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  • Sarah
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender



    St. Petersburg


  • Geography
  • Navigator 45  ( 15 / 3 / 1 )
  • Appraisal of a discovery item can be made on collection of geographical reports.
  • Recognition
  • Lookout 40  ( 10 / 1 / 1 )
  • Can be used to discover Sea Regions, Ruins, Astronomical Objects, and search for flotsam.
  • Rescue
  • Navigator 30  ( 8 / 0 / 2 )
  • Can rescue a Fleet Member that cannot sail or Sailors that have fallen overboard.
  • Crafts Trading
  • Paymaster 40  ( 6 / 20 / 0 )
  • More crafts can be bought at the market.
  • Frugality
  • Store Keeper 20  ( 10 / 10 / 0 )
  • Reduces the consumption of Water and Food provided to Sailors as well as the cost of hiring Sailors.
  • Steering
  • Lookout 40  ( 5 / 0 / 10 )
  • Increases ship Turning Speed. Also lessens damage from sea mines, etc.
  • Repair
  • Surgeon 42  ( 5 / 5 / 10 )
  • Timber can be used to repair ships.
  • Dutch 6
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Northern Flanders.
  • Far North Languages 28
  •   ( 5 / 5 / 5 )
  • Browsing books and conversing becomes possible in Russia and the Far North.
  • Japanese 2
  •   ( 15 / 15 / 15 )
  • Ability to converse and read books.
    Used in Japan.
  • Breakwater 7
  • Navigator 55  ( 20 / 0 / 5 )
  • Take precautions against broad-side and high waves.
  • Cleaning
  • Store Keeper 50  ( 8 / 13 / 2 )
  • Take precautions for hygiene.
  • Fire Prevention 43
  • Store Keeper 73  ( 15 / 14 / 6 )
  • Take precautions against fire.
  • Cargo Organization 5
  • Store Keeper 55  ( 10 / 15 / 8 )
  • Take precautions against cargo toppling.
  • Restriction 12
  • Lieutenant 73  ( 0 / 0 / 42 )
  • In Melee Battle, Retreat is impossible for a number of turns. Requires Corvus
  • Pilum
  •   ( 10 / 0 / 4 )
  • Attack enemies with a spear.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Cure
  •   ( 12 / 4 / 5 )
  • Recover Aide from Abnormal
    States. If the Aide has a
    Trade-type Job, your
    Character's Abnormal State will
    be relieved as well.
  • Food Supplies 2
  •   ( 13 / 24 / 9 )
  • Recover to max Stamina when
    entering the next Floor.
    Effectiveness varies the amount
    of how many Store Keeper
    Traits the Aide has.

I'm guessing she's going to be Astro?

Too soon to say for sure.

[Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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Eh, I dunno, she's got three very nice Storekeeper skills... cleaning to prevent dirty decks which can lead to rats, fire prevention to keep trade goods from burning, and cargo organization to keep trade goods from toppling over and being lost in strong storms... and +1 frugality for long voyaging! I think she'd be a good helper aide, if long distance trading is your thing. Too bad she doesn't have catbreeding too, haha!

[Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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[Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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This aide is available in St. Petersburg. Very interesting because all previous aides with Japanese were NC/Astro. This one is not. But other than that, she doesn't seem like that good of an aide...

Very interesting. Thanks for the confirmation. Her usefulness is probably based on your playstyle, though as the only other Japanese-speaking aides come from Astro Shop items which are either A) unavailable at this time and/or B) non-tradeable, adventurers like myself would have a pretty good incentive to hire this aide. And while I haven't been to Port Royal yet, I'd be willing to bet that the new Gran Atlas battle aides found there are also non-astro, based on this.

This is the only non-Astro aide that gets Japanese. Also, since Far North Languages appears to have no Translation Notes or Dictionary(like Japanese), she seems to be the only non-Astro aide that gets 2 languages without them. Since that can free up 2 skill slots or replace 2 aides, that makes her a very good aide for Adventurers. As well, as most Adventurers will tell you, Recognition and Geography are 2 of the slowest Adventure skills to rank up. Top that off with Fire Prevention(VERY useful on Spice or Nanban runs) and the rest of her skill set, Sarah is quite a useful aide for an Adventurer/Trader. I have her now as a replacement to Chester since I finally got Victor to get the Shipbuilding skill, and I'm glad I found out about her.

IGN: CullumStraun

From the way I see it, shes a jack of all trades aide; she dabs a little bit in trade, adventure, and maritime, but shes by no means a master in any of them. How useful she'll appear to be depends your on playing style. If your the type that likes to specialize in just one of two areas of the game, I think their are better aides you could get. Otherwise, for the player that like to dabble in a little bit of everything as well, she compliments the player pretty well.

Best Store Keeper, everything but cat breeding. And the aides with cat breeding are seriously lacking other good store keeper skills. Great languages and two good adventure skills to boot. Only wish I had found her sooner.

Pilum 10/0/4
Cure 12/4/5
Food Supplies 13/24/9

FYI, I tried using a Captain's Secret Notes item to teach Cat Breeding to this aide (levels: 59/63/56) and the skill option didn't appear. But a friend was able to give Cat Breeding to their Sarah using Royal Navy skill inheritance. So it seems like some skills can only be taught using Royal Navy.

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