
for melee... AFCV has far more crews and have good skills that can be actived EVERYTIME. attack prevent net can increase the chance of withdraw from melee. Does Welcome Melee Battle actives 100%? does it help with withdraw from melee?

You conveniently left out the part where the mis looks to be the faster ship so better able to stay in a superior firing position. The afcv would be the aggressor in the fight waiting for disorder. The mis can stand in there and go toe to toe in a cannon battle. You are placing entirely too much faith in 79 dura. That's not even two repairs.

the you need time to accelerate to the better speed to get the "superior firing position"... and every turn/move decrease your turn/speed.. in battles, it is hard to get to the top speed of your ship... a ship with high turn/acceleration can always turn the "superior firing position" you said to nothing.
also you need to consider not only about to fight with AFCV, but those rowing boats.. those ship has very good speed/acclertion with rowing on...
MIs has like 100 less crews, and not much acceleration/speed different (or worse), plus a skill doesnt 100% work, and doesnt help with withdraw from melee...
do you still think it can be compared with AFCV???

You must be the guy that builds the AFCV in your backyard for the game. If speed meant nothing then battle sails wouldn't exist. I don't know which one is better bit I am sure it's not as obvious as you think. It's not that the ship skill will work 100%. It's that it can work at any given time unless in disorder. A gunboat won't take that chance. A rowboat will always go for the board because that's what they are supposed to do.
This is the point. You fight with a MIS different than you would a melee ship. You act like it's a foregone conclusion and I just don't believe that to be the case.

you are wrong about the welcome melee battle skill... even if you are not disordered, it could still be not working.... you need to go and read more wiki....

I made no claim that it worked 100%, what I did say was I don't believe an AFCV would take the chance of boarding a boat equipped with welcome melee unless it was in disorder. MIS would play the defensive game, they have less crew to feed and larger cargo, means they will probably have more timber and cannonballs if they are playing to the strength of the boat. The AFCV will be the more aggressive because the clock is ticking down on them faster. Add heavy bombing to the MIS and the clock ticks that much faster IMO.

This game became Cash game,who wanna spent dollars he is winner!
I rememer times when we sailing to India in Sambuk to get 2 mil's :)
Now all players talk about Bils and Bils,Where is the real pirates who catch player is some normal ship?! They now use boost to catch us...
Someone grinding skill's to MAX and someone in Ironside will sink him SAD!

Hah,,,,old times mate....When i go to SEA to earn some money i earn 10 mils if i go 50 times to SEA i'll earn 500m ?! i stil dont have for NC ship :D

For the players who start playing this game since the beggining ,this boat will lead to the end of their game...since theres nothing better than this. i think was better for the devellopers to delay this boat a while.i see incredible offers for this,like:msf+afcv+ebtc+money ...is this a joke?this could be the better boat(i dought)but worth that much?

there is nobody making such a ridiculous offer. the trolling on this site is getting ridiculous. this ship is quite simply inferior to the AFCV and its not even close. MSF is debatable i can see an argument for both so merely a matter of preference. people need to stop trying to use this forum in an attempt to artificially inflate the price of this ship

What? "this boat will lead to the end of their game... since theres nothing better than this"
Ok, just stop, don't comment when you don't know what you're talking about.

For cannon battles, yes. It has better speed then AFCV, but less dura then AFCV. But what? "superior firing position"? or more tailwind shots like 30 40 more damages? to gives criticals? it is not only you with a fast ship can do it, other experience players with slower ship will do/notice/prevent this too. So yea, it could be a hard fight between MIs and AFCV in cannon battles.
BUT You are still thinking inside the box. you should not just mocking MIs vs AFCV in your brain. To conside a ship is good or not, you need to also consider what you can do with it. The problem that this ship has, is very unreliable in melee compare to AFCV. this ship has always to play in defence side, has less crews and not reliable skill (which does not always to be able to be actived), and it does not have attack prevent net to help you with withdrawing from melee, and retreat fail give you something like 2x damage in crews. That means it isnt suitable to do melee, even thought the welcome melee skill can scare of some ppl from meleeing MIs. It maybe good enough for some npc fighting (if your melee skill is good), but you need to take poor chance to vs player with rowing boats and FCV (bigher crews/with more relaible melee skills). Consider those players/ships with special stern skill, with/and/or pre-emptive/attack prevent net/special sten/+7 +6 HASC/LSC/lots of oxford melee skill/high rank melee skills, they can have like 400+ attack and 350+ defence. You have to pray for your luck that the welcome melee skill can active or pray for you can run away/stay alive within a few chops.
Just to make it simple, MIs is a cannon only ship, and better to stay away from melee. AFCV is good for both melee and cannon battles. It can have improve gunport and attack prevent net if you focus on cannon, or special sterncastle, attack prevention net if you want to be focus more in melee.

Claudia said it all...

this is obviosuly a sniper only ship, not a tanker, for BC that is. Welcome meele unreliable, but it is fast and should accelerate good with min cargo and all that armouour. You could go tank in it, but welcome meele just isn't reliable...

Welcome melee is only unreliable if youre a noob who cant use it properly.

Meng Meng
are you the same person trolling around and try to push the price high? or you are just 13 years old?
welcome melee is definitely not 100% active even if you are not disordered. Can you see your replies that you were just trolling?
1) when i said AFCV+ lots of more stuffs isnt a good trade. Then you said: "It's not about what is better. It's about what is newer. Besides, you can't really know which one is Better in battle until you try them both out".... so you dont know if it is better or not, but newer then it made it a good trade?
2) you are so wrong with welcome melee battle skill. It is in default: does not guarantee it would be actived (give you 200% defence) even if your ship is not desordered. Maybe you are very pro that you can do some tricks to increase the chance, but it is so obvious it is setted by the GM/ game developer to make it not 100% work, since this 200% is breaking the balance of game/ship. You have to take the chance that it doesnt work. And below are your trolls, getting weaker and weaker, and still trying not to give up:
"It's not that the ship skill will work 100%. It's that it can work at any given time unless in disorder."
"I made no claim that it worked 100%, what I did say was I don't believe an AFCV would take the chance of boarding a boat equipped with welcome melee unless it was in disorder"
"Welcome melee is only unreliable if youre a noob who cant use it properly."
3) the ship is just not good enough for melee, the skill doesnt help with withdraw from melee, doesnt have good crews to survive a few chops. Makes it not worth as much as AFCV.
even if you have 2x defence. lets look at the melee situation:
CLR/FLR/RHG those ppl on the ships has many sailors, melee/college skills for boosts... it is very easy to get the attack defence to 400-500 atk/350 def. (go and check wiki for the melee formula if you dont know it). Your Mis maybe can get you to 300-350 atk/ 270-300 def (or around 550-600 if 2x).
you will recived about 30-60 crews even if you have 2x def. (30 if you have 2x def or able to counter attack, you lost alot more if you are being countered, or reteated fail). There are 4 melee skills, and you have 1/4 chance to counter the attack. The attack side always only have 1/4 chance to get countered, 3/4 chance deliver regular damage (30-50 depends on if you have 2x or not) to you, and give you almost a double if you are being countered or reteat fail.
Lets make it simplet, you get normally 30-40 lose each chops (if you are not counter and not reteat fail). Your poor crews only can take like maybe 4-6 chops max. If welcome melee doesnt work, you cant stand for like 3 chops too, since you have to run at the first place, and most of the maritimer has aide with skills to preventing retreat or using items like reteat bells. And the welcome melee battles doesnt work like attack prevention net. AFCV has more crews, (and maybe with special stern skills), that can make the defence in melee higher then the rowing boats, give you more crews and chance to retreat from melee.
I know maybe you are very pro. People also always criticals and kill battle ships with trading ship too. But it doesnt help with rating a trade ship can be as good as a the battle ship. Problem with this MIs is again: it is not suitable for melee, make it less value company to AFCV.
Stop inflating the price of it!

It is painfully clear that you don't understand how welcome melee works.

it is painfully clear that you think you understand how welcome melee works. I say again, it does not guarantee it would be actived (give you 200% defence) even if your MIs not not disorder.
In melee battle, there is something called attack side (initiative melee battle) and defense side. If you are in the defence side, welcome melee battle skill can be actived. Otherwise, you are just a sitting duck with only 150 crews, will no chance for more then 4 chops and less chance to reteat from melee (since most of the ppl has aide skills to prevent you form reteat for 3 rounds.)
To calicute whether you can be the defence side. It is very not clear, no wiki talk/formula talk about it. But it could be a combination about the battle skills/levels, aide traits, sailors ability/loyality/numbers etc. I know you can keep firing and employ cheap crews to make the lower sailors ability/loyality, that may help you to get to defence side. But the ship is has low crews, skill not able to help you to reteat. This is obvious inferior compare to what AFCV has.

Cao Wei
Maybe you are very pro and you can play god, make any ship to be the best compare to the other. But it doesn't change the fact that it has problem.
market price tell what other ppl think about the ships too. MSF has better speed to AFCV, welcome melee battle, not bad dura, (also has improve gunports), and all of these are what you think and rate MIs can be as good as AFCV. It is also has less crews and basically at the same class as MIs. (MIs might be slighlt better since it has more dura and speed).
If these speed/welcome melee are so good, MSF should be as popular and have roughtly the same price as AFCV. But in fact the price of AFCV is 1.5-2x of MSF? Why other people don't rate it as you do? or it is just becos AFCV is newer? or all the perople in the market are noobs except you?

MIS is a bit better than MSF. but I have saw a shout, "WTT 2 MSF for AFCV" My guess is, MIS isn't as expensive as a AFCV, but gets close to its value. However, MIS is a great sniper ship, but not good chance to survive if you end up tanking with it...

Um, i'm the one who said you can't tell until you see it. My last post was the one where i said that i made no claim that it worked 100%.
You are arguing with somebody else now. just fyi

Like to trade my MIS for a RBTC

Meng Meng
I like MFCVs.....

lol@ not a goo chance to survive with it, with huge armour if modded properly and welcome melee, yes its so hard to survive with 575 defense in melee.
If you only maritime vs npcs and you do not show up at weekly mock battles / place top 10 at bc, do not post about ships or maritime, because youre clueless about pvp.

Lu Yue
eh? How can you say someones clueless about PVPbattles when they don't do BC or weekly lame mocks? Ever take into account pirates? A chara can live doing nothing but npc/real attacks vs merchants and/or bounty hunters and know alot about PVP without doing BC/Mocks .....Hmm, yah totaly clueless..

Lu Yue
eh? How can you say someones clueless about PVPbattles when they don't do BC or weekly lame mocks? Ever take into account pirates? A chara can live doing nothing but npc/real attacks vs merchants and/or bounty hunters and know alot about PVP without doing BC/Mocks .....Hmm, yah totaly clueless..

Meng Meng
Actually they cant. nellemus pirated 24/7 for year + and hes awful at pvp. Don't be a fool.

so you are the top 10 huh? so you are very pro huh? or you are just doing the weekly mock fighting? you are the clueless one. Those 2 are always about team work.
I do bc but not so "pro" as you.. never get into top 10). AND I always do 1 on 1 mock with company and friends, for pvp and pirate hunting, TO TEST the effect of ship skills and what are worth to put on. I know how the welcome melee works, and know it doesn't work all the time.
Well, well, if you are so "pro" and can make it works all the time, good for you. You deserve a MIs more then AFCV.
I am this is enough. I don't need to talk more cos you are just too pro and you think you "know" how reliable the welcome melee battle skill is, and rate to so high.

Ming Mei
I think* this is enough

if you knew how welcome melee worked you'd know how to make it activate 100% of the time, its not a chance skill, unless you arent using it properly. Its all about how you set up the crew. Sounds like that guy was too pro for you lol

no improve gun port on this ship right?

this ship started with oak so with military panel its base start around 1100ish

lemme tell ye a secret.. welcome melee battle = try to get your ship sidewards when someone tries to melee you :)

that just doesnt make sense Liza, do you actually own a ship with WMB ? -.= ?

