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-Special Skills



  • Licia
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender





  • Procurement
  • Lookout 40  ( 4 / 4 / 2 )
  • Secure water when it rains and obtain food provisions on land.
  • Navigation
  • Navigator 50  ( 28 / 6 / 8 )
  • Bring out the hidden performance in a particular vessel through a high level of skill in ship handling.
  • Handicrafts
  • Paymaster 40  ( 6 / 25 / 2 )
  • Tradable material such as wood can be fashioned into another tradable item such as a work of art.
  • Gunnery
  • Lieutenant 55  ( 4 / 8 / 30 )
  • Cannon loads become quicker,
    and cannons, autocanons and
    flamethrowers less prone to break down.
  • Ballistics
  • Lieutenant 35  ( 0 / 0 / 14 )
  • Extends cannon firing range.
  • Accuracy
  • Lieutenant 60  ( 4 / 12 / 30 )
  • Cannons, autocannons and
    flamethrowers can hit targets
    more easily. Also, they can
    shoot at close range.
  • Tactics
  • Lieutenant 20  ( 0 / 0 / 10 )
  • Can increase Attack and Defence Power during Melee Battle.
  • Mine Laying
  • Surgeon 30  ( 6 / 6 / 20 )
  • Ability to lay sea mines during battle.
  • Arms
  • Lieutenant 60  ( 5 / 0 / 32 )
  • Thanks to good knowledge of weapons, you are able to operate powerful equipment on special ships.
  • Italian 5
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Italy.
  • Cargo Organization 5
  • Store Keeper 40  ( 10 / 6 / 2 )
  • Take precautions against cargo toppling.
  • Improve Fracturing Explosive 2
  • Lieutenant 65  ( 16 / 14 / 22 )
  • Decreases Ship Speed of enemy ships within an
    explosion range of Fracturing Explosive Shells.
  • Tomahawk 3
  •   ( 4 / 5 / 4 )
  • Attack enemies with an axe.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Advanced Healing
  •   ( 16 / 12 / 20 )
  • Recover the Stamina for
    multiple allies. Effectiveness
    varies based on the amount of
    Surgeon Traits the Aide has.
  • Cure
  •   ( 5 / 8 / 13 )
  • Recover Aide from Abnormal
    States. If the Aide has a
    Trade-type Job, your
    Character's Abnormal State will
    be relieved as well.

Chapter 3: Pharos aide. Skills:

Cargo Organization | Storekeeper: 40 (10/6/2)
Normal Shot Defence | Lieutenant: 60 (10/6/25)
Smoke Screen Defence | Lieutenant: 50 (14/8/20)
Anti Armor-piercing Explosive | Lieutenant: 70 (4/8/20)
Improve Fracturing Explosive | Lieutenant: 65 (16/14/22)
Tomahawk | Land Battle Skill (4/5/4)
Advanced Healing | Land Battle Skill (16/12/20)
Tomahawk | Land Battle Skill (5/8/13)
Procurement | Lookout: 40 (4/4/2)
Navigation | Navigator: 50 (28/6/8)
Handicrafts | Paymaster: 40 (6/25/2)
Gunnery | Lieutenant: 55 (4/8/30)
Ballistics | Lieutenant: 35 (0/0/14)
Accuracy | Lieutenant: 60 (4/12/30)
Tactics | Lieutenant: 20 (0/0/10)
Mine Laying | Surgeon: 30 (6/6/20)
Arms | Lieutenant: 60 (5/0/32)

My thanks to the Korean gamers for screenshot refs (found here www.inven.co.kr/board/dho/495/213467); levels taken from UWO JP server via aide skill search bar.

I'm not sure she is meant to have the Tomahawk skill x2. Unless she dual-wields :) From the screenshot on inven, it looks like one of those is supposed to be the 'Cure' skill.

Otherwise- Not a bad aide at all.

Ah, apologies. You're right, I failed to turn one Tomahawk into the proper skill of Cure (lvs: 5/8/13) - I'm sure it will be corrected when possible.

Who are the other new Pharos Aides beside Licia and Denis?


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