For investment, the tickets only take 400k it seems.

Port Official
Will Manila have a dungeon at 60k investment? Or any other bells and whistles pre-EA patch?
Also, will we be able to relocate our company there once EA comes out?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-28-2012
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-29-2012
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Development at 44,473. Looks like no one is investing in Manila anymore.

maybe that ship really aint worth it?

Maybe not but I'd bet that when it becomes available, you are going to see lots of them

i dont doubt it Montador,
hopefully by then ill be high enough rank SB to build it ...

There will be many you say....or you hope...I dont see many of TLG in game, even though it can also hoard a lot of cargo. Soldiers use Vaisseaus or CLRs, adventurers use fast ships, smart high levels who enjoy the game use both of what I mentioned.
Once again its only a good ship for
""large fleets of players who work together"",
like many French claim to be doing these days.
No i did not just say multiboxers.
So if I would be a GM (im not), I would follow every players IP which buys or makes that ship or, at the current, cant wait to get one.
Hmmm, smells of a trap??

It's also possible that some people might want a 1040ish cargo ship so it can hold more dungeon loot at one time... meaning less time lost selling the stuff.... meaning more overall profit.
While I certainly agree that there is some value in this ship for multiboxers, it's not as easy as TLG. The Manila Galleon needs 39/56/16 compared to the TLG of 20/44/20. If I see a fleet of 5 (with a fast ship leading 4 Manila Galleons... all in private status), I'll congratulate that player on all the hard way of getting 4 alts up to 39/56/16. Level 20/44/20 is a piece of cake because the trade levels come easily selling spice and you can almost get to 20 in adventure and battle (well, maybe around level 15 or so) just from finishing school. Not much work to take it to 20. Level 39 adventure? That's a lot of work.
So all those 20/44/20 TLG-using alts turning into 39/56/20 for the sake of an extra ~100 cargo. I don't see that happening... but I guess anything is possible.

@ Montador
Hmm, didn't really see the ADV requirement there.
You certainly have a point there.
All im going to say is; nice to see an objective comment which is written with a touch of common sense. Specially on this site....
Going to join you hunting down the multis and congratulating them haha!

Poincare of Netherlands dumped 1.5b into Manila and now the dev is at 50,766. I put another 96m so that should bring it above 51k.
Manila Galleon not far away.

Aphrodite Feetndaire
There are also players who carry items beside spice. The idea is to have fun not just advance as fast as possible.
A player who makes cannon or sails for their company could possibly use a very large ship to gather materials in. Someone doing a big cooking run might like the cargo space. There are lots of reason someone would use a ship like this beside multiboxing.
Actually if you max out the sails to +110/+110 and use for sets of main full rigged these would not be that slow. Not Clipper fast but fast enough. I bet one of these with the sails absolutely maxed out could do Calicut to Lisbon 60 days or so.

i agree with montador, no multiboxer would waste the time of lvling them up

I've seen multiboxers sailing around a fleet of manila galleons.

How do you know for sure they are multi? You can only suspect right? Unless it's like Age I, Age II, Age III, Age IV and Age V who all dress up the same in same ship and only Age I has decent levels (he stopped playing over half a year maybe even a year though, or was just banned lol).
What is the fastest way to get to Manila from the Mediterranean?
use wind gods gem
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