"Marine Corps". Very nice skill selection, actually.
Indeed a nice selection of skills. You can board ships or cannon your way. Very flexible but it is leaning more to ship boarding and melee.
I believe this job is among 3 new ones coming on the next update.
"Marine Corps"
Comes from "The marine corps", a 5-star quest from Seville's Maritime Mediator. Requires R3
Swordplay, R5
Tactics, and Italian language (body language is fine). Quest steps:
1. Seville Maritime Guild - Talk to Guild Master x1
2. Seville Archives - Talk to Scholar x2
3. Rome Colosseum - Talk to Wallenstein x3
4. Seville Maritime Guild - Talk to Guild Master
Note that while Swordplay and Tactics are required at those levels to pull the quest, you don't need them at those levels during any of the talking points in the quest.
Semper fidelis, boss.
At last, a Battle job that favors Sniping the doesn't cost 24m to switch to without a card, only 1.8m. Curse my lame arm, wish I were able to battle now....aahh well.
IGN: CullumStraun
sigh none of the quests list fame requirement
what is the fame requirements to pull this job quest?
50k Battle fame to pull the quest for the card for this job I believe.
IGN: CullumStraun
got the quest with 25k battle fame a few minutes ago, did not expect it to pop on the 1st qmp
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