Mrt. Mentor's Wisdom 1
Effective for the entire Fleet.
Increase the number of targets defeated during Naval Battle Quests based off of the amount of Members in your Fleet.
In order to get this research, need r6 base leadership, 600 points of research necessary at a rate of 50 points for formidable enemy victory.
I haven't done this yet so I don't know if it means 50 points for EACH formidable enemy defeated or 50 points for each formidable fleet win. I believe it would be the latter, so it can mean at least 3 BRs need to be done. 4 x FE per BR, need to win 12 times to complete the research. Can someone who has done this research confirm?
According to research:
50 points are granted per Formidable fleet defeated which = 3 BRs in total to complete this thesis, with x4 FE beaten during each BR. The number of FEs beaten doesn't matter; whether you sink just the admiral or all other ships first followed by admiral, you only get 50 points for it.
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