Wide Ship
Ornament created from the Hull
of a 'Wide Ship.' Can use its
Ornament Display Effect once
certain conditions are met.

- Making Far East Improved E. Asian Heavy Hull

- Improved E. Asian Heavy Hull
is this wide ship ornament available right now?
How can I get this one?
Sadly, it's a subscription-based reward for Japanese players, and since GAMA is free to play, it has never been released to us. Shame. Sorry my earlier comment wasn't more informative.
Wait what so that means is it finally possible to build EA ships after few years of waiting (and desperate screaming) ? I know there are recipe for hull still in server but maybe some ships still not possible to build
I hate to burst everyones bubble, but it appears Payapaplay removed the special EA ship ornaments from the shop:
From what I was told we weren't supposed to get these [yet] since we do not actually have the recipes to make the hull for them. I guess it was a goof to release them out so soon. Oh well. But this does give a shard of hope that one day we will see these in our server soon.
Display Effects: Lower the risk of disasters: +3
Reduce supply consumption: +3
As CABlakeC's comment suggests, it was briefly available for UWC, but then removed again.
. . . . . . .
And now it's out at last for Maris players.
Source: uwo.papayaplay.com/uwo.do?tp=news.view&postid=3012
i tried to use this to make the improved EA hull for dragon ship and taiwanese ship, but alas the recipe is not there
Are you sure u had the requirements on you, when tried to build it?
Are you sure u had the requirements on you, when tried to build it?
The recipe should still appear, even if you dont meet the requirements, but it doesn't (I tried it with and without being fleeted with my R20 SB alt, in both cases the recipes for making the regular EA hulls are there, but not the ones for making Modified/Improved EA hulls...).
I sent a support ticket to PapayaPlay asking if the recipe not being there was a bug, or intentional. This was their response:
"For our Uncharted Water Online, we're afraid the function where you can craft hulls using ship ornaments is disabled due to the developers' request. We hope you understand our situation. However, we may put some of them in the Treasure Cove in the future."
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