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  • Hamit
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender



    NPC Rescue

The situation has become quite serious...

To do so much for me... I'm speechless...

1. Requesting for Supplies!!It seems that Hamit's ship lacks supplies.
Hamit's ship has resolved their lack of Supplies.

4. Shipwreck!!It seems that Hamit's ship has become unable to sail.
Hamit's ship has safely arrived at the port.

2. Requesting for Repairs!!It seems that Hamit's ship is heavily damaged.
Suddenly encountering a storm... Not long after, the sail had already become like this...
Hamit's ship has been repaired from the damage.

3. Load Collapse!!It seems that Hamit's ship had a load collapse and the cargo was washed away.
You've found Hamit's cargo which were washed away! Let's deliver it to Hamit.
T-That's my cargo...!
Hamit's cargo has been safely returned to the ship.

5. Under Pirate Attack!!It seems that Hamit's ship has encountered pirates.
Obtain victory in Sea Battle while protecting ally NPC.
Even we have pride too! Let's go, everyone!
You have failed to protect ally NPC...
I was powerless...
Hamit's ship has escaped from pirates.

Thank you so much for your help this time!


  • Mine Detection
  • Lookout 34  ( 19 / 10 / 20 )
  • Detect enemy laid sea mines during battle.
  • Accounts
  • Paymaster 50  ( 0 / 20 / 0 )
  • You will be able to negotiate prices and see the nearby towns' market rates.
  • Weapons Trading
  • Store Keeper 40  ( 0 / 16 / 12 )
  • More weapons can be bought at the market.
  • Firearms Trading
  • Store Keeper 45  ( 0 / 22 / 15 )
  • More firearms can be bought at the market.
  • Wares Trading
  • Store Keeper 52  ( 2 / 28 / 9 )
  • More wares can be bought at the market.
  • Casting
  • Paymaster 68  ( 0 / 32 / 10 )
  • Tradable industrial products can be manufactured into weapons.
  • Shipbuilding
  • Surgeon 75  ( 20 / 28 / 42 )
  • Ships can be built at the Shipyard.
  • Turkish 3
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used around Turkey.
  • Shouting 7
  • Surgeon 55  ( 0 / 5 / 8 )
  • Take precautions against stress.
  • East Mediterranean Sea Tow 1
  • Navigator 40  ( 15 / 5 / 5 )
  • Allows automatic Tow in the the eastern Mediterranean to be performed more advantageously.
  • Reconnaissance 7
  • Lookout 30  ( 15 / 5 / 15 )
  • Obtain reports on various characters.
  • Ambush 29
  • Lookout 60  ( 10 / 5 / 28 )
  • Launch surprise sea attack against the NPC.
  • Enhanced Smoke Bomb 4
  • Lieutenant 40  ( 0 / 0 / 25 )
  • Increase chances of damage from smokescreen.
    Can deplete enemy's food when smokescreen has been deployed.
  • Tomahawk 3
  •   ( 6 / 11 / 7 )
  • Attack enemies with an axe.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Foresight
  •   ( 3 / 8 / 3 )
  • Completely evade enemies'
    normal attacks. Effectiveness
    varies based on the amount of
    Navigator Traits the Aide has.
  • Advanced Cure
  •   ( 21 / 11 / 10 )
  • Recover multiple allies from Abnormal States.

I've still got lots to learn as a voyager.

One of new aide in Chapter 3, comes from Rescue NPCs that can be recruited. Once you saved him, you can recruit him in Istanbul.

Aide Skill (Aide Level req):
East Mediterranean Sea Tow (15/5/5)
Reconnaissance (15/5/15)
Ottoman Correspondence (15/5/10)
Ambush (10/5/28)
Casting Assistance (0/18/0)
Enhanced Smoke Bomb (0/0/25)
Shouting (0/5/8)
Turkish (0/0/0)

Support Skill (Aide Level req):
Mine detection +1 (19/10/20)
Accounts +1 (0/20/0)
Weapons trading +1 (0/16/12)
Firearms trading +1 (0/22/15)
Wares trading +1 (2/28/9)
Shipbuilding +1 (20/28/42)

He is a copycat of old UWC aide (Real Money)Vallerie BUT since Vallerie is UWC aide and Hamit is recruitable free aide with Shipbuilding +1, well..

is there a specific place he'll be at to rescue him?

There are specific spawn points where Rescue NPCs may appear. The 6 aides sometimes randomly take the place of regular ones -- I've personally rescued Hamit twice, once in the North Sea and again down by Syracuse. (Aides reappear unless you hire them, I suppose?) Best advice is to just keep sailing and investigate every lifesaver icon you see on your survey map. Cheers.

Rescue NPC data including spawn points (JP-wiki): gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?RescueNPC

The method I used to find Hamit and some of the other newer aides is by zoning in and out of the Ionian (by going back and forth via south of Sicily). It takes a few hours but the Ionian seems to be rich with both large aquatic creatures and aides in need of rescue.

i already have a SB aide but i am considering getting him in replace of Pietro as casting aide + lookout for rare item plunder in one package

I rescued him just east of Valencia.

shipbuilding its obtained at 10/10/21 with 50 surgeon trait.

To update, I strongly advise trying the Balearic Islands, Open Sea zone -- it is the smallest sea that NPCs can spawn in, and you can tell immediately if any are present. Just sail between the ocean zones east/west or west/east until a Rescue icon appears. Hope you get the aide you want soon! Cheers.

I rescued him just east of Dili.

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