Thanks Donce, although it actually looks like
Increase land speed is the Ornament effect section; this page seems to be related to EX Effect from equipment. Doesn't really matter I guess; I know I didn't realize the difference myself until I put together a list of equipment with this effect. Speaking of which, here it is:
"Son Goku's boots" / 孫悟空の長靴 (R4)
Claw Greaves (R4)
Blitz EX (R3)
※ (R3) "Alchemist's shoes (ground)" / 錬金術士の靴(地)
※ (R3) "Alchemist's boots (ground)" / 錬金術士のブーツ(地)
Hunting Spear EX (R2)
Speed Boots (R2)
※ (R2) "Punismask / reform" / プニマスク・改
Note: unofficial google translations shown in quote marks with original JP name for those who wish to research them. Also, some items may or may not be currently/ever available on Maris server.
And for whatever weird reason, the "Punimask" article link somehow changed to the unrelated Speed Boots article. Maybe that'll be fixed one day? Hope this helps either way. Cheers, and great online voyaging to you.