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  • Mrt. Mentor's Teachings 1
    Increase the amount of EXP gained by Fleet Members in the same zone after winning Sea Battles by 10%.

I noticed recently that this was nerfed a bit for Maris; click on any of the above EA language buttons and you can plainly see it was originally a 30% boost instead of 10%. I suppose it's better to have 10% than 0%, but still a tiny bit interesting.

Is this cumulative for each fleet member? If so, then it makes sense for Maris with three alts allowed in a fleet.

This does not give just a mere 10% bonus. It's actually 30%. I tested this out by sinking a few of Cremian Pirate fleets in the Black Sea (3x Heavy Galleass 1x Battle Galleass) with me and my alt. I was battle lv 80, alt was lv 84.

With Mrt. Mentor's Teachings on I got 1205 Battle EXP

With Mrt. Mentor's Teachings off I got 927 Battle EXP

If you do the math, that's a 30% bonus, not 10%. Either this was a typo on Papayaplays part, or at some point a past update restored the original 30% bonus like they have on the Asian servers, and Papayaplay forgot to change the text.

I agree with the CA, however you do have to be in a fleet for this exp change, so does not help if you have no fleet members to accompany you ( or a ALT to fleet with) . Cheers!

30% would make sense because if you look at the comparable skills for adv. mentor, it is a 30% boost.

Also, I think there may also be an effect based on the number of individuals within the fleet. I seem to recall higher per fleet XP numbers when in a fleet of 5 with this on than in a fleet of 3. Would make sense as many of mentor jobs' academy skills have effects pertaining to the number of fleet members - but don't quote me on that without confirming.

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