Flag of Netherlands
The flag of the Netherlands.
Can be flown on ship's mast tops.
As of Chapter 2: Colossus, this Ship Decoration item should be a drop from the 17th Century 2nd Period
Michiel de Ruyter Ganador -- as should many other national flags listed here: uwodbmirror.ivyro.net/eg/main.php?id=172&chp=87
I haven't confirmed this flag's presence at this time though, and the absence of other Guild Shop ship deco items has me wondering whether it's currently obtainable through the Ganador method or not. PP website lists it as a prize for those first ones to beat Leviathan, but... hmm. It should be available apart from that. Can anyone confirm this or other Ganador flag drops listed on JP wiki link below?
Link: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Update/19Colossus
Ive been told the ship decoration flags from Ganador has been omitted for us in Maris. Likely in favor of making them more... premium. We'll see if we can bring them in for a special event or whatever. Cant make any promises though. Stay tuned...
That's really too bad, I hoped they might revitalize interest in Ganadors a bit. Rather than editorialize further, I'll instead thank you for the answer and leave it at that. Cheers.
It does suck, but I guess it was too much for a server like us, even if they are not that easy to get. As said, we'll see what we can do for the future...
Very sad... Was gonna go farm these but thanks for letting us know
"It was too much for a server like us"
When it comes to the term 'too much', it's those ridiculous UWC ships that is too much for this server. And they think a f**king flag that literally just a decoration is considered too much?
I'll simply say that decorations are cosmetic and wouldn't affect game balance in the least, so it's still a strange and disappointing choice. In any case, congratulations to the top 10 winners here:
You may choose the (currently) rare Flag of your choice as long as you follow the instructions there. Cheers.
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