This is a list of ornaments that give + 5 to this:
Armillary Sphere
The Statue of Hanuman
Buddha with Naga
Gold Discus (dont get this one confused with
Gold Raft)
Calceolarias Vase on Table
Stone Beasts
Azuchi Castle
It would be too extensive to list every single ornament that gives a + to this, so ill link to the Japanese wiki If you wish to find out the rest for yourself:
Anyway after testing this out here's some things to know:
-Each rank gives 10% more goods when opening chests in dungeons so Rank 1 = 10%, Rank 2 = 20%, and Rank 3 = 30% (your need all ten + 5 ornaments to get this far)
-In addition to trade goods it works with consumable items such as land battle items, POs, SWMPs, etc as well
-Im not 100% certain but it seems it also works with any bonus items (trade goods, MTTs, MSTs, Headache Meds, etc) you get for clearing the last floor of a dungeon
-Works when accessing dungeon via ESBT, and the labyrinth in Crete and I think the labyrinth in Atlantis too.
-Does NOT work in shipwrecks or with archive maps. Only in dungeons and the labyrinth(s).
-If your in a fleet, this does NOT work with other fleet members. Regardless whose admiral, or who opens the chests only the player(s) with the ornaments in their quarters will get the buff. Other players who do not will just get the normal/un-adjusted amount. Im not sure if this restriction also applies to the Japanese server, but I wouldnt be surprised if they did it for free-to-play servers like us, seeing as players could use alts to farm extra goods with it.
Only thing I dont know about is if this stacks with the special effect of refining unlock (20% bonus), since I know ornament effects do not with the EX effects of Trans alchemy.