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  • Summer Ticket
    A lottery ticket distributed
    in summertime.
    Exchangeable for some item.

Right! These were given out at today's Summer is Coming Event by the GMs. I translated the contents of this item on the GVO Japanese wiki, and it looks like they should contain all of the following:

Master's Secret
Frankfurt Invitation
Seal of Salamander x5
Seal of Undine x5
Seal of Sylph x5
Legendary Craftsman's Carpentry Tools x5
Headache Medication x5
Pegasus Feather
Voyager Amulet x2
Custom Hairdresser's Tools x3
Veil of Virtue x3
Emergency Shipbuilding Request
Shipwreck Map Piece x5
Almond Sherbet x20
Almond Jelly x20
Goi Cuon x20
Hanseatic League Seal x5

Temporary fixed ticket x2 (doesn't exist on UWO DB?)

... but! You get an item totally at random when you use a ticket. I also don't know for sure about the Temporary fixed ticket thingy, which I think is called 臨時定期船券 in Japanese. Sounds like an item that lets you enter a region you don't have a port permit for on a temporary basis? Well, that's all I've got.

Oh! I got the ticket contents from here: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?LiveEvent/SummerGift

I hope I don't have the wrong item. That'd be embarrassing!

I'll bet at very long odds that the Master's secret and Emergency Shipbuilding Request won't be in any tickets on GAMA.

Maybe yes, maybe no! I thought somebody who won a ticket mentioned an ESR as their prize, but I could be remembering wrong. Me, I got Goi cuon, Seal of Sylph, Custom Tailor Tools, and Custom Hairdresser's Tools twice from five tickets, all with the listed amounts... except for CTT. They weren't on the list! I wonder what they substituted... oooo, mysteeerious!

I won the ESBR(x1) on this ticket and Veil of Virtue (x3)

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