Local Specialties Combo Bonus 2
When selling Trade Goods and
achieving a Local Specialties
Combo, obtain bonus Purchase Orders.
Very nice indeed this will encourage trading 4 sure ^_^
Long Live the Traders!
Instructor Mutu told me you would get PO when you achieved combo but I have never got it. Probably this skill has something to do with it..
Sadly this was skipped for us in favor in making POs... more premium. KOEI really has a grudge about letting us have POs...
Isn't this 2 thesis unlocked with r11 Sociability, Accounts or Management? Can't be sure if we have it or not until we get those skills at that rank base. Unsure if anyone has r11 social or accounts already, Serg may have Management r11?
I had R11 Accounts on GAMA and didn't see it.
Comes from:
Trade Tech 3
Gives 2 POs every time you achieve the Local Specialty Combo (selling at least 2x50 Local Specialtys), selling more then that does not yield more POs.
Looks like it is random which one you get. Sold 2xLuxuries a couple of times in a row and got PO1s, PO2s an PO3s. Also got PO4s, but it looks like PO4s are rare.
Stacks with
Local Specialties Combo Bonus 1 for a total of 3 POs.
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