MOST STRONG SHIP. BEST IN UWO. even 5 fleet with afcv,mcfv ...and MIS alone MIS won. omfg i saw someone buy for 20bil+AFCV.

Li Yue
Already knew that this ship is the KILLER-MACHINE, even the non-NC version is a "Bad-Ass", get your hands on them before the prices go BOOMING

the price is booming this is 25b + now

The ship is not that good, it's Admiral ship, the purpose of this ship is to stay survive, not killer-machine.
i assume Geogre, Li Yue and Misun is just the same player having this ship and trying to make the price gets higher, cheap trick.

fanta i think u still noob and i saw yr lvl LOL. how many time have u pvp?
is suviver ship but is not only that. i know u been lookin to it and u cant get it LOL . pls dont noob offer if aint know nothing.

Mod special frigate is rubbish compare to this with low crew die fast
at least these have higher Armour and dura and crew then MSF

MSF is not rubbish, its depending on what you need the ship for if its for pve the MSF is just as good as this ship or eny other top NC ranged ship(MFCV/MAV ect). for pvp however where hige armor and duar matters more this ship is sligthly better idd

Please be quite whoever is trying to raise the price, and yes we know that the 3 people giving + to this ship is the same..
You're just a nc newbie that doesn't know how to use this ship right.
And if you think fanta isn't good pvp, then why not pvp him?
2b you'll lose

Wen zhi
Black'Depths aka CML has been shouting trying to pay 20b+ for this for a week and cannot attain it.
I wouldnt call myself pro, as i've seen real pros during recent mocks , and i can see how far i am from their pvp levels. I've been doing more mocks recently , trying to improve myself
However, i'd be appreciate if you actually put your in game name in here before saying someone is a noob, or humiliating someone Holfina

fanta stop it. u just getting fed up not getting that MIS. gluck
btw Gionet sell his MIS for acfv 8/8+ducat. so u talkin abt? lol

When imp a battle ship like MSF, MFCV, MIs (not galleys), wanna ask someones opinion on what will be there priorities:
A. Dura
B. Turn
C. Armor
Didn't add Gunport and sails since this can be done independently. Cheers...

I can just borrow it directly from a friend if i want to , he would lend it to me without any doubt. I wanted the MIS just because of its cool look, my main goal now is MSF or AFCV, not the MIS, it's just optional.
What does Gionet's selling MIS has to do with me ?

Ming Mei
MSF VS MIS = MSF lose rubbish XD

Does PVPErs use DHP on this ship ?

I'd install it, be a full tanker!

Ironsides is a defensive ship, not easy to kill, but lack offensive, AFCV is superior to kill (can do that in melee too). MSF is superior at long range (is a frigate... shouldnt be in the combat inner circle and meleeing...). DHP is a nice skill to have, but most damage comes from stern crits, is just the skill of the user to evade crits, just DHP make things easier when surrounded, but in that case you only try to survive(combo could be DHP + Evasion + shot defense)... MIS is a interesesting ship but not easy to use... AFCV is overally a better ship, MSF slighty inferior... and about prices... as long people offers insane money and stuff, prices will be even higher,even higher that the ship worth

you dont get as much kills in MIS as MSF/AFCV i think, but if you wanna be a rockstar staying in the middle of 10 players without fear, this ship is your choice
I'd say you'll need some pvp experiences to use this ship

No one can survive more than 4vs1 Fanta, name any who can do this in MIS

lol i can clean deck that using RHG max crew dont say that maybe your day dreaming!

MSF MIS are weak in Melee specially when enemy is good Melee ship and skill! Charge to experience! dont believe on those ppl saying good battle ship its up to player how can he win the game what is the use of good ship if you have small brain lack of skill!

Xiao Wei
yeah notice it not all time Welcome Melee work!

"welcome melee" is a double edged sword, to activate it, you need to have lower skilled crew than the oponent, and you will be in the defensive side... you get less damage... but you deal a lot less too, so a better melee ship will clean you faster. Prevention net, even when the defense boost is less, is much more reliable.

Xiao Wei
it doesnt matter what ship you use even use vaisseau can kill this
its all depends on how you play and your skills.. see Dog. for example
use normal 5/5 vaisseau still owned

Still wons you mean......owned gave a meaning he is usually defeated using a normal 5/5 vais.

Dog is like the only exception, how many people on the server can fight in Vaisseaus and still kill everyone with ease and is hard to kill?
Many people says vaisseaus are good yet still fight in NC ships, so what does that say?

@Geogre, not a 4v1, i mean in such ESF or BC battles, this ship can survive longer than any other ships when it's being raped, i've seen few in BCs and ESF

Dog is only good at BC in vaisseau. This is due to durability being recovered each time

#1 welcome melee doesnt work all the time! you need to be in defensive side to get it active. What you can do to increase the chance is to "kick and employ noob sailors", but your opponent can do the same too cant they? especially when they know you are on a skill with welcome melee skill
#2 Mis is good for team works, fast, high dura, armours good for sniping, and maybe 1 vs 1 too. But when it comes to pvp/pirating, it has very very low chance to survive when it is alone (1 vs 2 is enough to kill a Mis). Simply trick can keep it easily, no matter whether you have welcome melee active or not:
--> 2 ships come to melee you, 1 catch with you and starts melee, another 1 do surgery (i.e. term work make it has almost 0 lost of crews) and then sits in front of the Mis and wait for retreat, so the Mis has no chance to do surgery to himself even if he can retreat for melee.
--> or if they have 3 ships in a fleet, just 2 other ships wait in front or behind of him, both critical the Mis once he retreats from melee
anyway the ship is in low supply & high demand, and this is a free market as well. If there are people who are too rich, crazy, silly enough to spend insane money for the Mis, let them go for it. The crazy sellers have no plan to sell you @ reasonable price anyway, as long as there are people root their azz in dungeons and wanting to buy it :P

for #2: is that same reason why SL pirate clowns always work in fleet even if they do the traders? LOL

This ship is expensive because it good. but it doesnt matter what ship you use even a vaisseau can kill Mod ironsides(the price expensive because this ship is rare and it been look at the best ship in this game for battle). This ship is at its best if the owner know how to control it.
For Welcome melle battle why people always look at the negative side of it
try look at the bright side. people always say oh welcome melle doesnt always work so dont use it its lame but at the bright side if it works. it give you more defense and you can tank alot longer in melle (which i dont think this ship need it) cause this is Cannon& tanker ship from what i know.. so stop saying this ship and welcome melle battle useless.

And if you saying that just because you want this ship and a cheap price
kiss it off.

This ship is expensive because it good. but it doesnt matter what ship you use even a vaisseau can kill Mod ironsides(the price expensive because this ship is rare and it been look at the best ship in this game for battle). This ship is at its best if the owner know how to control it.
For Welcome melle battle why people always look at the negative side of it
try look at the bright side. people always say oh welcome melle doesnt always work so dont use it its lame but at the bright side if it works. it give you more defense and you can tank alot longer in melle (which i dont think this ship need it) cause this is Cannon& tanker ship from what i know.. so stop saying this ship and welcome melle battle useless.

#1 i didnt say the ship and welcome melee is useless. This ship is rare, has good speed, armours, dura, and welcome melee skill. But it doesnt mean ot worths/you can ask for insane money while selling 1.
#2 everyone wants a ship cheap for no double. But when the price of a MSF is around 10-15b, AFCV is about 15-20b. Then what is a fair price for this "good" ship MIs should be rated? People maybe saying 20b is normal/expensive? 25b is expensive. AND what about 20b+AFCV? it is more then what people can called expensive, do you not agree?

everyone is selling this ship at high price just because it's rare :) I have no objection to that

and everyone wanna use it and say i use ironsides and my level is high.
selling otto mis 8/8, pm in game if u re interested

Hello, I have a 8/8 dutch MIS for sale only 7.5B pm me in game please.

Hello, I have a 8/8 dutch MIS for sale only 7.5B pm me in game please.

The Real Rhondal
whoever is bein an ars would you mind stop telling people im sellings stuff when im not, it is very anoying

People wants to lower the price so that they can get this hmm...

ya one of them is Fanta. this guy keep noob offer me. get a life dude
^ Im not :)
I put my name in every post of mine , and you Laurencio, show your name, i bet i dont even know you

Fanta RUbbish

Fanta has screwed multiple people over in trades. Why does this guy even exist?

im selling red MIS 8/8 +250 MAX SAIL TURN+11 ARMOR+13 .25bil+afcv+msf

good luck.
selling otto mis 8/8, pm in game if u re interested

hi, I offer u 20 taiwan ships in tickets. leave under if u interested

The publishing of the global Netmarble is same that of korea's
And in korea server, the price of MIS is about 5~7b waiting chapeter for Second Age
of course, the ship is about 12~15b before know info of S.Age
To wanna say is that inflation of the global server is too shit, u know
These all prices are made by robber merchants or soldiers
30b for MIS or AFCV ? Man...what the hell prices lolol

if you dont have money cant buy it dont complain :P

Each server is different in its economy and game mechanics, to compare prices between servers is a hasty job, prices are determined by its supply and demand in the market of that server, if there are more rich players in GAMA, then so be it...prices inflate(even in the real world), we move on, and do more dungeoning...

look at ship list, and at battle ships. Most of the ships above ironside (named xx260) are better than this. sure, it's 75 battle, but rather spend a week grinding or pay 30b? Netmarble stated we will get 2nd age update next year. So don't buy a MIS unless you are some spoiled NC addict.

I don't like to assume, all I know if I had not read the comments here and bought the MIS a month ago for 20b(back then it was considered outrageous), and if I sell it now, I would earn 10b

stupid 30b? who pays that price for these ship ?
Dont be abused to pricefishing shouting in saville
for example about pricefishing.........
lol i dunno~~ just reserch forurself

It's not pricefishing, actual trading happened and this ship traded for 30b, for example of such trade, lol I dunno, just ask around in Seville

im just waiting for Second Age lol

Summer 2013 at the most~
They still need to update the rest of EA --Korea & Japan.

Meng Meng
in be4 nerf dungeon...

those of you who have one, may I ask how did you mod this ship? I know the skills, I'm talking about WR and TS, etc...

^^ and crew, did you add crew?

I wouldn't add crew, this is not a melee ship and having 3/4 more sailors won't change it.
I would put max dura, max speed, turn between 17 and 20, WR 12/13 at least and the rest on armour

when you say turn between 17 and 20, do you mean added turn, or total turn, same with WR...

Default turn for MIS is 10 already, if you add another 17~20, that's 27 total turn. Super fast turn will make your sailors in disorder. :)
I'm assuming what Maria is saying is total turn (+7~+10) for ship imp which is about 3 FS painter rope or if your gonna use Dgaff sails much better. Cheers...

Thank you very much the two of you. I appreciate it.

(bold) Maria
Of course I mean final turn, WR, etc...

Willing to trade my 8/8 otto MIS for a 8/8 AFCV. Pm me in game

Port Official
SCAMMER ALERT: BEWARE of whiteSticky He pretended to sell me a ship, received part of the payment, and never completed the deal or returned my payment. SCAMMER

SCAMMER ALERT : Watch out "Gordinho" is a scammer! He not happy im not sellin my ship to him.

I would like to trade a greatly moded Modified Iron sides 8/8 venitian with 2 gaffs and 2 storms in it for 0/8 or ticket +2bill ducats :D

please post only about the topic

how mod Serg ?

