Reduced Disaster Frequency 2
Decreases likelihood of being
involved in disasters on the seas.

how effective?

It does significantly decrease the odds of meeting disasters while sailing like fire, rat infestations, wind gusts, so forth, but not by 100% (only
Veil of Seraphim can do that). While I was coming back from a nanban trade run I had this and
Reduced Disaster Frequency 1 going, and I got a couple of rat breakouts and one sudden wind gust.

It does significantly decrease the odds of meeting disasters while sailing like fire, rat infestations, wind gusts, so forth, but not by 100% (only
Veil of Seraphim can do that). While I was coming back from a nanban trade run I had this and
Reduced Disaster Frequency 1 going, and I got a couple of rat breakouts and one sudden wind gust.

Sorry about the double posting. My wireless connection is acting up and it somehow went through twice.
there is something in jap wiki about haveing no effect if you are traveling with no food/water, can anybody confirm this?
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