Original Ship
Steam Engine
does this increase top speed? how does it work exactly?
It doesn't increase your top speed. As the description for this says, It boosts your ship's acceleration, where your reach your top speed a bit quicker, and turn speed. In my experience though, unless you use it on a steamer ship (like the Clermont or Savanna), or in battle, the effect for it isn't really that noticeable.
This is really to be used with
Emergency Acceleration during initial acceleration. Combined with EA it makes the ships accelerate way faster. Once the ship is up to speed you can just use EA to keep the momentum going. You can turn on SE combined with EA again when you face situations where your ship might struggle to "accelerate" to the top speed, such as fighting headwind. During initial acceleration, using this alone has less noticeable difference in acceleration compared to using EA alone.
thanks very much for the in depth answer
What would make a ship accelerate faster, this skill or SU3?
I'm modding a ShadROG and i'm all about speed. So, when grading, initially i would make it SU123, but i also can inherit the Steam Engine from another ship, right? It's too much nonsense?
SU3 is +5% accel, right?
What about this skill?
Obs: ShadROG have Emergency Acceleration as well.
My observations having had both a 4 mast rower w/123+ EA on wood vs 3 mast rower with SE + EA/6skill on Iron, the SE was bit quicker while having the 6skill was nice and in the ring the SE + EA + Row was lazer quick accel. That said i still dont think the SE+EA+row can beat the coal ships for accel, tho i didnt get a chance to test it.
the lesser the mast, the better the acceleration too.
if you have refined row, you can ignore SE for row ships.
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