Pyramids of Giza
Ornament created from a report on the 'Pyramids of
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doing quest and sculpting it

where to sulpt it?

Meng Meng
Genoa Craftman You trade discovery card for the ordament

That means if I already made the repot I can't get the furniture? >

Li Yue
No, you turn in your discovery card to make this. Once you turn the discovery card in you can go "discover" it again to get the card again.

Do I need another quest for that?

how do you discover giza 2x for a extra card since its a chain quest and can only do it once?

Mei Hua
and can only do it once?
didn't you just answer your own question?

Once you turn a card in to make an ornament, you can do the quest again, even if it is in a chain. I haven't done this with Pyramids, but I have done this with Abu Simbel twice now, so I can confirm 100% that it can be done.

Ming Mei
i was asking coz someone earlyer said if you turn in your discovery card you need to discover it again for another card to get this so ime asking how can i do that if its a chain quest and cant get it again?

Li Yue
Once you make an ornament or lose a card in a card battle, you no longer have the discovery and can repeat the quest, even if it's in a chain. The guy above just told you all that. You only need to repeat the quest for the disco you're missing, not the whole chain.

learn something new everyday

Ok I did lesson to you all and made the ornament then went back to Tunis and used 35 QMPs. ( way over kill ) I got r7 theo and little over 20k adventure fame ( YOU CAN NOT GET THE QUEST AGAIN ) once you lose the card its gone forever !!!!!

Xiao Wei
And why you want the card again? Also, this dont need perquest done, and you are the first one that cant repeat a discovery after losing a card...

Troll, believe what you will, they wouldn't let you lose a card if there was no way to get it again. If you don't have the discovery card you can get the quest again.

ok then try it your self and then call me a lire

okay ya i'll drop what i'm doing and go do this just to show you it's possible. Oh wait, i got this little thing called SHIT TO DO. So yeah if I think about it once i'm done with my SHIT TO DO I'll post the results.

umm yea it is verry unusual at 2k fame this should take 2 QMPs if that i have done this quest many of time its not hard to pull at all

Li Yue
igor = noob this quest is easy to pull it requires 1k fame at 1.5k it will spoon feed you the quest ( arabic not needed ) title makes no difrance STFU noob

the sight is going down hill coz someone is mad your being a jusrk?well mabye people might be nicer to you if you dont insalt them wile your trying to help just a thougt.

i am looking and im thinking they said it coz of your saying.i dk things like your not much of a advenure,or humm useing words like bull shit but again just a gess

when i see
"I got r7 theo and little over 20k adventure fame ( YOU CAN NOT GET THE QUEST AGAIN ) once you lose the card its gone forever !!!!!"
I kinda hesitate to answer this kind of weird statement...since he really can't (insert something) the earliest posted comment...or just plain (insert something)...or..(insert something)
really huh?can't repeat huh?gone huh? can use oxford skill to show only those that you didn't do or already discover but lose the card(due to ornament or debate tourney)
here's the oxford skill
Hide Completed Quests
assume that you have unlock all the oxford building and have r11 base on one of the skill(search,ecological research,recognition,unlock)

What great manners. I can see why people like your help >.>

One other way to get cards back: run the quest with somebody who hasn't done it yet. Kind of tricky to do unless it's with friends or (in the case of Giza Pyramids) new players, though. If they're willing to hold it for you, you can complete the quest, consume the card to make the ornament, then do the quest over again with the friend/whatever holding the quest. Helpful, for the early discovery quests at least.

does the number of stars of the discovery affect the amount of cultural contribution earn at museum?
I can confirm 100% too if we turm giza card in to ornament, we can do quest again.
I just do it when I found giza quest at marseille adventure mediator, then i reported it. After that I do other adv quest at naples and going genoa to make the ornament. When I back into marseille I found "Investigation of the pyramids of Giza" for the second time without using any QMP.
Current theology R2 and adv fame about 4300.
maybe I just lucky, so I can confirm 100% that we can get the card again
When a quest is part of a quest chain, like Pyramids of Giza, it can never be repeated once you've discovered it -- barring the loss of the discovery card. There are four ways to lose cards:
1. Make an ornament. Guaranteed to work, can be done as many times as you want, but not all discovery cards (Fort San Domingo, Excalibur) can be turned into ornaments.
2. In your nation's Caribbean port (Trujillo for Spain, and so on), Lima, plus possibly Ambon and Ternate, talk to the City Official and select the option to "Present Discovery". A list of cards should appear, and whichever one you report, will be removed from your collection. The cards choices are generated randomly, however, and change daily, so it's something of a gamble whether or not the card you want to lose will appear.
3. Select the discovery card for use in Treasure Hunt clue synthesis. If done right, you could lose the card while gaining the next clue needed for your TH. Note that the list of cards available changes frequently (seems to be hourly, but I may be wrong), and seem vary per treasure hunt themes.
4. Put the card in your Debate deck, enter an officially hosted Debate tournament, and lose. The card may be randomly taken out of your deck. (Never done personally this, but I know people who have lost Leshan/FSD discovery cards this way.)
However you've done it, once the discovery card is removed from your collection, the corresponding quest will reappear from the Mediator's quest lists, until you complete the quest again and regain the card. I personally try to avoid regaining certain cards, like Troy, so I can help other players with accessing certain difficult quest chains.
Ornament Display Effect: Increase land speed +2
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