WTT my Venice MIS 8/8
Max Dura. Max Sail. +9 turn,+9 wave, +13 armour,
DHP,WM, Drainage
post offers or pm in game :D

offering one barca 8/8 official

Oops, I have bought an overpriced ship and now when I am trying to sell it, I mark the price further up and everyone realised that this NC ship is extremely overpriced, so I end up shouting at Seville for 3 months but still no one buys, I just shouted and shouted...still no one buys...

poor thing. why dont u use it and improve ur skills on the ship itself?

why some guys like lodian, bob are selling this ship away for so long yet no one buys?

why is that everyone just want AV or AFCV now?

Just stupid overpriced NC ships, waste your money to buy it, and when you try to sell it to get your money back, you end up with no one wants to buy it, lets face it, you are stupid to have bought it in the first place, no face the consequence

Stupid to bought and more stupid to keep it proudly !

I see poor people being envious.

So I've gathered ducats what am I going to do with it if not for purchasing? Just dump billions to flip ports? Or try to work for gold sellers? Stop trolling.

Btw its: Stupid to BUY not bought

Meng Meng
@peter griffin
i blamed you, dungeon and other people to help and make them lazy. becos the environment are now uncharted dungeons online. They all saw/wanting dungeons for easy money and stop doing/learning something else. This is not a news.
and there have beeb lots of people talked about this ship before, saying it is over price and how bad the welcome melee skill is. it is you never read it or having too much hope on it.
lets put it this way, this ship has good speed and nice dura, armour but it is not for melee. The welcome melee battle skill is unreliable. You need to keep the sailor's ability to very very low in order to increase the chance it works, but that doesnt guarantee it will work. This also make it for pvp mainly, becos when you sail around with the ship, do production, advnetures, battles, those will rocket the sailor ability. i.e. you cant keep the sailor ability low without lots of effort. Also,lets say you can keep the sailor ability low, the other side you do pvp with can also do the same too. You dont have lots of chances for it. The only thing it is good with welcome melee is to prevent plunders.
without the effect of welcome melee battle it is a crap in melee. There are lots of chinese people commanted about the MIs vs rowing boats:
"1st chop seriouss damage, 2nd chop permanent disable, 3rd chop byebye"
the ship/skill is mainly for display and to scare off some noob ppl/pirates.

better aim for a vaisseau first, ironside is not worth/as good as those people (who try to sell the ship) claimed

Peter Griffin
wait, why are you blaming me meng meng(or players like me) i agree with you. as for telling me i dont read or havent read the past comments, ofcourse i have, my point wasnt that this ship is bad or over-priced. maybe you should read comments yourself. my point was players like Lena NC ship bashing and constantly saying theyre crap when they are so great, only he/she is very envious and jealous cos she isnt prepared to work for an NC ship. like i said it took me 1 year to be able for me to buy this ship+trade for my ships, i agree with you that the WMB skill isnt worth all the hype. it is unreliable, ive used this ship with WMB, i ended up trading MIS for AFCV+MNG. as for blaming dungeons, it would not bother you if players spent theyre entire time collecting or fishing. i didnt even have SP skill til i was around lvl 35/58/30, i didnt do any dungeons til around those lvls, i remember cos i just got LTC. its taking me alot of time training techs, SP and SM skill, traps skill, unlock, then spending close to 1bil for the best battle gear. noobs grinding ESBTs is sad, they do it for the money and will fail later in the game unless they learn to play the game. Dungeons is also an option for players like me who dont/cant buy NC to be able to afford these type of ships. Also when NC buyers who sell of their ships dont complain when theyre getting their money and even with inflation. stop with NC ship hating, dungeon hating, ESBT hating. I actually the game would be better without ESBTs. theyre a few things i think would make the game better, but those are MY preferences and i dont bitch about them constantly. Stop with trying to force YOUR opinions and YOUR preferences on the game or other players.

For those conned the other day by LadyLady, please see Mahone. LadyLady is his alt.
Instead of trying to lower the price or brainwashing new people's mind, go play the game... -____-
And Meng Meng you may be right about that, but dude, you're taking it too far. This is just a game not a life that you have to constantly check. If UWO is all about ducats/money for you then fine waste your life on it but like what Peter Griffin said "Stop with trying to force YOUR opinions and YOUR preferences on the game or other players."

Spy. is overgayed, cant imagine someone more gay than him

Meng Meng
@Peter Griffin
the ship has problem and it is overpriced as many ppl know.
dont try to label me as nc ship/esbt/??? hater, it doesnt help you with the argument about the ship is good or not. I have been telling the truth about the ship. I have been playing the game since the serve is up (i.e. 2 years+). I have worked even hard then you, spent more then you. I have myself 37/52 skills maxed to r15+. I worked hard and spent tons of nc to get NC ships. The NC ships i have worth for 50b+ in the markets. I am not those haters as you claim. I am just telling the truth about how people push the price up and it is not as good as those price fisher claimed.
It is also true that dungeons domainted the game made the noobs knows nothing other then spent all days in dungeons and learn nothing else. While you are blaming them lazy, greedy, ungreatful users and abusers. and drived that "you have to grind my gears". It is of cos showing that you are buying esbt, gears from noobs and not happy about when they become lazy, greedy, ungreatful not selling whatever you want at the price you want therefore you blaimed them are abusers.
You are not doing any good compare to them to mr abusers. I have been running a company in uwo for more then 1 year. There is a way to guild them but not like you do. You are on the abusing side imao

If anyone has been pvping for a while would know every ship has their own purpose. MIS along with MSF are good snipper ships for good skilled cannon user. With skill such as heavy bombing make the ship hard to melee. When it comes to the last result, welcome melee provide an extra defensive boost. Nobody tell you to use a gun boat to melee a galley. Personally, I do NOT use frigate class ship not because they are not good, it is that I am a melee/close range battle type player. But there are people such as EmilyTheRed uses MSF well enough that she makes sure no galleys can get close to her in battle. Keep in mind that, it is which ship suit your skill/style best to success. It is your choice to pick the right ship for yourself. If you are going to choose a frigate to melee, you are in the wrong business. And seriosly, which ship doesn't have a problem. Galleys are low on armour, fcv are low on speed, frigate are low on melee. You will never find a flawless battle ship.
And poor people, please don't try to lower the price on nice battle ships because you can't afford one, thank you. And fyi, I don't own a frigate class.

stupid people buy stupid ship for stupid price and preted his is cool

Not gonna argue with you. Please go on google or something and search of ship of line and frigate. Then come back and tell me the purpose of those ships. Thank you. After that, you should start using ships for the right purpose that is built for. @jean, please don't speak until you learn how to pvp. I would love to battle you. Ign KingJames. :) take cares.

PrincessJames ^^

Please check the homepage for the database. It said NO FATTY allow. Thank you

Xiao Wei
- -!!! Princess's are not welcome here

RUDE! And get a life! Stop being on the DB all day!

o.O i rather play on DB then in game

Oh btw, Ana won't be too happy with your comment. :)

Ming Mei
I think ESF is on tonight. I can't wait for it to start.

>.< peoples needs to let Spain into BC so lame that they cannot play..lamelamelame...
Back to forum.. MSF/MIS still great ships people need to stop fire selling cus they got beat down. Stop ruining price on awesome ship cus you got deck cleaned in melee while using cannon ship...Fail.

esf not bc..fail

Fat people always fail! I can play for venice tonight or I can just go to sleep... Let me think... I think I will just go to sleep.

Mod Ironsides is not a cannon ship its not even an offensive ship its an ADMIRAL ship made to endure heavy multi PVP cannon attacks from all sides while its sailors are regen by team players you freaking noobs...is just really sad to read along these lines....

Wen zhi
you ppl just have to learn how to get out of mellee without getting a crit by pressing for a small quick turn instead of a long one as soon as mellee ends---

seems like a lot of ducats just for that

Wen zhi
MIS price is tanking for a reason. people are realizing it was just a fad and is highly overrated. now all MIS owners are trading it back for AFCVs again.

I am not for sure...bunch of sheep's !

I am not for sure...bunch of sheep's !

Since Admirals are the ones who won or loose combats there is nothing much to ad to the nonsensical pseudo debate going on here...

Since Admirals are the ones who won or loose combats there is nothing much to ad to the nonsensical pseudo debate going on here...

lol Lena stop feeding the trolls...

this is worthless now with NEW MSF. New MSF better stock in all aspects plus more men... RIP MIS

Exactly!!! New MSF has higher turn, wave, dura, and men while going 8/8 just as MIS... LOL MIS is dead!! How can you argue not?

FIRE SALE!! under 15m!!

Meng Meng
Noobs keep comparing cannon ships with an Admiral ship...and I keep laughing...didn't saw a single person offering a MIS for the new MSF...not one !

No reason to use Direct Hit Prevention as no crit is requried to kill. No reason to bye FIS/MIS. Everyone should use ships with Improved Gunport and activate ballistics and reload (lol) and maybe penetration (not that penetration matters, given the sheer power of max god cannons). No reason to play......

Maritime isn't the only feature of the game :)

Yet trade is killed and dungeons are boring most do it for the sake of buying NC ships/sails/gear ie, for maritime!

@Jafar you selfish bastardddddd!
First they came for the communist,
and I did not speak up for I am not a communist.
Then they came for the socialist,
and I did not speak up for I am not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist,
and I did not speak up for I am not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one there to speak for me.
NM/CJ has made traders lame cause of overly profitable dungeons. Then they put adventurer's "dream items" in TB which will make adventuring redundant if it continues. Now they are literally shitting on maritimers by turning AFCV/FIS into barcas that can be 2-3 hit ko by non-critical hits.
So the question is, when will all this shitting on players end? Even if they don't "come to you" next you will soon find yourself alone, with no one to play with cause you had the attitude of "well it doesnt affect me so I'll allow NM/CJ to shit on other players". You might as well play UWOffline.

Hyperbole aside, this much is true and quote-worthy:
"NM/CJ has made traders lame cause of overly profitable dungeons. Then they put adventurer's "dream items" in TB which will make adventuring redundant if it continues. Now they are literally shitting on maritimers by turning AFCV/FIS into barcas that can be 2-3 hit ko by non-critical hits."
Problem is, no amount of player protest will help. These items are still selling wildly, and NM only has dollar signs in its eyes right now. They would rather have a steep short term profit than a balanced game with longer term revenue stability. Why? Because they assume people will get sick of this and move onto another game before long, and NM can always do the same thing (e.g. District 187).
Bottom line is, there is zero benefit to be had by anyone yelling about this. The game is in a downward spiral, and nothing will change that, because That Is How It Was Designed.

UWO (named GVO in Taiwan and AOV in Japan) has been very successful (much larger player base, much more well known, much better reviews and word of mouth) and it has been running at this state for 7 years in Japan. They even have it on PS3 now.
Also, any company tries to get a good image cause then they can release new games etc. I don't see how anyone would try to start playing District 187 if they know NM/CJ's business model. Sure they can shut the company down and open up a new one, but there will always be nerds out there on forums who'd find out who's beind NM/CJ and cry "this new company is the same jokers who managed UWO, turning a highly successful game into a mega joke because they are incompetent and has no regard for players, you'd be a retard to play their game".
In short, there are benefits to making the game run well (did not mention existing players will be a continuous source of income if the game is good, this point is common sense).

I am a Trader often bullied by Pirates, now with God's Cannon, they'll get big suprises, wuahahaha, thanks NM, and I 'm more looking forward to deck battle! For you haters, just STFU and leave, no need to talk so much if you are unwilling to spend anymore, just keep playing or leave, that's all...

Port Official
Are you retarded and could not realize pirates will be equipped with god cannons too? Only difference is your trade ship will not have 5x god cannons and you won't have the crew to use them well, plus pirates could have enough dura to survive 2 broadside, your trade ship will be one hit joke ko'd... $58 for a full set of 2000 pen carro16 is cheaper than a new computer/ps3 game, many could afford that, in the end you will still be bullied...... until there is no more bully cause it's not fun and you can bully npc barcs.

