Increase plunder rates
Increases the chance of successful plundering NPC. The effect increases according to Rank.
Anyone know how to get this?
Various EX items. Such as Sanctus or Atromitos EX.
Come now, fellow voyagers -- we can do better than that. Equipment with this effect:
"Morgan Coat ♂ (Brown)" / モーガンコート♂(茶)
Deathscythe (R10) "Death Scythe" / デスサイズ
Bill (R10)
Atromitos EX (R10)
Sanctus EX (R10)
※ (R8) "Alchemist's Wand (Sat)" / 錬金術士の杖(土)
※ (R8) "Renkin Sword (Sat)" / 錬金剣(土)
Iron Mittens EX (R6)
Heretical Pirate's Combat Wear EX (R5)
Cat Half Mask (R3)
Note: unofficial google translations shown in quote marks with original JP name for those who wish to research them. Also, some items may or may not be currently/ever available on Maris server. Hope this helps. Cheers, and great online voyaging to you.
To update the above list a bit:
Morgan's Coat (R10) -- male-only.
does this work on land battle enemies too?
I used a couple of pieces of equipment that uses this skill during the HE the battle of Nekmir. While it did increase the number of consumables/trade goods I was getting, i didnt notice any changes in the actual drop rate. If anything, it seemed the plunder/deed rate actually DECREASED with it on.
I inquired with the GMs about how this skill works. Their answer:
"With respect to "Increase plunder rates" the only times when this effect comes into play is while on the sea and this only works against NPC fleets and not PvP. It also excludes Ganador and Phantom Monster drops. With respect to Seize Cargo (aide skill) it is our understanding that there will be an increased chance of plunder with the Increase Plunder Rate skill. Rare Item Plunder will not be directly affected by this skill as it only increase the chances of certain types of items being plundered."
Now you know. Cheers.
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