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  • Avalon
    Means, land north of the hand river.
    The capital during the Paekche dynasty was here, so many relics can be discovered.
  • The British Isles Culture Area

North Sea Port Permits




    • Scotch Whiskey

    • Alcohol / 60 D
      Restore Rate 13
    • A Scottish whisky made from peated malt.
      • Irish Whisky

      • Alcohol / 60 D
        Restore Rate 13
      • The world's oldest whisky, known for its light, refreshing
        • Cider

        • Alcohol / 15 D
          Restore Rate 6
        • A slightly fizzy drink made by fermenting apple juice.
          • Ale

          • Alcohol / 14 D
            Restore Rate 6
          • A traditional top-brewed beer made without hops.
            • Gin

            • Alcohol / 25 D
              Restore Rate 15
            • A liquor made from fermented rye and barley, then perfumed
              with cypress.
              • Milk

              • Drink / 8 D
                Restore Rate 1
              • Cow's milk.
                • Rye Knackebrot

                • Food / 16 D
                  Restore Rate 21
                • A thin, crispy cracker made from rye seeds.
                  • Fried Fish

                  • Food / 58 D
                    Restore Rate 40
                  • Locally caught whitefish fried in oil.
                    • Oatmeal Haggis

                    • Food / 47 D
                      Restore Rate 32
                    • Sheep stomach stuffed with oatmeal, mincemeat, and
                      • Caudle

                      • Drink / 15 D
                        Restore Rate 5
                      • Warm wine with egg yolks, sugar, salt, and spices.
                        as a medicine.

                        Wen zhi

                        Ignoring the region and port permit, the description would allude to the city of Ungjin (modern day Gongju) in Korea.

                        Xiao Wei
                        Possibly but hmm... it's inland.
                        Might it be the new northern expansion soon to be release in jap server!?

                        Avalon, inland city. Available on 2nd age update chapter 2.
                        Region and port permit is correct, description is wrong

                        Hmm...where is this place?

                        Avalon is where the legendary Excalibur is created, and based of the information from the quest of the same name, Avalon is at "an island in the New World", which refers to America. In the quest Excalibur, the player has to go to West Santo Domingo to get the sword. Avalon might be around there.

                        However, there is no real evidence that Avalon ever existed in reality. Some information I found from Google points that Avalon might be in England, and I could not find any supporting evidence that Avalon is in the new world.

                        Another possibility would be that the description is correct, but everything else is wrong, and it points to an unannounced new landing point/inland city in Korea. It might also point to Northern Kongju, an existing landing point since that's where Paekche is.

                        And, I quite sure this is not available yet......wonder when this place will come out.

                        This location exists. It is a map that you can only reach while doing the Treasure Hunt quest Where is the Legendary Island. This quest is the third of three quests in the theme Avalon, which only opens when you carry an Ancient Glass Fragment with you (available from TH: Holy Land, Knights, Treasure).

                        To reach this location you go to the landing British Isles South Coast and cross the map. Normally you would enter Salisbury Plains (where Stonehenge is located), but only with this TH quest you will be transported to Avalon, similar to how you reach El Dorado with 2 other TH quests. They are beautiful places, not going to say more :)

                        Also there is noone who you can talk to, no menu and no description of the place. Landing points, and further maps, normally do not have a description. El Dorado has the same description though.

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