Wen zhi
You are a joke.

I'm not retarded, this is called suprise attack, yes I can find a trade/adventure ship with 5 broadsides, if I can maneuver my ship with agility, I can kill the pirates, if they dare to strike me without god's cannon...or if my god's cannon is more godly than theirs (more penetration)

nothing bunch of cry babies playing this game. always endlessly complaining about something. do all of us a favor who actually enjoy playing the game and just stfu already and quit. go away. you. won't. be. missed.

Who would trade in a ship with 5 broadsides, enough crew to use the cannons, and modded to endure god cannons? That's a battle ship and if it's a decent one you'd have minimal cargo too... Unless you're telling me you multi-box and has 4 alts in fleet carrying your cargo and towing you (which is illegal) you must be a mega fail trader.

Trader what did you mean by manouver your ship with agility?
I guess you are completely missing the point, which is with god cannons there is no such thing as manouvering, there will be no skill involved, you cannot avoid being ko'd effortlessly because any random shot can kill you regardless of how you "manouver", no crit required.

Trader do you trade in a ship with improved gunport? Because if you don't then I guess pirates who are in MSF etc. will definately shoot you before you shoot them (extra range and reload).
Besides, you should be in trade job and they will reload faster than you...... You have no chance.

Whiners everywhere haha! come on grow up kids

@Naoyasu, Lisa & Miyo
I think you guys just shout yourselves in the foot! Your arguments seemed to suggest that the type of ship and you maritime skills do still matters in this game and god cannon can be even out by another god cannon, so why still complaining?
Remember when dungeons came out, when esbt was available through NC, when pirate rules revamped, crybabies crying everywhere, but, the game goes on, players still plays and still growing, you minority just buzz off if you don't like the game, stop the hoo haa

Li Yue
Funny... trade nerfs and dungeons made traders angry with reasons, nc ships and specially god cannons made maritimers angry with reasons, some legendary items from NC made adventurers angry with reasons... and just a MINORITY complains? ONLY multi/cheaters are out of these groups (and 100% dungeoners, but there are TONS of better dungeon games around)

to use god cannons, you only need accuracy as ever in any cannon fight, but NOW chances of a trader to survive are even more slim even with god cannons himself... and to do damage you still need a ship with lots of cannons and crew, or are worthless... so, if pirate cannot plunder, is easier to just sink trader

No we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot. The whole argument was never "traders can now kill pirates" no one ever said that so I don't know where you got the idea from. And yes god cannon vs god cannon can still be fair for spenders (eg, me, big spender) but fairness isn't the issue here, it's the lack of skill/fun involved. Two players with ballistics/accuracy/reload plus god cannons, the one who has higher reload rank or press the button faster automatically wins, all previous skills/tactics of PvP are gone.
It's like this, if you go play Tekken or Street Fighter and they've set it to first hit (light punch or whatever) instantly kills, apply this to both players so it's FAIR, would anyone play the game? You got it right, the answer is a big NO.
Read above comment for trader and realize why we have to complain. The thousands that I've invested is now gone because the game play/mechanics is gone.

Stop complaining, 2nd age ships will be released soon, those ships will have higher duras and also deck battle system will be unleashed...don't worry about God Cannons too much, people used to think that a noob owning a AFCV can kill veteran players, bla bla bla (unfair, crybaby, boycott NC), now God Cannons, well, don't worry, the game will balance itself again...trust NM, they always do that, they will keep giving you a reason to keep spending, and yes they have to make money, that's their job.

Trader mate, I've been reading this debate and every comment you make just shows how little you know about what you are commenting on.
First, from what we know of Chinese server (which we mirror/copy) 2nd age ships are only slightly better than current ships, probably the difference between AFCV and FFCV, and that won't be enough to compensate for God Cannons since current 2 hit broadside kill is calculated from max armour (i.e., 100 armour cap) so the extra base armor of 2nd age ships won't help (just like how AV not that much better than AFCV) little increase in dura is not going to be enough. Sure they could start making us different from other servers and introduce GAMA only 3000 dura ships to counteract God Cannons...... But when will that happen? Will players spend so much to keep up or just be fed up and leave?

Agree with post before me, it just won't work, if they intro GAMA only 3000 dra ships it will still mean all existing ships are turned into barcas and everyone need new for ship, might as well reset server, besides how many will spend $58 per set of cannons to keep up with then-common 3000 dura ships? Worse than subscription game 'more expensive.

Cannon tools biggest fail ever.

This Trader guy is just a troll. That happens to know NOTHING about game. How can he fit 5x -cannon type- (16) god gun on a TRADE ship, get some CARGO to be a good trader and still have enough CREW to fire all the cannons?

price-check on this one? guess this went down a little bite after the FIS?

The MIS is around 10-12 at best after people figured out how to beat Welcome Meele so easy. Also FIS going for 15-20b Most trolls like the shouters in seville are shouting for 23+ are being outragious

Ming Mei
Ya those shouting for 22-24b have been shouting in the past week and still shouting if you don't believe just go to seville lol.

you jeslous u cant buy? lol no money no talk. i just sell for 24bil+

*Sigh* Because people like you..... dont even worth saying all over again

Fanta is good at exploiting others.
*sigh* funny , impersonating everywhere
Put your real name here instead of faking others name here, you pussy
But hey, that one was right i wouldnt sell for under 20b

Alright, even if I am impersonating myself, you can't even tell...

Li Yue
Thx to x2 rate and 2300 NC only so many have won this ship, I see way more FIS than AV and know a lot more people who won this than AV.
That white name means nothing , you're still impersonalting

@Li Yue
You are right, with factors such as God's Cannon, high drop rate and cheaper to obtain MIS should be less than 10b now and FIS less than 15b, there's just no reason for it to be expensive anymore, So if you still try to sell it at 25b, you will end up shouting...shouting...shouting...and then you'll do the Harlem Shake...

1420 dura 45 base armor 7/7 with direct hit prevention... Still 2 shot KO from broadside by god cannons... So why pay so much?
Even old MSF and MNG are better cause improve gunport helps them shoot first and win in god cannon vs god cannon fights.
Wake up people, NM/CJ will not do anything about god cannons, revise how you assess value/usefulness of ships.

1420 dura 45 base armor 7/7 with direct hit prevention... Still 2 shot KO from broadside by god cannons... So why pay so much?
Even old MSF and MNG are better cause improve gunport helps them shoot first and win in god cannon vs god cannon fights.
Wake up people, NM/CJ will not do anything about god cannons, revise how you assess value/usefulness of ships.

If most NC ships get killed by 2 hit (whether it be 900+/1000+ damage first hit then 200+/300+/400+ damage to finish you off makes no difference) then yes the market is due for a revamp.

Market is controlled by players, If there are buyers and sellers who are willing to overpay and oversell then there's nothing we can do about it. In real life this happens also so what more in a game. You can blame gold spammers, NC users or dungeoneers but in the end, it will still be the same. If NM is not earning from this, they would have stop all this changes before.
Changes in a game is normal, there are updates that people will like and will not like, its either you adjust or stop playing the game. It's not like for the next year or so it will always be spice runs, 1400 dura, AFCV, etc.
Just like some comments says, if NM is earning money from this TBox and NC users then why would they stop it??? the reason this game is here is because they want to earn money, simple as that. Believe me, a lot of players already quit and say they will guit but there will always be new ones coming and play. again, its just a game.

Zen comments my arse! You think you are the minority or the majority? If you were right, UWO would have closed down long time ago when changes were first made. We don't have to listen to you, crybaby! Crybabies like you come and go, we have stayed in this game for so long, adapt our gameplay with NM's changes, change is inevitable, so play on or move on, don't complain here, just get lost.

"NM/CJ are simply lazy and/or incompetent. Period"
Then why are you still here commenting and assuming playing UWO. If you dont like the game and the changes been made the quit. No one is forcing you to stay.

I have yet to see anyone post anything positive about the recent NC tools or other changes (eg, GAMA having nerfed PO nerfed namban buffed dungeon tickets) so I don't understand why people are defending the changes. All the anti-protesters are about asking protesters to accept/adapt or leave. Sure upset players can leave but why would you urge them to? You all realize many medium companies dying down and even top companies struggling to keep active members? Also why can't they voice their opinions and "must accept" changed that no one can say a positive thing about?

This is not a debate between those who like vs dislike the changes. Just a debate between those who dislike vs those who don't care. If you don't care then stay out?

Ya those who like ban an nerf and god cannons are noobs who only thrive when the game requires more and more NC to play (nanban require nc to get 1:1 and god cannons on player plus aide to win). If you think you are so rich and can sustain the server yourself just buy the goddn servt and play UWOffline.

I bet they welcomed 5 account multis in the past and think gold sellers should be allowed.

All those haters of the changes/updates in UWO are all losers because you can't do anything about. You can comment and talk trash all you want but at the end of the day, UWO will still be here. You can talk all you want about the server is dying and players are quitting but as I said before, UWO will still be here. Now, until GAMA server closes, shut up cause presently, you are the LOSERSSS!!!!! and there's nothing you can do about it.

Trader is obviously retarded and just comment to appear as if he's cool but ends up showing he had no capacity to reason or comprehend the situation. I wouldn't waste me time and effort trying to educate him you shouldn't too.

You want to see comments from players saying how much they love and like the changes in order for you to say that the changes/updates are accepted by players??? lol
In my opinion if i were happy with the changes i would just shut up and play and enjoy the game, y would i brag that god cannons makes me stronger or dungeons makes me reacher???
unlike others who keep bitching that they dont like the changes.

By the way, this comment section is placed to help other players regarding there questions in the game and not comment on how i LIKE or DISLIKE uwo.
its blue

So you think by commenting here, NM will revert the changes made? Dream on, they will not and will never do so. If you are so dissatisfied, you should just leave, what are your intentions complaining here? NM/CJ is not gonna give a fock to what you said. Your tiny winny birdie brain expect a game to remain stagnant forever without changes and being a cheapskate, you expect to spend less NC. Well, you can enjoy the game without spending NC, but you have to spend more time and endure certain disavantages, eventhough you can't reach the top (If there's a top), you can still enjoy it. If you are a NC spender, just spend more NC, it gives you a shortcut and will forever give you advantages than non-NC players. I don't know what you're trying to achieve by playing this game. I myself simply wanna enjoy the process of playing this game, not to be the best pirate / best maritimer / best ESF / bla bla bla
Don't bring the GMs in the hate please.
They are not the one at fault. It might be KOEI or CJ Internet, who knows but the GMs are just the employee.
(Don't worry Annaliese! We'll save you from the haters!) >:D

day 3. running out of water, food supply gone. I have yet to read half of comments

how much are they going for now anyone? :)

how much are they going for now anyone? :)

WTT MspecF 8/8 MFCV 6/6 and MAV 7/7 all panaled for well modded MIS pm me in game thx BadDay :)

Hello people!!!!))))XlurewXa

this ship is best.

WMB skill failed! Yes it is unlocked.. I lost a PvP battle and was plundered... How did I get plundered?

Welcome melee skill only prevents plunder from the use of pillage orders melee item, you still get plundered normally if you are sunk.

Hello people!!!!))))XlurewXa

WTS Good modded Ottoman MIS 8/8 dura max, sail max. ts 22/ws 16 armor+16 25B no nego (ducats only 20b + Dgaff x5)
WTS Good modded Ottoman FIS 8/8 dura max, sail max, ts 20/ws 16 armor+9 28B No nego. (ducats only 20b + Dgaffx8)
PM me in game IGN : YgBacaOrgTolol

Those stats are pretty average can't see anyone paying 25b for it you do realize MLA will shit on you in melee yes? FIS 28b fair enough but HSFCV at lease have APN & WM plus slightly more crew oh and more dura too and it's not 28b...

that guy's trolling u, his name says it all
TgBacaOrgTolol = those that read this for real are stupid


Meng Meng
Price check.


