Secret Box of the Orient
Box containing legendary secret treasure of the orient.

Sad Sailor
Im tired of the direction the game is going......its sad to see CJ and NM spoiling such a great game so hard and launching those dammed TBox gambling thing every 2 weeks as if it was some great new thing, i hope they stop with it soon, we need korea, 2nd age update and other great things to keep the game alive, not just another stupid TBox.....farewell UWO, it was fun before CJ and NM completely spoiled it.....
Sayounara! or wait.. is that you again? The one that keeps spamming battle barca lol.

Ming Mei
yes, this game need updates, no tesures box!!!Cj and Nm so think in money =\

Supposedly the reason NM/Cj won't post the odds of winning in the T-box is because it's rigged so different items have different odds, and it might be rigged further than that with different players having different odds.

Sad Sailor
Im sad so sad.....treasure box gambling is killing the community and the game....death to CJ and NM, i hope koei finds another company to launch their great game anew here without all the flaws (overpowered ships, gears, cannons and dungeons giving more money and XP than trading) and without all the incompetent GMs, especially PARA the biggest lier amongst all GMs. Comunity GM my balls!!!!

Realy sad sailor
Im sad so sad.....treasure box gambling is killing the community and the game....death to CJ and NM, i hope koei finds another company to launch their great game anew here without all the flaws (overpowered ships, gears, cannons and dungeons giving more money and XP than trading) and without all the incompetent GMs, especially PARA the biggest lier amongst all GMs. Comunity GM my balls!!!! If At least the game was a bit more balanced and trading a bit more balanced and NC ships not that much overpowered, for example the custom ironsides and custom vaisseau wich are not a lot better than the normal ones, and basically only needs lower level to use, but no super dura, turn and armour like the other NC ships.....sink on uwo you all with your virtual super ships while you can....
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