Tow Permit Refund
Refunds Tow Permits when
used for Auto Navigation,
which costs 3 or more Permits each time.
??? Anyone know where and if you can get this? Looks like an oxford skill.
Yup, it's one of special skills from the oxford skills
Oceanics 1 and
Oceanics 2 (there's another one that increases the number of Tow Permits received when requesting a tow). Unfortunately, those were omitted for us on GAMA when we got the update that's adds Oxford and college research, likely due to that auto navigation was made into a NC/Astros only feature. While that restriction has since been removed, I doubt KOEI will consider adding those skills here since you can get more then the usual number of tow permits if you request a tow in a port with a active Mayor.
There's also a special Oxford skill that GAMA didn't get that reduces the time to build or improve a ship by 50%....
Refunds 1 Tow Permit.
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