If FIS is now 15b then this should be 5b lol

8-10b tickets seems acceptable, dunno about well improved one maybe 12-15b yes

Wow everything's price drop?
Not just on this website, sitting in Seville I see people selling MFCV 6/6 for 5b when a few weeks ago they were going for 6.5b! ETC are now 2-3b when they were 4b tickets about two fortnights ago! FIS 15-16b I heard two trades done that price but they were 20b two weeks ago!

The rich are piling up with money...
No cash flow but ships still float around on the market so temporary deflation...
Mark my word, resellers will buy now then sell at insane price soon! Obviously because their current purchases will pump cash back into the market and take ships out, it's a bad cycle, wealthy resellers with "ammo" always win!

i disagree, more and more players have NC ships for themselves now, i myself have 5 and im no reseller. let the greedy resellers horde ships and try resell, look at what happened to MIS, they tried buying MIS to resell, the price fell so fast due to AFCV/FIS. these scumbag resellers will be stuck with multiple MIS or sell for a loss, and its the same story for many ships. yes prices have dropped too, but there are too many NC ships for sale than players have the cash for.

to clarify my 5 NC ships are top spec and expensive ships such as HSFCV, not CAS or CCS etc. i do not buy NC so all ships ive earned through time playing and hard work. there are those who make their game around buying/selling for pure profit and upgrading their personal ships, doesnt bother me, cos when it comes down to it they wont have the skills to get all they can out of the game. theyre just greedy and this game fuels their greed to a point where their own morality IRL will be questioned. dont believe me, ask Yoda :P

HFCV was 25b in ticket when it first came out, I personally got offered 25b which I turned down and someone else on my friend list sold to another buyer for 25b, so I guess it's not a one-off random price.
Ok so my question is, how can you work hard to get 5 top-of-the-line-ships?
Winning MSpF from event might count as 1, what about the other 20b ships? Even full-time cavemen cannot earn that much from dungeons right?

Hey, one way or another, MIS is worth 8-10b in ticket?
I'm the original guy who asked for price check, thanks!

I tried earning 2b by doing dungeon for 2 days (4 hour spent per day). But that was my limit.
I heard some people plays at least 10 hours a day, and can have multiple people doing shifts on one account.
Full-time gamers always will do better than everyone else. 100b is just a matter of 100 days for a full-time gamer (less than four months).

careful though, some dirty greedy reseller sold it for 12-15b in tickets form... better asked your friend around for NC ship with reasonable price than ripped off price from reseller

i have r20 swordplay/swordmastery i can earn easily from dungeon but damnn.. too many dungeoning make this game soo boring, maybe i'll just control FS stock markets with my alts horde, i'll drive the prices down/higher LOL blame capitalism

Wen zhi
@15b you can easily get an FIS ticket at current market

ok my IGN is MarcoS and for those of you that know me will know i dont buy NC, my 5 NC ships are HSFCV, MAV, MNG, RVG, MTLC. the RVG and MTLC were earned from doing dungeon, alot of you hate dungeons, but they make purchasing these NC ships optional for players like me that dont buy NC. i was offered an MIS from a friend for 5bil for helping him, i sold pretty much all i had to get 5bil. later i traded the MIS for AFCV+MNG, AFCV were at a low price and MIS were sky high, for me i preferd AFCV on paper, so i shouted for a trade and got 1, this was not my intention to profit, just i prefered AFCV over MIS. later i figured HSFCV over AFCV would have been better for me since so called friends like Preterist attacked me and used pillage orders repeatedly on me. plus the xtra speed, dura etc, i just prefered HSFCV so i traded my AFCV for HSFCV ticket+MAV. ive actually just sold my RVG and MAV since i wouldnt use them, and comp member is using MNG. i lost money on the RVG btw, im no reseller, ive just been lucky in trading ships at right times it seems. now if i tried to trade my MIS for AFCV i would get laughed at, but for some unknown reason a bunch of players dictate ingame prices, and you all follow, i saw AFCV was worth more than MIS, and i wanted AFCV over MIS, so i traded. would not be possible now. My point is its possible to gain any ship you want with hard work, ive been playing for a year and a half now. alot of players are so impatient now, they hit syracuse 24/7 to seel ESBTs for a ship as soon as possible, why the rush? i agree with dongwoo, dungeon so boring, im personally sick to death of em and i dont wanna do any more FSD, hence i sold my RVG and MAV. but just be patient, try to gain ducats without reselling and ripping off players and youll have np getting a good ship+the skills to use em since seville campers buying/selling gain no skill prof at all. dont deal with the known seville resellers, scammers etc, and always double check the trade, just move your cursor over the ship and make sure its the agreed ship etc.

oh sorry enver i didnt answer your question, i did alot of dungeon, too much cos im 100% sick of em now. but had to be done to purchase such ships. i admit i was lucky in trading ships st good times, not sure my trade 8/8 good AFCV(3 D gaffs/2 D storms) for HSFCV ticket+MAV+2bil was a good or not, but i wanted HSFCV so not bothered even if i did lose out. and dongwoo you should go for the FS parts business, prices are too high through supply and demand, i have a few friends who make their ducats that way. i remember saving and saving and getting my CTG thinking id never get anything better, back then i did luxor and spice runs. if you dont wanna earn ducats through dungeons, theres FS part selling, 100def equipment (through alchemy, handicrafts, casting), making aide/vig food, cannons etc. just for love of god be patient, im forever saying that when im constantly asked how do i make money fast.

MarcoS, before turning into a reseller i tried not to rip off players twice
1/The first player tried to sell his ship for retarded price (sort of 75m) i saw it and tell him his ship worth billions, and tell him to go to seville and find a good trade (cause i dont have billions back then), he ended up selling that ship for 150m to some lucky bastard
2/The 2nd player wanted my modified indiaman for his 20b-worth ship, i told him his ship worth way more than that, mine is only 1b, told him to try sell the ship somewhere else and bring me 1b. And he did, he sold his 20b-worth ship for 1b and brought me 1b for the indiaman....
Then i became a reseller, because if it's not me then some other bastard would have it instead, so why not be the one to grab it first ?

There's a big difference between accepting a proposed deal that is too much in your favour, and seeking out and/or manipulating people into a deal too much in your favour.

I saw your AFCV was -10 dura -4 armour compared to all normal expected. Cant remember if you maxed sails but you didn't adjust cargo. A ship that most PvPer would dismantle. So you got a really good deal for HSFCV ticket which were selling for up to 25b (of trades at that price) and MAV is like 2-2.5b and 2b cash all up that's a lot.

@miyo yeah that was my AFCV, max sails too, but i couldnt dismantle, if i bought NC sure, but its so costly for me to dismantle with ducats and i also used 3 D gaffs and 2 D storms which took me a week to save the ducats to buy those. i had some bad advice about the cargo, dunno why i listened. anyway it was +240 dura max sails +9 turn +12 wave +12 armour so yeah not the best AFCV but ive seen worse. i still hit 95 armour with 1 rolled and 2 trained iron platings. i had some bad luck with it, but it was still a great ship, and if you think it cannot compete with PvP i have vids on youtube of me taking down pirates in SL in 1v1 battles in that AFCV, my youtube name is Mongral Marcos btw

@RandomReseller like Fracine said there is a difference between getting a deal and actively seeking players to rip off. kudos for the advice to the newb trying to sell his ship for was less than its worth. some do actually listen though. I advised a player over christmas to take his mod special frigate out of the bazaar that he had in for 75mil. he did and eventually i saw him 2 months later, he still has it and thanked me again. i have screenshots of the conversation we had over xmas cos i was so shocked, all he wanted was the black santa suit lol. so seeking players to rip off is pretty low imho, some players attitudes is 'its only a game' like WOLF_FANG when he wouldnt return Edward's FFCV, WOLF even /shouted in seville that he didnt care, he would do it again and bragged about buying this ship and said 'WTF do i care? its only a game' then had his account stolen and was so upset, why be upset if its only a game? he learned a lesson i think or atleast i hope that its not only a game, we're passionate about this game which means we care about this game. if i was some newbie who had someone tell me my ship was worth 50mil and i sold it, to find out later it was worth 10bil i would be distraught, so dont go hunting newbs to rip off, cos youre hurting the players that do care about this game.

@Natascha : 80 percent in avg pirates are scammer thats for sure :)

Nope, not saying it cannot compete, to be honest the little bit of extra edge that 10 dura and 4 armor offers is very minimal but the cost it adds to a ship is huge, I guess most players just want the "perfect" ship. Anyone who knows the formula knows 4 armour only reduce damage by 3.6 points (so that makes it 3 points? because UWO always round down?) when you get crit and crit is all that matters.
I was just commenting on it cause for days I've seen a guy shouting to trade or sell his AFCV as far as I can tell it is -10 dura -1 armour compared to expected (he has improved gunport so expected armour value is less than special sterncastle version because different FS parts must be used) and he is asking for a price lower than what you got yet the fact he's still shouting shows he has little luck. I guess the market really is dead at the moment.

ah ok, i know ive been lucky in the markets. but tbh my trades havent been within a day or 2, takes sometimes over a week. it also took me over a week of trying to trade the MIS for AFCV when MIS were considered godlike and everyone wanted 1. just takes patience is all and knowing values of ships. that guy trying to sell is AFCV that has had some better success than mine is unlucky and needs to be patient as 1 day someone will pop into seville really wanting AFCV. personally i dont think IGP the better choice over special stern, but for some it will be, such as melee experts wanting a cannon ship, no better 'tank' ship than AFCV and the IGP will do him good if his cannon skills are a little under par. and yeah you have no idea how devastated i was when i had fails in armour, and that last improve on dura getting +50 instead of the normal +60. hurts alot. if i was able to buy NC, im sure that AFCV would have been better, relying on other players to improve when they have different veiws on how to improve and what parts are 'best' in the their opinion is very frustrating.

You are well known for being mr nice guy :)
I think IGP is better on paper as the passive R5 reload speed and extra cannon range (just a little bit of range though...) is better than halving sterncastle, even with x2 HASC it's only -35 attack for your opponent which really is not a ton when initial attack/defense values are usually 300-700 (without god gear) on MIS/FIS, AFCV/HSFCV and even more on MLA/ALA. Not to mention, most players don't equip x2 HASC and go for lesser sterncastles so the effectiveness is further reduced. But of course, that's a personal preference :)

True that player needs more patience and more luck. I think he's been there over a week maybe two weeks.

as for myself, survival comes first.. i mean durability and skill, 1335 dura MIS pretty acceptable i think. When i use my 1333 dura FCV i use handling 1 & 2 for figurehead and r20 evasion, those give me like 50% rate or survival when getting hard crits if i made bad turn (it's FCV duh, has bad ts) or to the very least 1 crit could not killed me instantly. imagine if MIS with DHP and skills above is used in battle.... pretty much minimize chance of myself doing mistake due to DHP/eva+handling better yet with DSD depends on situation.

lol someone talking about me

I personally don't like ironside type because I'm no admiral so I won't go full defensive to survive. Constantly switching skills to avoid DHP occupying a skill slot when unnecessary is too demanding for me. Also don't like how it's rank 1 and thus deactivates very quickly, such a pain in the ass. WMB is also too shaky I much rather prefer APN.

Spring boxes so disappointing it's hard to welcome spring lol.

Price check 8/8 well modded??

12-15b well modded, 10b tickets.... This ship is on the rise as more people recognize the value of WMB and the fact that AFCV doesnt have it. MIS>AFCV.

