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  • Jolanda
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender



    NPC Rescue

Oh? Looks like I'm in trouble.

What a kind Voyager! Thanks for the help!

1. Requesting for Supplies!!It seems that Jolanda's ship lacks supplies.
Jolanda's ship has resolved their lack of Supplies.

4. Shipwreck!!It seems that Jolanda's ship has become unable to sail.
Jolanda's ship has safely arrived at the port.

2. Requesting for Repairs!!It seems that Jolanda's ship is heavily damaged.
Bang! Just when we heard that loud noise, water started to come in from the bottom of the ship!
Jolanda's ship has been repaired from the damage.

3. Load Collapse!!It seems that Jolanda's ship had a load collapse and the cargo was washed away.
You've found Jolanda's cargo which were washed away! Let's deliver it to Jolanda.
Oh? Does that belong to me?
Jolanda's cargo has been safely returned to the ship.

5. Under Pirate Attack!!It seems that Jolanda's ship has encountered pirates.
Obtain victory in Sea Battle while protecting ally NPC.
Everyone, please lend me your strength!
You have failed to protect ally NPC...
Oh no... What should I do...
Jolanda's ship has escaped from pirates.

Thank you very much! Hopefully this doesn't happen again in the future!


  • Surveying
  • Navigator 20  ( 3 / 0 / 0 )
  • Survey the surroundings and define present location.
  • Geography
  • Navigator 48  ( 16 / 5 / 5 )
  • Appraisal of a discovery item can be made on collection of geographical reports.
  • Procurement
  • Lookout 26  ( 10 / 3 / 2 )
  • Secure water when it rains and obtain food provisions on land.
  • Recognition
  • Lookout 42  ( 17 / 4 / 7 )
  • Can be used to discover Sea Regions, Ruins, Astronomical Objects, and search for flotsam.
  • Rescue
  • Navigator 30  ( 10 / 0 / 5 )
  • Can rescue a Fleet Member that cannot sail or Sailors that have fallen overboard.
  • Search
  • Lookout 40  ( 15 / 0 / 0 )
  • With correct location and excavation, all treasures can be found.
  • Salvage
  • Navigator 80  ( 35 / 15 / 15 )
  • You can raise sleeping, sunken hulks from the bottom of the sea.
  • Sewing
  • Paymaster 74  ( 14 / 33 / 13 )
  • Tradable ingredients can be made into clothing.
  • Repair
  • Surgeon 30  ( 1 / 4 / 11 )
  • Timber can be used to repair ships.
  • Portuguese
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Iberia.
  • Greek 10
  •   ( 6 / 6 / 6 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used in the Balkan Peninsula.
  • Celtic
  • Store Keeper 40  ( 13 / 4 / 0 )
  • Ability to read books. Used for ancient texts on the island of Britain.
  • Windbreak 4
  • Navigator 72  ( 18 / 0 / 10 )
  • Take precautions against a squall.
  • Prevention 4
  • Surgeon 65  ( 14 / 10 / 20 )
  • Take precautions against infectious diseases.
  • Tomahawk 3
  •   ( 10 / 16 / 13 )
  • Attack enemies with an axe.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Containment 2
  •   ( 8 / 0 / 4 )
  • Prevent enemies' Tech attacks,
    etc. Effectiveness varies based
    on the amount of Lookout
    Traits the Aide has.
  • Cure
  •   ( 11 / 4 / 7 )
  • Recover Aide from Abnormal
    States. If the Aide has a
    Trade-type Job, your
    Character's Abnormal State will
    be relieved as well.

As I am right now, it's no good... As a voyager, I'll need to do better!

One of new aides from Chapter 3. Rescue NPCs that can be recruited. Once you saved her, you can recruit her in Lisbon. She's adventure aide.

Aide Skill (Aide Level Requirements) :
Windbreak (18/0/10)
Normal Shot Defence (17/10/30)
Prevention (14/10/20)
Portugese (0/0/0)
Greek (6/6/6)
Celtic (13/4/0)

Support Skill (Aide Level Requirements) :
Surveying +1 (3/0/0)
Rescue +1 (10/0/5)
Geography +1 (16/5/5)
Salvage +1 (35/15/15)
Procurement +1 (10/3/2)
Search +1 (15/0/0)
Recognition +1 (17/4/7)
Sewing +1 (14/33/13)
Repair +1 (1/4/11)

So basically she is a copycat of old Aide Lisa the difference is their appearance and mother language

My Jolanda has Arabic, not greek

Reported, thanks.

This particular aide can be found anywhere in the world that Rescue NPCs spawn (including those coordinates). If you're in a hurry, my best advice is to try the Balearic Islands, Open Sea zone -- it is the smallest sea that NPCs can spawn in, and you can tell immediately if any are present. Just sail between the ocean zones east/west or west/east until a Rescue icon appears. Hope you get the aide you want soon! Cheers.

Spotter her just west of Bremen at 163, 2369.

Also found her NW of Tacoma at 10422, 2514.

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