Exploration Ship Refit
Refit specialized in a marine
exploration. Gives benefits in
marine discoveries and salvage.
Auto Effect
Required Skill
Exploration Ship Refit
Refit specialized in a marine exploration. Gives benefits in marine discoveries and salvage.
obtain 10% more adventure EXP while doing discovery in sea
increase the rate of rise in salvage
reduce the durability damage while salvage
how can i add this to my ship?
Ship fusion - there are some good guides on fusion in the tips & guides section of the OGP UWO forums.
So by how much is the salvage rate increased and durability damage reduced?
I just refitted one of my ships with this skill. Here's what I found it does: When your salvaging shipwrecks with this, there's a estimated 1 in 3 chance that with each pull, it will boost your salvage rate by 50% and cut the damage taken by half. This makes a HUGE difference if your trying to salvage one of those shipwrecks in the Arctic for example, or a ghost wreck or one of those East Asia wrecks. If you plan to salvage shipwrecks on a regular basis, I do recommend getting this skill to make salving shipwrecks a lot easier, especially if you don't have a ship with a large crew hold.
One more thing; you can only get this skill from ship fusion, and it counts towards your optional skill limit, so if you already have two opitional skills on your ship, you CANNOT add this!
Yeah, I put this on my salvaging ship and I could immediately tell the difference. This skill is indeed pretty amazing.
Basically a must have skill for a dedicated salvage ship.
also gives 10% more exp & fame when doing sea charting
Can I put this to my ELM?
Inherit Hauling Assistance, add exploration refit, then SSU1 at g6?
Also do I get additional salvage skill prof for having this?
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