This ship has always been better than AFCV. Onlu until recently did the value drop because of other ships even better. The fact still remains the same... MIS is still a better all around ship. Of course youll have a few old time UWO players that still own AFCV thatll disagree. Once they have a few nice items pillaged during PVP theyll be believers too.

There are many kinds of PVP, the open sea ones, the deathmatch ones (BC), the ESF ones/Mocks. While the usual generic arguments of skills in playing in each ship > basic ship stats, AFCV actually is a more offensive type of ship with IGP and 1406 durability pitching it nicely in close ranging combat in BC/ESF/Mocks. I still think comparing both MIS and AFCV is kinda moot, considering that both have different functions and different build options.

George is right... MIS was better ship for monthssss than AFCV.. People would trade AFCV + ?? for MIS all day in Seville... All a sudden its a lesser ship?? AFCV is just a big sluggish tank.. Any WMB ship owner will just sail right in and melee, and hide behind the 200% defense. AFCV is also less dominant these days with ships like ALA and MLA than can also just melee and eat AFCV men. Yes 1406 Dura is nice on AFCV but now with Deck Battles and so many more people with trained weapon finesse going for melee attacks AFCV disadvantages are greatly exposed ...

i had alot of nc ships, but mis is the one i dont trade away, beat all others in any way, fast, strong, decent crew and good skills. dont need to say more. get one!

Port Official
Hans were you playing in January this year? When some MIS and MSF got melee'd to deah quickly in BC? That was the turning point where people started realizing the limits of WMB.
A year ago as a noob I was already asking my co director why don't people in melee ships like FFCV also hire noob sailors for a chance (>50% chance cause ships with more crew are easier to achieve low sailor ability) to negate WMB, and he said something like anyone with half a brain knows that can be done but usually can't be bothered lol.
Reason 2, any half decent maritimer knows the offensive disadvantage that DHP brings due to it taking up one skill slot. Sure we should switch skills but how often can u do that without getting constantly distracted/disrupted? And switching skill is slow as turning a skill of and brining the menu on etc all take like at least half a sec. So people like Bowser and Gionet preferred AFCV over MIS even before January BC.
MIS was no doubt the best admiral of its time but don't exaggerate how godly it was. It's always been susceptible to melee and if you deactivate DHP you can be one shot easily cause of low dura if you activate it your damage output is low.

Well I think it's just resellers who stocked up on MIS wanting to advertise their investments lol.
Btw as already mentioned MIS is no longer the best admiral.
AFCV is still one of the best all-rounded ship, tanky, almost impossible to kill in melee with APN and 217 crew. faster than MFCV/FCFV, and one of the few good options for IGP the other being MSupF which has much lower dura and crew but faster and has WMB.
Basically what I'm saying is a ship's value stays high only when it's top of its class/type. With FIS so prevalent and being sold for 13b even there is no reason o pay much for MIS.

Iim not a reseller!! Everything is not just about the fight..

A tooth (plural teeth) is a mignonne, calcified, whitish build start in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates and used to break down food. Some animals, strikingly carnivores, also take teeth in behalf of hunting or in place of defensive purposes. The roots of teeth are covered by gums. Teeth are not made of bone, but rather of multiple tissues of varying density and hardness.
The ordinary systematize of teeth is nearly the same across the vertebrates, although there is considerable variation in their show up and position. The teeth of mammals be struck by serious roots, and this decoration is also found in some fish, and in crocodilians. In most teleost fish, manner, the teeth are attached to the outer outwardly of the bone, while in lizards they are attached to the inner surface of the jaw during one side. In cartilaginous fish, such as sharks, the teeth are joined around rough ligaments to the hoops of cartilage that construct the jaw.

WTB this ship any stat pm me IGN : koko2012fox

Sophia are you racist?

Koko is melisaconstatine's alt.. Both are resellers/ scammers

I'm Koko Sophia for buying a ship I'm a scammer now? O.o

Good that I have FIS now no need for more talk cya

I saw some dude trying to sell this for 18B today... LMFAO

worth 8-9B
...FIS is sold @ 13B


Precisely every legacy and new-look IT vendor has its own consume on making the unrestricted figures center more programmable via software and less dependent on specialized, proprietary and expensive hardware.

This game is dead

yeah totally, just look at the 600+ steam players in game right now, as for the hundreds more that have been playing for much longer, totally dead!

yet your douchebaggery lives on

but then look at the 0 players at banda sea all day today...

they all in dungeon dude, spice trading has dies some what, doesnt mean the players have left, what is it with you doom sayers, do us and yourself a favour and quit, the game is dead in your eyes anyway, move on, same few players spamming the same shit over n over, DonPiano was dumb enough to add his IGN with the doom saying, im not being a coward by not adding my IGN, ill reveal my IGN when i see DonPiano in unsafe waters once ive sunk his negative ass

Xiao Wei
and you know what, even if DonPiano had some truth to what he says, purely for spamming this site with 'the game is dead' which wont bold well for the new batch of players, i dont like him. sick of reading the same shit, and its only a few players spamming the site with it.

korea update soon :)

no one ever said that
DonPiano - Player who wants UWO to die
Oh noez is it true? And yeah bad idea lol...

I think what make player die are the spammers and resellers in sevi.
They "steal" ships and items from new players by cheating and trolling,which makes new players don't like the game condition at all.

I think what make player die are the spammers and resellers in sevi.
They "steal" ships and items from new players by cheating and trolling,which makes new players don't like the game condition at all.

this whole 99% vs 1% mentality is getting on my nerves. Resellers aren't doing anything wrong per se. I don't care for some of their dealings, but they aren't taking anything from anybody. The naive players are handing their gear and ships over willingly, albeit stupidly. Resellers are not killing the game however, mismanagement is what will kill this game.

Looking to buy one of these... Serious buyer, pm IGN The_Admiral

i got mine and i am happy to have it

price check on ticket?

oh so it cost a bil to get one nice ill get one right now

WTB Nice Modded MIS . Offer for it nice modded MFCV who have 4gaff sail/3 storm sail
special for piratering +? or ducats Pm IGN : RIKImiki

7 mods on a MFCV - tell us more...

Soooooooooooooooooooooo Nice!

Looking to trade 10/10 AV (very nice mods) for MIS (ticket or 7/7 with excellent mods) +/- cash

Edit: Forgot my IGN!
Looking to trade 10/10 AV (very nice mods) for MIS (ticket or 7/7 with excellent mods) +/- cash

Price Update on this ship now is 12b to 14b now a days!
Dont Get Blind on Greedy seller ty!

lol who r u to decide the price ? if im desperate for this ship i can pay 20b , or i don't want it i don't buy it at 1b , dumb ass

Price up date this ships has gone back up to 15-20b!

price update this ship has gone back to 8-10bill with update

MIS ticket hawe never gone below 10bil its always 13 bil
CIS 8-10bil ticket -13bil moded one
MIS 10-12bil ticket 15-16 moded one
FIS 15-17 ticket 20- 20+ moded one

i bet this is turd enternal trying to decrease mis price
yes this post is mine and ther is no price decrease thos was prices i was baying !!
yestday u offer me your
MIS saying its 18-19bil
but i see u in servile for past 2 month trying to sell it ( not working out???)
and yes i was baying ships at low price as any other person
if thay hawe chance any other person will bay chep!!!
but that dont make me scamer!
MIS ticket hawe never gone below 10bil its always 13 bil
CIS 8-10bil ticket -13bil moded one
MIS 10-12bil ticket 15-16 moded one
FIS 15-17 ticket 20- 20+ moded one

shut up u scammer , go back to seville and shout WTB every single NC ship
i dont do it any more!
so i just give other people price update on each ship
people under delphin gaff saills making lots of req for price update
CIS 8-10bil ticket -13bil moded one - 1250 dura
MIS 10-13bil ticket 15-16 moded one - 1335 dura
FIS 15-18 ticket 20- 24 moded one - 1420 dura
rest of stuf on thes ships aprox same

Port Official
get a life

WTS 7/7 MIS very nice mods 3 skills, pm me in game please,cheers
IGN - Lynxx-

WTS 7/7 MIS very nice mods 3 skills, pm me in game please,cheers
IGN - Lynxx-

Mei Hua
Lynxx- how much u asking for it?

WTT FFCV 7/7 + 5b for a MIS

Mei Hua

WTS good MIS: 8/8 3 skill great mod with 16B pm in game: SgtlCava_RO_

Price update please? Ty.

Price update please? Ty.

Here is Crzy auction of it Modified ironsides1/6 Dura 962,102CRW,52GUN,576 Car,Wind mast,34/32/35,Oak!/mGrey 12bil

sergent sold 2 of them for 10b each, id say 8 - 13b pending build

I'm a noob


noob kkkk

true a true noob

junk once fuse comes, every ship can do WMB and many have more dura

WTT a ticket for this plus SSB for either a Modified Big Trading Clipper or a Festive Big Trading Clipper. Currently in Seville shouting.

Current prices?

Hard to know mate, since we are just in day 1 of TBox (if we can still call it that way)

Crzy told me it sold for 12 bil in the auction but she said the price is outdated she said probably 9-10 bil I believe her

OK, thanks guys! I'll check back soon; hope this drops as much as SSB has, a newer player like me might just stand a chance of affording one. :D

Wen zhi
If you believe anything that CPC says related to money you're going to have a bad time.

CPC has over 200bil I think I prefer to listen to her about money a lot more than some random low life on Ivyro

She has 10 accounts? cool story.. Flex ur e strength....

10x as much as you so I think that makes her an expert as far as money is concerned

Cpc fan boy take her lady boy dick out of your mouth when you speak.
You do not know whos typing to you on the other end of this forum. You can speculate but you never know. She has 10x accounts? she has 10x more money? how do you know :) how do you know im not URB or rolegold or multiboxer? Hmmm interestingly enough you do not understand much.
Mis back in tbox
Mis dropping like mad
People getting tickets left and right trying to mass sell them
Yeah mis should be around 10b? Try again when people are rage selling at 4-5b...
Can I ask a noob question? What mods are available for this ship? Same as normal IS?

yeah mihawk

Ming Mei
Fuck all you American fuck heads JIHAD time bitches


As usual the men that are pussies of the game run to ivyro to talk shit to the girl players whenever they lose to them first it was CPC now its Panda and LitaRose. Keep up the good work ladies lol

Seems like a butthurt is detected (Lena).

Seems like a butthurt is detected (Lena).

What material does this ship comes with from ticket?



best place to grind maritime 74->75?

why do you always have to bring your name up every single time, CPC? Even if the post is never even about you? Bitch got some issues....

Li Yue
let's start the drama again,it's so wonderful

Newfoundland is the best for 74-75

Xiao Wei
How dare BW_Panda insult CPC

CPC just stop inserting yourself in everything already. Stop pretending like a different person on ivyro to just trash talk about people you hate and glorify yourself.

I didnt even fucking say that Im not a pussy like you I put my screen name when I talk on hereso shut your stupid ass up. People come here trying to start a flame war and your stupid ass falls for it.

Im pretty sure we've seen how many people support you earlier CPC. You just being here guarding the comment section kind of makes this obvious who wrote that.

I have lots of supporters you punk bitch alot dont even come to world chat for fear of dealing with Troll master Beastly Dumb ass Ezio and super Troll Panda. As I said tons of people come here to troll to start flame wars but the stuff I say I co sign you are a PUSSY cuz you wont put your name. Anything I say I stand by it no need to hide like you and yes many people love me and they love the factI want everyone to be wealthy if you dont like it Fuck you I aint no hater for wanting everyone to do well financially.

