Efficient Ship Construction
Required number of days to
build a ship reduces by half.
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When will it be available?
well since it is not alot of number and its name and function appear so it will be soon available
It wont be ever availble
NM/OGP has decided to exclude this skill from Oxford for sale of Emergency Shipbuild Negotiations.
Denying us this particular Oxford skill is ridiculous. Since it only reduces the number of construction days for Shipbuilding by half, players in a hurry will still purchase Emergency Shipbuilding Requests to get their high-end ships on the water A.S.A.P. All this skill would serve to do is make the Shipbuilding Skill grind easier and make it easier on Shipbuilders for building ships for newer players and for rank 20 Shipbuilders to build ships like Big Trading Clippers and Trading Large Galleons, which in the long run would benefit the community by reducing the cost of those ships. I really wish the people at OGPlanet would be less shortsighted regarding things like this.
IGN: CullumStraun
I wonder if it will be a astro shop skill in form of limited timed item ? OGP has always been making really bad decisions for the community but "good" decisions for their business model of selling more astros. There is very little hope for OGP left I think.
This is the Oxford skill Will_Adams is referring to. It reduces ship build/improvement time by 50%.
this will never come to GAMA unless it is converted to a subscription model. They would be off their rockers as it would cut down on usage of ESBR big time.
this will never come to GAMA unless it is converted to a subscription model. They would be off their rockers as it would cut down on usage of ESBR big time.
There is some good news! We will [finally] be getting this oxford skill in upcoming Age of Revolution update!
Awesome news. You shipbuilders out there deserve a treat like this.
OMG... Yes this skill will be awesome! Thank goodness we are getting it! Owwwwwwwwwwww ^_^
Based on a conversation I had with an expert shipbuilder and J-wiki maestro, this thesis is:
1000 pages
5 pages per Repair (carpentry tools allowed)
10 pages per "ships newly built and reinforced"
It gives 900 Credits in addition to the skill, 400 Battle exp, and 200 Battle fame. The thesis is 2-star Oxford, and should have the same requirements as General Check (R7 Repair/Firefighting/Shipbuilding).
Has this skill been excluded in the new server?
It is rather removed unintentionally or something went wrong when they re-opened the server. This skill will become avialable asap. :)
OGP's late implementation was made by mistake but they decided not to remove it for avoiding player's condemnation.
But this skill certainly made ESBR's sale decline, so Papaya decided to remove it in the reopening. Its just my opinion.
Not excluded. It is bugged.
We have a formal request to Koei in to reinclude this oxford ASAP. I do know GM is in favor of reincluding the oxford skill.
I will keep folks posted on this as it develops. Not sure if a restoration of this skill would require a maintenance or not, but it's always a good thing to check after updates.
Remember that the skill requires one (but not all) of the following: r7 shipbuilding, repair, -or- firefighting.
^I would like to qualify the above statement by saying, I can't confirm if it will be added back or not. But we are working on it, and hopeful that Koei will agree to the request.
so I've been hearing this is back in the game now . Can anyone confirm this???
This is up in MARIS now. :) Have fun
Its baaaack.
Caddy was correct. But I think it is problematic if Papaya's GM leaked information to limited players as often did MN/OGP.
They can be insider traders in the ESBR market, at least they can choose not to buy ESBR before its implemented.
@DiNozzo he IS a "Community Advisor" for the company which role is "to mediate with GMs in stead of players", i for one personally asked him to investigate the matter, are you somehow suggesting that when he asked in our stead in response to our requests AND told us the answer, he was somehow breaking the rules... while doing his job?
also a lot of people said this was coming, if you did not believe and load on ESBR to speculate later then sucks to be you.
you guys have been using ESBR's wrong for years anyway :p
The main thing you should be using them for is on r21+ builds when a fail on part would keep it from being max dura/sails/whatever.
You're GS rate goes down, but do does the failure rate, it's for when you really just need a 'normal' result on the build
To answer Edge's question, no I'm not a GM. I'm a CA, so I try to convey the playerbase's interests to the GM, and vice versa. Think of me as a conduit connecting the game's management with it's players; I represent each group to the other in many ways.
To address your issue about the topic I mentioned; I didn't share any classified information (not that I have access to any in the first place). I simply stated that there was a bug with the oxford, and also that we had placed a request in to Koei to fix this bug. This was a repeat of the same bug we faced on GAMA server; we asked Koei to fix it like they did in the other server.
There's no conspiracy here, just me confirming that the oxford was bugged and not intentionally omitted by Papaya/Koei. But, if you feel otherwise, please submit a ticket via the helpdesk, include screenshots, and Papaya can address your questions.
you read that in reverse he implied you discovered they would return it by a GM leak or something, while i only pointed out it was more or less your job to know so you could tell us.
You're right, my apologies. I meant to reply to his comment, not yours. Sorry bout that!
Efficient Ship construction Oxford: Reduces Ship building construction time to half (Now Available on Papaya Server)
Requirements for this Oxford to appear: Need second Oxford building unlocked (which requires you to complete and submit any 12 thesis reports ) and you must have at least 1 of the following skills at Rank 7 or more for this thesis to appear.
Requirements to complete Thesis: Simply build ships its easy
Oh and you also need to complete the 2 oxfords for efficient repair 1 and 2 before it appears both thesis are located in oxford build 1 and building 2 both are easy and can be done in 5 mins by just crashing your ship and repairing it.
This shows up without finishing repair 2
Actually this shows without repair oxford..
I just checked I don't have any repair oxford skill yet I'm using this already
Requires 24 thesis submissions before it becomes available.
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