Scholar Aid 2
Augments the Skill used to appraise discoveries.

Ming Mei
At how many submissions will this appear?

It's rank 3 Oxford so.... 40 - 50? Not sure.
But it won't appear at all unless you have rank 7 in an adventure skill (I do believe).

its gives +2 to all appraisal skils?


By all appraisal skills does that mean biology, theology, art, treasure appraisal, geography, and archeology? or just treasure appraisal?
should be all appraisal that involves archive

guys need help on finishing this thesis. any suggestions/tips?

Try checking this website's list of quests from each mediator by port? You can get a better idea of where higher value quests are more likely to spawn from. Spamming Special QMPs wouldn't hurt if you can do it; if not, try teaming up with others. Doing archive maps and extra quests via cultural contribution helps too. It really depends on what your specialties are (biology, theology, etc.), and where you're willing to adventure (the better quests usually come from hostile/lawless zones like SEA/EA, though not always).

great! thanks a lot :)

No joke this oxford is ridiculous abandoned it 3x already

No joke this oxford is ridiculous abandoned it 3x already

It's worth having but it will take days to get it done.

do it with a team that all has different high level skills take quests and maps then its easy it just takes time

Wen zhi
Yup Im quitter I quit a game to be successful in real life. Who is the loser now?

Meng Meng
Why are you still posting then?

Um the loser would still be you.. You are posting on a site dedicated to a game you no longer play. Try again.

LoL two nerds arguing over a game one a scrubby nerd aand one maybe successful one.

we could go back to talking about two companies most of the game could give two shits about I guess.
I'm doing such a so : Alexandria quest "The greath pioneer" (r6 search, r8 archaeology, r6 unlock) and then Istambul quest "Faith of ancient Egypt" (r9 search, r11 theology, ARA(lang)), we get something like a circle

Do these stack or does having scholar aid 2 negate the need for scholar aid 1? Same question in ship speeds 1-4...

Ming Mei
all college skills have a cumulative effect, they stack. So having multiple skills turned on that do the same thing can be beneficial. it is up to you to decide if that's the best thing for you at the time.

This thesis is quite the chore, I agree. But a method I've learned can make it go by quite quickly. Namely, you need the R11 Appraisal
Blue Gem Ore Vein Map which leads to the
Cornflower Blue discovery. Why this map, you ask? Because the landing zone it's found at, Arabian Sea Northeast Coast, is but a stone's throw from Muscat. There you'll find al-Ghawri, one of those discovery-loving NPCs that you can report it to.
True, al-Ghawri likes Port Settlement discoveries, so you won't get the customary QMP reward from him. However, if you can stock up on enough Cornflower maps, then you can discover it, report it to al-G, then go back and re-discover, then go back and re-report it... at 31 pages per discovery, you could do this thesis with about 30 maps or so. (I took extra, just to be safe.) It's the quickest route to finishing this thesis that I know of.
Come to think of it, in theory, you could even do this thesis with just R9 Search, if somebody with R11 Appraisal could pull the map for you repeatedly, and help you discover it over and over again. Hmm! But in any case, that's the method I used for this dreadful thesis. If anyone knows a better way, I hope they'll share it in the future. As for me... back to doing the 2-star Shipwreck History thesis!
This Research is University/Speciality (3*). Min submissions 30. Any of Scholar(Skills at archive) skills at least level 7 to appear.
Discoveries R1: 1/900
Discoveries R7: 10/900
Discoveries R11: 100/900. The web page say 20/900. That is wrong.
How this work?
Map Level - Research Pages
If you want raise APPRAISAL.I found the best way to grind this research is do the diamond tour, you get 5 maps that give you dimonds from Amsterdam and London. Even if you have 8+4 or 9+3, they will appear.
At London
Yellow Gem Vein Map. At Africa South. Between Cape Town and Natal
Blue Gem Ore Vein Map. At Arabia NE. NE of Muscat
At Amsterdam
Blue Gem Ore Vein Map. At Arabia NE. NE of Muscat
Red Gem Ore Vein Map. At Bay Bengal NE. Between Calcutta and Pegu
Pink Gem Ore Vein Map. At Africa South. Between Cape Town and Natal
All of them count as Treasure.
You have to report them to Zanzibar - Senator Majid.
Calicut have also maps with high appraisal, in case you left some points to finish the research.
Ancient Codes Map.At North Bago in Pegu
Green Gem Ore Vein Map.At Bay Bengal NE. Between Calcutta and Pegu
Hidden Treasure Map.At Madagascar.
Treasure Map.Africa SE. In front of Madagascar land
Pink Gem Ore Vein Map. At Africa South. Between Cape Town and Natal.
After that report at Zanzibar and start over. Or return to Europe and get all the diamond maps.
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