Do not speak my name, Crzy_PSYCO_CHICK, I do not sink that low. But if you really wanna play that snitch game where you speak about me on ivyro, I think I can pull that too. I don't care or want to waste my time "trolling" someone like you who is as dumb as a brick wall, words bounce off your mind like balls bounce off the ground. You are plain dumb and you wont change, I tell you that your face because you don't even listen to people who support you when they advice you. Bottom line is, quit being such a little brat and get over yourself. No one wants to hear your bullshit. Once more, don't you dare bring my name again anywhere. Get it bimbette?

Price check

Fuck you Beastly I call you out in the game and ivyro and I put my name and what?! and least I dont hide behind anonymous name you just NOW put your name but you been trolling on here anonymously for a long time you bitch so dont try to grow balls now keep being anonymous. You talk all that trash and lie talking about I want SSB to auction when I dont even make money off SSB after you sold 12 at 1bil but when you talk about those numbers YOU profited more than I DID on SSB so lets keep it real. You just dont like I made a profit outside the bounds of the "normal" game and not just you Panda too I thin outside the box and I want everyone to do well.

i am not the real CPC, look at my name, its not blue wee

who is beastly?

Those people werent trolls... They were telling you how it's great that there are more SSBs to go around and more rank 20 ship builders while you're worried about your fictitious friends that make a living out of plundering 1 book in a sandbox game and how it's hurting your bottom line. Everyone saw how you're so self absorbed that nobody's efforts matter unless its yours and we should idolize you as you made it sound like you're the only one who helps people. You're not special, so don't demand to be treated like such.

who is beastly?

Do not confuse me with yourself, CRZY, I do not need to get on here and post messages from anonymous and different names to support myself. This is actually my third message to post on ivyro in 2 years. Keep telling more lies. doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I figured you are that type of person anyway. I don't hide behind words, or anonymous. Even on forums I post my name after my statements. I have nothing to hide or fear anyone. I say what I have in mind. Keep posting fake messages in "Beastly" name because you are just sad like that. I am sure those who know me know how I speak and what do I tend to say. So your little pathetic tricks wont work. Do yourself a favour and go get a life. Quit trolling ivyro and the game and whatever else youre trolling. As a payback I will make sure your auctions do come to an end, so you have no reason to play this game anymore and turn into another lordziad, with nothing but trolling to do. Have a sad life, CRZY. My comments end here and now. See you when your auctions are put to an end. - Beastly.

Again you lie I dont profit on SSB In fact I was the 1st to say SSB was too high and I hope it comes to TB but nobody remembers anything good I say because you guys just jump at any chance to get at me and thats fine whatever. Price drop is 1 thing end of plundering book period is another.
Also Please post a link to the screenshot where I said I was the ONLY PERSON that helps in UWO OR that I should get special treatment. Please Tell me WHERE I SAID THAT or is it more of you trolls making up crap? like I said post the screenshot cuz I never said or implied it you lied straight

Port Official
Lying through your teeth again CPC. Please stfu. You sell SSB every week in your auction. NO BODY is going to be ever pissed off about more Ship Builder 20s than the people like you who make off a living out of not playing the game, sitting in Seville busy being a Disney child than really playing the game. Don't need to screenshot that, everyone told you you're dirt shit earlier in the game after you spouted off your holy attitude again. Must be so easy getting away with all the rule breaking regurgitation in world chat and in game when you've got GMs that couldn't care less. It takes a very very shitty person to make Ezio look like a goody guy, lo and behold, apparently you have that ability.

Whatever Beastly you a got damn liar when you troll me you post anonymously so shut the hell up and you lied saying I profit from SSB and ant the price up when its probably my least sold item EVER in auction you just see me as some super rich aristocrat who only cares about me making money. Also I already stopped auctioning to study for my test you idiot so I couldn't give a damn what you do bitch so whatever But then again thats what this whole things is about anyway AUCTIONS AND MOENY you just dont like me profiting from auctions you are the the absolute epitome of a HATER but thats ok cuz u can want me to end auctions thats fine I STILL WANT you to do well financially theres not a hater bone in my body unlike you.
Also to anyone else I hope you do well in the game and even get more than 100bil thats goes to everyone except the scammers and hackers but if you play honestly I wish you the best cuz thats how I roll

Cos Beastly is the only person that hates you right? So as long as people like you, they're filthy rich and when they don't they're poor? Someone who has their head up in their ass this much just has fucking issues.

Nobody cares about you making money from auctions. What they hate is you saying yo're one of the best players in the game when you don't even play. Everyone who tries to earn money are wanting to buy something. Having a lot of money, doesn't really equate to being the best player out there or at lease even be one of them.

Nobody cares about you making money from auctions. What they hate is you saying yo're one of the best players in the game when you don't even play. Everyone who tries to earn money are wanting to buy something. Having a lot of money, doesn't really equate to being the best player out there or at lease even be one of them.

First of all, that was not me who posted after my last message. Second, you call me a hater? You were the one who got on ivyro to insult me, ezio and panda for telling you you only care about your auctions? Yeah I am such a hater for telling you to give the poor people a chance to posses that book as well, you don't even know or understand what you type Crzy. I don't have time to hate on you, If I were to "hate" someone I would hate someone who is actually smart and cunning. Not someone like you. You can call me a hater for telling you you only want to keep money flowing through your auctions for your own personal gain. Sure fine by me. Call me a troll too...sticks and stones may break my bones. But do not get on anonymous characters and sign them with my name and write insults to you through them, then claim that's me. It just shows how truly pathetic you are to pull that. I said before I sign my messages. I don't do the anonymous crap. Get it, don't get it, I said it twice now. If anyone is a hater, its really you. And selfish, as well. Now quit ruining my game for me. I don't have time for this nonsense and butthurt-ism of yours on a website because you cant find the support on the game. - Beastly

Wrong you bitch! remember I keep auction records of everything
you mean this...
Auction#1463 Rare Secrets of Shipbuilding Book 7/5 +1 Shipbuilding-Narine- 7.5bil reserve _ NO SALE -LAST BID 6bil 3x
The 3x is the number of time the SAME BOOK WAS AUCTIONED you dumb ass so uhhh yeah its my least sold item EVER! as it DID NOT SELL NOW shut your dumb ass up
Oh and good job not finding that screenshot of me saying Im the only one that helps in UWO and that I only care about the rich. When you find that screenshot of me saying that let me know until then keep lying HATER!

When will you guys grow up, is just a fucking game, who cares what people do or they dont, fucking idiots

Haters gonna hate lol

K, this has to stop.
CPC, no one cares about your profit, money, auctions. We care about the fact you make things PERSONAL over a debate over SSB prices. You tell Ezio to shut up, you call me a liar, and you target people who disagree.
I don't call you a liar, or tell you to shut up, or tell you your opinion is invalid. I listen and fairly disagree. Do I troll? Yeah, I do troll you when you start getting personal. If you have an issue, start taking it to tells.
We are chasing people away from World Chat when we debate and spam (Yes, ill admit to childishly arguing over a game, but who doesnt over-react once in a while? lol) Stop taking it to ivyro and feeding the trolls (thats part of the reason why its so easy to troll you btw).
I dunno if the person who put CPC as their name is the real one or not, but regardless. This ivyro trolling is getting out of hand. Let's all argue in tells and leave IGNs here if there's an issue. (I know, how naive of me to think asking would work, but maybe just once? D:)
IGN: BW_Panda

Also, can we just nom on some cosmic brownies and enjoy the game? It is just a game after all. lol

Fucking idiots with no life other than discussing in a fucking game that is fictional after all over people you have ever met in your fucking life.
You are so dumb.

Panda you did lie and i took it personal because YOU made it personal talking about I did it all for my profits when thats a lie and that I said Im the only one that helps in UWO that makes you a LIAR cuz I never said that YOU SAID THAT and thats when the argument got personal. You front like you innocent but you a major troll the point I raised was I think the drop rate is a bit too high on SSB and I dont want the whole plunder market on it to end entirely YOU EZIO AND BEASTLY started talkin about you never leave seville you just want profit from it, you superficial and lied saying I said Im the only one who helps in UWO saying all kinds of BULLSH*T! What did any of that have to do with the rate of SSB Panda???? uhhh NOTHING and you dont have the guts to admit you lied and just say sorry cuz ur punk and I'll tell your face in the game YOU LIED. I care about others and those that know me all know it so watevs. We can Leave ivyro still the fact remains you a troll and play innocent and make up crap that didnt happen grow some ovaries and just apologize you took the argument into realms it had no place going.
btw sorry to ivyro for anger post

oh 1 last thing PANDA if you didnt lie when any of you guys and girls find the screenshot of me saying those awful things please post the link to it I would love to see them

If you're sorry. Just shut the fuck up. You're the one bringing your fucking drama here. You're so self absorbed you wouldn't care this would go on forever and it would inconvinience a lot of people in the game despite the fact that you keep wishing people to do "well". You are so fake. Fuck off.

Again CPC, you are a brick wall to talk to. I'll be the mature one and cease discussion. See you on game :)

Miss Panda, please stop behaving in a calm and collected fashion and being very logical and not irrational, as it makes it very hard and inconvenient for us to hate you.... Unlike some people.

Panda, fuck you and shut up..
CPC, fuck you too and shut up...
This is a database, not a fucking gossip website.
If you need to talk, go ingame, anyways, fuck you both!

Wow I came here to see knew talked about items only to find you that you guys took this from world chat to the database, OGP should but this site and stop the madness.

Enough please, 90% of the player base does not give a fuck, youre destroying ivyro, so please for the love of god stop!

buy this site*

i refuse to believe any of this and just go with what i see in game...

Idk why you guys are blaming CPC. She did nothing wrong. :) She's an "Auction Angel"

Mei Hua
well if this little spat showed us anything, it showed us that CPC is a huge ivryo troll. its bad enough you spam us in game now you are ruining ivryo

Because this is a fucking database for ingame items, not a freaking FB wall, if you have comments please leave them in forums or ingame, and dont ruin this website
We do not care if CPC Panda or any other player has issues with someone else, we come here to get items information, not to know who said what and who didnt....

:p I apologize for spamming. It was taken care of ingame.

Li Yue
Everyone in this game is jealous of CPC.

CPC makes this game fun I don't miss a single episode! popcorn in hand CPC never starts it but by golly she will finish it. Tread lightly lol

keep in mind that any new players seeing this could scare them off, the same can go with older players who are sick of it. not good for the community.

Depends who you ask honestly. People being jealous of CPC's wealth and attention equals hours of laughter for me lol

More self absorbed posts from a post that is totally not CPC at all.


Look at how angry he is. He must be jealous of CPC too

i don't know about you guys but i for one am very jealous of CPC. she seems very well spoken, would never utter a profanity that's for sure, is clearly well liked by all, super humble with no ego whatsoever and from what i hear the best player to ever play the game. invented auctions, is best battle, crafter and trade player and doesn't even need to leave seville make billions.

Meng Meng
Yo, admins! Spam alert!

hah nina doesnt know CPC then or is infact cpc

she is good but not the best not even in crafting she doesnt even have alchemy or shipbuilding 2 of the hardest skills to rank(asides from accounts XP)i like her too even if she is awkwardly flirty sometimes but still a nice person i dont get all the hate/love she/he or whatever is pretty normal not worth all the fuss from haters/lovers lol makes me think that whoever is on either side has a very narrow mind/world

Why is this under MIS? Its not like they do maritime. Fight under the port of Seville please. thanks.

Stupid American whore bags you should all be stoned to death for wearing the clothes you do and not respecting any one JIHAD time

Li Yue
Admin please do something. Something like IP banning would be useful although not fool proof.

Typicall American Here comes his tears thinking he is the best Go fuck yourself for being such a pussy youre founding fathers would be ashamed youre whining and taking it like a woman bent over a car hood fucking cry baby ass pussy American Faggot bitch

Typical non-american here comes thinking that anyone is giving a fuck. Huhah!

