A town in the north of France that faces the Straits of Dover. The cause of many wars between England and France in the past, it has become a heavily fortified town. It produces products such as processed food, ingredients for perfumes, and high quality fabric.
Northern France Culture Area
Calais Tavern
Jeanne Duchess of Berry Estate
Calais Church
North Sea Port Permits
Territory: France
1724 D (Invest 180,000, Development 18,000)
Burgundy Wine
Alcohol / 35 D
Restore Rate 8
- Its floral aroma and delicate mouth have made it a
favourite among oenophiles.
Alcohol / 90 D
Restore Rate 15
- A brandy made in the west of France, prized for its
aroma and unique flavour.
Rum with Lime
Alcohol / 14 D
Restore Rate 7
- Common rum mixed with lime juice.
Bordeaux Wine
Alcohol / 30 D
Restore Rate 8
- A complex wine made from a variety of grapes.
Fruit Wine
Alcohol / 18 D
Restore Rate 7
- A wine made from distilling, fermenting, and pickling
a variety of fruits.
Drink / 8 D
Restore Rate 1
- Cow's milk.
Mushroom Quiche
Food / 28 D
Restore Rate 26
- Pie containing egg, cheese, and mushrooms.
Rabbit Stew
Food / 50 D
Restore Rate 38
- Stew consisting of rabbit and onion boiled in white
Food / 105 D
Restore Rate 50
- Soup containing seafood, garlic, and olive oil.
fine clothing still not avail....development needed unknown...current development approximately around 59k...

Calais reached 70k development?
Other "0 ducats" godos appears at max development, so should be the same now
720k investment for fine clothing
still insufficient dev for it to show
but following how other investments and devs go
id say its 72k dev needed
devs currently at 56k
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