Scholarly Research Techniques
Augments the Skill used to appraise discoveries.
Also, can gain its Proficiency more easily.

+ Skill prof when reading ?
+1 and Proficiency+5%

Li Yue
Good and easy quests for grinding this in Europe:
Faith of ancient Egypt, 11 theo (aka AoS quest)
Art or Herecy, 12 art
God of war vs god of war, 11 arch (aka Scipio quest)
The data from the research is wrong. Is not this.
Discover Discoveries (R1):[Required #Pages / Reported #Pages] 1 / 1000
Discover Discoveries (R11):[Required #Pages / Reported #Pages] 20 / 1000
Is this.
Discover Discoveries (R1):[Required #Pages / Reported #Pages] 1 / 1000
Discover Discoveries (R11):[Required #Pages / Reported #Pages] 100 / 1000
The rest is right.
This skill is like having another Scholar Aid 1 plus 5% more points when you read a scholar's book.
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