Wen zhi
See proof American scum are whiny bitches like I said no respect well done sir for proving a point JIHAD

Sounds like the one who claims non-American sounds so much like an American ?



Think of this as being not entirely unlike the tides of the sea. They ebb, and flow. Likewise, there are times when this site is filled with wonderful knowledge and helpful players, just as there are times when childish posters decide to spam it. They'll leave in due time; till then, just don't let it -- or them -- get to you.


lol NEFA and NELLEMUS cml
have permanent BANS for spamming
nice day
SAUL claine and naver are next 2 client for bans:)


too all the ego centred that post unrelated comment.. go buy urself a brain. poeple come here to get details over items from the game, so when a buch of Dumbass wrtite comment to biatch about unrelated topic...it scraps the quality of the info...leave ur freaking ego aside and start builder ur own bitching comunity.

What are the recommended Original Ship Skill and Optional Skills I should add to this ship ?
Can Heavy bombing be used as the OSS and DHP,BA,WMB be used as optionals ?

Also, what stats should I improve on this ship ?
Should I go for max gunports, max crews, increase turns and dura ?

too all the ego centred that post unrelated comment.. go buy urself a brain. poeple come here to get details over items from the game, so when a buch of Dumbass wrtite comment to biatch about unrelated topic...it scraps the quality of the info...leave ur freaking ego aside and start builder ur own bitching comunity.

whose cpc

better don't ask

cpc is a 27 year old black/Puerto Rican transsexual from Queens, NY who pretends to be a woman in the game so as to seduce nerds into falling in love with it so that said nerds can send money via PayPal or gift ducats. Can usually be found in Seville spamming shout or merchant chat. If trannys are your thing, send him a friend request.

Ming Mei
CPC enjoys the tongue bath i give her very much.and i get to enjoy her wonderful flavors.so disregard the fuckin douche sickle goat fuckers statement above.just because she wouldnt give him a popoff pic.

Sigh... Here it goes again....

cpc, no one wants to see a pic of your black scrotum. Out of curiousity, do you shave your head bald and wear a blonde wig or do you wear a full afro? Too bad it wasn't you in that building collapse in Harlem.

CPC stands for CRZY_PSYCO_CHICK she's the auctioneer in seville who made like 200 bil doing auctions or something now people are upset about it.


Just equate ivyro comments to the tabloids you read in your local supermarket all lies, fake stories and rumors. They people who post here constantly are obsessed with CPC and CPC loves attention so its a match made in heaven to me.

ffs again with this? cmon you guys don't have anything better than wasting yout time writing about cpc? seriously why don't you try and do something more usefull

cpc is a 27 year old black/Puerto Rican transsexual from Queens, NY who pretends to be a woman in the game so as to seduce nerds into falling in love with it so that said nerds can send money via PayPal or gift ducats. Can usually be found in Seville spamming shout or merchant chat. If trannys are your thing, send him a friend request.

BW_Panda is a whore too.

And EmilyReis and LitaRose


^ Kicker and Misun

^ Kicker and Misun

Ivyro Commercial
These dumb ass comments are brought to you by:
IVYRO TROLLS...Ruining great websites 1 day at a time.
And also by:
Female Game Toon Obsessed Dry Dick Losers...Spending 24 hrs a day obsessing and fantasizing about men playing as women on game so you have to.

Ivyro Commercial
These dumb ass comments are brought to you by:
IVYRO TROLLS...Ruining great websites 1 day at a time.
And also by:
Female Game Toon Obsessed Dry Dick Losers...Spending 24 hrs a day obsessing and fantasizing about men playing as women on a video game so you don't have to.

cpc is a 27 year old black/Puerto Rican transsexual from Queens, NY who pretends to be a woman in the game so as to seduce nerds into falling in love with it so that said nerds can send money via PayPal or gift ducats. Can usually be found in Seville spamming shout or merchant chat. If trannys are your thing, send him a friend request.

Honestly the game should not be a hostile environment for everyone insulting one another. Its so annoying to see people insulting,trolling and criticizing you everyday. Although mass bans are stupid there should be some policing in game just to keep order.
While I hate trolls this little bit of trolling here is NOTHING compared to the trolling I get everyday in the forums here, in game and ivyro...especially ivyro! I get called a failure,prostitute, slut, saying I had abortions and I'm a baby killer, hope I lose my apartment,people wishing I get raped explicit acts too like sodomy, some even said they hope I die :(. google cpc and uwo and you can see for yourself I'm not making it up...
I cant even make a rest in peace thread without people criticizing and taking shots, I can't even suggest new ideas without being called stupid. Trust me this trolling here in this forum is laughable until someone hopes you get anally raped and you die this shouldn't be taken seriously.
I wish I could give you guys my account for a day so you can feel what REAL trolling is :'(
We should all tone down the trolling...

With fame, comes attacks, baseless or otherwise. How one responds to such attacks reveals one's character. I personally have no grudge toward CPC, but I do grow tired of this endless spam clogging up an information database that has nothing to do with CPC, as well. My advice to CPC (and to others as well): Learn to ignore your detractors, to not let them drag you down to their level, and let your actions speak for themselves; personal attacks shall always exist on the internet, but you need not enter into them.

obvious trolls are obvious. but you cant ignore the fact that cpc is a cancer to the game.
i fail to see how CPC is a candidate for such ridicule and abuse by other players...other than jealousy of her success what motive is there? shes supportive twards all other players and extreamly helpful to noobs. and honestly i cant see HER bashing anyone cuz they are doing well... its a fuckin Game people lol

like trollz ned gud reason 2 troll

Spanish Inquisition
We should tie CPC up and send her to Australia. We will not have to worry about her there.

I think CPC is sexy and I'm head over heels in love with her. I want to stick the tip of my dick in CPC's ass just so I can get some mud on the turtle. I then want CPC to lovingly cup my balls while she sucks me off so she can taste her own juicebox. Love you hunny! :-*

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

Will you guys just leave CPC alone, please? She is my friend. All of you fuckers bashing her can go fuck yourselves.

The trolling will continue until she SHUTS THE FUCK UP!!!! In WC

Maybe she can get lessons on that from you Mortare weren't you muted by the GM for making retarded comments in world chat?
Right on Vic...kinda liked the idea of tying her up though, with feather boas maybe and a bit more romance than gettin mud on the turtle and havin her suck it off (no offence intended to RUSH), i did appreciate the kinky thought...trollz; fuck you fuckin fuckers!!! CPC we love ya and got your back BABY!!!

Sailor bottle states 2nd age nc ships but I don't see it.

Wen zhi
Can someone post here the items/ships availble for both bottles. Thank you.

Spanish Inquision
We will till our demands on CPC is met. Remember, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Shut your stupid ass up! What in the hell are you talking about? Do you nerds hear yourselves?! Get some fucking pussy and a life for the love of god you taking this MMO thing way too seriously I'm sure you have no friends or social life.

Shut your stupid ass up! What in the hell are you talking about? Do you nerds hear yourselves?! Get some fucking pussy and a life for the love of god you taking this MMO thing way too seriously I'm sure you have no friends or social life.

PCP... er CPC aint a she. And HE is a loud mouth douche. Nough said.

So about the ship? Anyone have a realistic price since these dumped like rain from the bottle?

Xiao Wei
if someone spent 8k astros on bottles and got 3 mis, are they free to give away then?

If I had 8k astros I would buy shared storage, strongbox, speed boost, skill notes, and other crap I needed for 3 years. Not waste it on sailor's bottle.

WTT MIS 1/6 out of ticket +500mil +3 OSPs, for MIS out of ticket with repair support, PM Chilipepper thanks.

WTT MIS 1/6 out of ticket+ 800mil, for MIS out of ticket with repair support, PM Chilipepper thanks.

Li Yue
How much is this worth now?

I saw 6-8b in seville

How much crew can this get if you max it?

WTT my MIS Ticket for 2 ETC Tickets. Pm or Mail me, Chichayy

One MIS ticket for 2 ETC tickets?
I dunno about that, people barely pay 8b for a MIS ticket right now. But sure as hell offer you 10b for a single ETC ticket.
bastian Be05-26-2014
WTS Holy Roman MIS 8/8 (G1) ,1340+dura ,25+T ,20+WR ,Max Sails 112+ V/H ,Max Cannons ,2skill (1 skill miss/SB mistak) but addit w/ Rebuild (can't Affort)
..PM IGN:MasterWings
Price check ticket?
4b to 3b
Looking to buy a really well modded one, must have over 20 turn and good sails. Paying up to 8bil

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]07-15-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-15-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-29-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-23-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-28-2014
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Is this mod anything good for the role of general purpose fighting/grinding/ESF (non-piracy) ship ? More focus was placed on dura and crew survival in case of melee. Deck barrier ... hmmm ... due to next patch removing forced deck battles, not sure the relevance though.
@ tare..
Which patch are you speaking of that removes forced deck battle as a whole?
Ah, it is the 2nd Age Chapter 4 patch not the Gran Atlas. So in Chapter 4 of 2nd Age onwards, no more forced deck battles on white names. Any significant values for deck barrier in such a situation ?
O ok, that patch was already implemented. Deck Barrier is good for the prevention of a pirate being forced onto deck. It can also be used as an offensive skill on any Bounty Hunter ship because it adds +10% to your defense and -10% to the opponents attack on deck.
Because in one of the Grand Atlas chapters, bounty hunters will be turned into blue names, who can be force-decked. You turn into blue name as soon as you kill a pirate.
White names are still immune to forced-deck.
As a non-pirate maritimer, you would most likely turn blue, or otherwise you are a hello-kitty maritimer.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-16-2014
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I view both land and sea battles as complimentary to one another. If you choose to specialize in one field over another, just as in life, it may cost you in the long run. But Gran Atlas has not yet arrived, so I will treat this information as hearsay for the moment, and plan accordingly in the event that it proves true.
How many optional ship skills and original ship skills are allowed on a ship ?
2 optional and 1 original are standard. Through fusion you can if you chose, inherit another skill and add another 1 or perhaps even 2(?) more optional skill slots. Note that if you add a skill slot the ship has to have an improve left to actually add a skill to the slot.
So that means if I were to modify a MIS, I would not be able to add all it's 5 optional skill into the modded MIS (presuming I don't use fusion) ?
Without fusion, the maximum number of skills for any ship is 3: One Original and Two Optional. With Fusion, two more can be added: One more Optional and One "inherited" skill that shows on the ship stats as Optional, but isn't restricted to the list of Optional skills available for a ship.
Is this ship worth all the ducats for fusions or are there better ones out there ?
Does Modified versions accept the same skills as the normal ones?
I want to know if this ship accept IR, WMB and DHP.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-31-2015
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-01-2016
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can some1 show how to mod this ship? prefer full sail/dhp and no astro sail and astro arnaments
In the event you don't find an answer here after a certain period of time, you can always try the merchant chat. Expert shipbuilders and owners love to give advice on mod strategies.
Try alternating between large square and large lateen sails. Are you familiar with UWO Tool?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-30-2017
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Dealing with gold sellers is against the rules - if you are busted, you will certainly be banned. GM is looking into this seller, don't be the fall-guy for this scheme. If you intend to try to buy gold with money, sell astros, you can get a better rate than this guy is offering anyway; doing this also helps keep the game open for everyone to enjoy playing.
Not to mention, past gold sellers had a history of taking screenshots of the players' names who they were dealing with, and trying to blackmail/extort them after making deals, which often weren't even kept to begin with. Paypal doesn't keep one safe from that. Plus, you know: that whole pesky lifetime ban business.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-30-2017
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-30-2017
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i use calculator for this
FS number : 1815
depend on my luck ,
full sails
+14 ts
+4 wr - storm proof
+8 armour
is it good enough? no astro ship part
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