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  • Mei
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
    RescueNPC - Eastern East Asia
  • Gender



    RescueNPC - Eastern East Asia

Oh? Looks like I'm in trouble.

What a kind Voyager! Thanks for the help!

1. Requesting for Supplies!!It seems that Mei's ship lacks supplies.
Mei's ship has resolved their lack of Supplies.

4. Shipwreck!!It seems that Mei's ship has become unable to sail.
Mei's ship has safely arrived at the port.

2. Requesting for Repairs!!It seems that Mei's ship is heavily damaged.
Bang! Just when we heard that loud noise, water started to come in from the bottom of the ship!
Mei's ship has been repaired from the damage.

3. Load Collapse!!It seems that Mei's ship had a load collapse and the cargo was washed away.
You've found Mei's cargo which were washed away! Let's deliver it to Mei.
Oh? Does that belong to me?
Mei's cargo has been safely returned to the ship.

5. Under Pirate Attack!!It seems that Mei's ship has encountered pirates.
Obtain victory in Sea Battle while protecting ally NPC.
Everyone, please lend me your strength!
You have failed to protect ally NPC...
Oh no... What should I do...
Mei's ship has escaped from pirates.

Thank you very much! Hopefully this doesn't happen again in the future!


  • Procurement
  • Lookout 10  ( 4 / 4 / 2 )
  • Secure water when it rains and obtain food provisions on land.
  • Collection
  • Lookout 75  ( 8 / 6 / 2 )
  • A variety of materials and goods can be gathered.
  • Wining and Dining
  • Navigator 10  ( 4 / 2 / 0 )
  • Treating the crew to alcoholic trade goods relieves their Fatigue.
  • Medicine Trading
  • Store Keeper 70  ( 4 / 4 / 28 )
  • More medicine can be bought at the market.
  • Cooking
  • Paymaster 30  ( 3 / 6 / 3 )
  • Groceries can be made into dishes.
  • Sewing
  •   ( 2 / 2 / 2 )
  • Tradable ingredients can be made into clothing.
  • Handicrafts
  • Paymaster 20  ( 4 / 8 / 0 )
  • Tradable material such as wood can be fashioned into another tradable item such as a work of art.
  • First Aid
  • Surgeon 20  ( 3 / 0 / 5 )
  • Lowers the loss of crew due to injury during battle or exploration.
  • English
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used in the vicinity of Britain.
  • Spanish 1
  •   ( 8 / 8 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Iberia.
  • French 10
  •   ( 12 / 12 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near France.
  • Thai/Burmese
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used mainly in the Malay peninsula.
  • Japanese 2
  •   ( 14 / 14 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books.
    Used in Japan.
  • Cargo Organization 5
  • Store Keeper 40  ( 4 / 6 / 2 )
  • Take precautions against cargo toppling.
  • Dietetics
  • Surgeon 30  ( 6 / 6 / 6 )
  • Take precautions against scurvy and malnutrition.
  • Foresight
  •   ( 4 / 5 / 4 )
  • Completely evade enemies'
    normal attacks. Effectiveness
    varies based on the amount of
    Navigator Traits the Aide has.
  • Advanced Healing
  •   ( 16 / 10 / 20 )
  • Recover the Stamina for
    multiple allies. Effectiveness
    varies based on the amount of
    Surgeon Traits the Aide has.
  • Cure
  •   ( 5 / 8 / 13 )
  • Recover Aide from Abnormal
    States. If the Aide has a
    Trade-type Job, your
    Character's Abnormal State will
    be relieved as well.

As I am right now, it's no good... As a voyager, I'll need to do better!

Around where can I find Mei? I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia

Tip: there are set positions in the map where Rescue NPCs spawn. If you know where these positions are, it becomes easier to know where you should be looking (especially if the positions are near an ocean/sea change border).

Keep in mind that the NPCs themselves will always vary according to RNG % but at least you'll know *where* to find them and save yourself some trouble on searching.

Myself, I've been looking in the vicinity south of Sakai; perhaps you or others might be able to find other locations where NPCs appear that might be better to try. Cheers, and I hope you can find her soon.

Around where can I find Mei? I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia

I found Mei around the Okinawa Islands (that's the two islands directly south of Nagasaki and east-northeast of Tamsui). It only took me about an hour to get her to appear, but do be prepared to spend several hours of sailing back and forth to get her, or any other of the new aides that need rescuing.

Around where can I find Mei? I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia

Eastern East Asia has five possible Rescue NPC Ship locations:

5995,3616 (near the two Okinawan Islands, between Taiwan and Nagasaki)
5758,3620 (north of Tamsui)
5898,3853 (east of Taiwan)
6398,2809 (very far north of Japan, almost to the Sea of Okhotsk)
6559,3657 (south of Edo)

Mei can (theoretically) appear at any of those locations. However, unless you have the Sailor Equip Distress Signal Dictionary and a ship with High Lookout skill to activate its function, you're better off searching around Okinawa/Taiwan. It's quicker.

Cheers, best of luck to anyone searching for this annoying-but-useful aide, and if you happen to spot her in a different sea zone than Eastern EA, please do let us know (with screenshots if possible).

I tried teaching this aide Casting skill using Captain's Secret Notes but it turns out Mei cannot learn that skill. It may be possible to do so with Royal Navy skill inheritance though? She's still a great aide to have even if you don't put Casting on her... IF you can find Mei of course. :)

Small update to my earlier post: Mei learned casting just fine from Royal Navy skill inheritance. Just FYI for anyone who might've wondered. Fair winds to you!

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