Current development level is 28,263 so iron ore is available with investment.
Is there any hint that the Charioteer here will bring me to Mecca or Medina?
No new towns so far on JP server, there are only 2 new zones, the Himalayas and Baikal lake
If I recall correctly, on the Japanese server at least, for an extra subscription fee, you can unlock special carriages. I think this is one of them that goes from here to Basra. The others I know of goes from Marseilles to Bordeaux or Nantes, and a triangle route that goes around Venice-Genoa-Amsterdam. While they could have easily made that into an astros (or NC) feature, it appears they decided to just outright omit that for us on GAMA...
I recall this was it:
It sounds great, except for this condition: "You have logged out at the departure place." So, even with subscription fees, it's not the same as regular carriage rides.
Even so, it'd be a nice addition to GAMA (free, or Astro/NC, minus log-out condition) for travel ease. Maybe if it was suggested in the forums of OGP... well, it's still KOEI's decision, of course. We'll see if Order of the Prince expansion in Japan this month adds any new carriage destinations (one new Portuguese city is confirmed). Cheers.
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