Chicle also available at the market.

>> New Customer Privilege> Ships/Ducats/Chars>Contact Info >Safe Browsing>Track Record > Slander Waning

>> New Customer Privilege> Ships/Ducats/Chars>Contact Info >Safe Browsing>Track Record > Slander Waning

***New Customer Privilege***
tinyurl.com/urbships allow "SHIP FIRST, PAYMENT LATER" for new customers!email uworeservebank@gmail.com now!
tinyurl.com/urbships offering 48 NC ships/4 characters/billions of ducats at rate $1=65m!!
***Contact Info***
Livechat: tinyurl.com/urbships
Facebook:Uwo reserve bank
Skype: Uwo reserve bank
QQ: 2969441071
***Safe Browsing***
Google Safe Browsing Diagonistics of URB site verifies that NO malware has been found on URB site in the past 90 days (www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=uworb.azurewebsites.net).
***Track Record***
We have served 128 customers as of 10/05/2013.
If you doubt that we really deliver ships before you pay, please checkout the UWO forum post tinyurl.com/legitdeal
***Slander Waning***
Dear Rolegolders(Clemsonfan, David319, loskaos, Admiral.LeKill, Mandelei, Fliponious),
No wonder you feel losing trust of GMs and players because you fake everything and never have their trust in the first place:
1) You faked the entire conversation on tinyurl.com/urbscam. You are so desperate as to spend hundreds of hours in faking elaborate conversations to frame URB. URB never needs any player credentials, nor do we discuss ships in pm. You simply can’t find any real evidence to prove that URB has any malpractice.
2) You even took one step further to fake “Firefox labelling URB as an attack site” screenshot. Your evil plot is totally bankcrupt because:
a) Google and Firefox shared the same Safe Browsing Toolkit (www.google.com/tools/firefox/safebrowsing/)
b) Google Safe Browsing Diagonistics of URB site verifies that NO malware has been found on URB site in the past 90 days((www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=uworb.azurewebsites.net).
c) Given a) and b), how could it possibly be the case that URB site is marked as an attack site on Firefox when Google Safe Browsing marks URB site as unsuspicious???
Nevertheless, we have to admit that your faked screenshots are professionally crafted and look nothing less than real. We are so surprised that you and other rolegolders are willing to waste so much time and effort tweaking this screenshot in Photoshop, and faking the conversation in other screenshots on tinyurl.com/urbscam
3) You and rolegolders have abused UWO and ivryro.net to slander URB in every possible ways. This is not surprising since your rolegold bot has been spamming UWO for years. Your business has been dead, do you think your slanders can linger?
Give it up, rolegolders. Stop wasting forum space, ivyro comments, and public chats, since lies and slanders can neither weaken URB nor bring your business back to life.
URB is willing to work with UWO to add real-money trading as a complementary economy system to help curb the inflation of ducats and improve the penetration of Treasure Boxes.

Royal company = URBSCAM

Hey Savvia how old are you? You act like a 10 years old
Hemp is also sold here during the 15th Century, 3rd Period, or with an appropriate Adept of Age title.
Development is now 72,643. Gold dust and Chicle are now available at the Marketplace after an investment of no more than 60k.
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