Florentine Recipe - Rome
Roman Coins
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Florentine - Cumulative Roman Coins
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Composite Bows

12 (-400)
A method of making powerful bows.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ship Spears

13 (-400)
A method of making special spears designed for fighting aboard ships.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Headpiece

12 (-450)
A method of creating flower crowns used in the time of the ancient Romans.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Nobles Outfit

12 (-500)
A method for sewing clothes worn by the nobility during the time of the ancient Romans.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Steel Boots

12 (-410)
A method for making steel boots used during the time of the ancient Romans.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Gloves

12 (-410)
A method of making gloves used in the time of the ancient Romans.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Helmet

12 (-430)
A method of forging helmets used during the time of the ancient Romans.
Florentine Recipe - Rome

Ancient Roman Armor

12 (-500)
A method of forging armor used during the time of the ancient Romans.

it is available at the GAMA server?

goto pisa take carriage

get roman coins from Rome-Coliseum (carriage from Naples) or alternatively from any land battle, against matched or above, enemy. then you can sail to Pisa (carriage to Florence)and there you can check yourself....

You need roman coins to make these? Not contribution points?

Ming Mei
u still need cultural points to make them, but only by having enough total cumulative roman coins the recipe will show up

how many coin we talk about here?

how many coins needed?

In the blanket mean to point for using recipe.
According to: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Recipe%2FSpecial
Item ---------------- Roman Coins needed
Composite bow ------- 80000
Spontoon ------------ 100000
Chaplet ------------- 190000
Clavi Toga ---------- 230000
Legate Gloves ------- 130000
Legate Greaves ------ 130000
Corinthian Helmet --- 190000
Lorica Hamata ------- 210000
Damn.... this is too much!!!
I've also read that Roman Coins obtained through dungeon raids don't count towards this total. I'm nearly up to 100k total coins, but man... those figures make me wonder if RC's drop at higher rates in pay-for servers. I've still got a long way to go before I can get my rich Corinthian Helmet, I guess.
Secrets of Arena Battle Oxford skill, plus fighting in fleets with friends, plus focusing on missions with an easy Special Victory Condition ("total damage of 500xnumber of opponents" or something along those lines works well for my friends and I), makes the grind a bit quicker.
The Astro Item
Arena Reward Epistle would help too, if it were actually available from the Astro Shop (hasn't been since April 2014).
This is weird, I can not have more than 50k roman coins... and Guilder has 100k... why? bug?
Sadly, you can only carry 50k Roman Coins total per character due to cap limitations (established by KOEI). You must spend them before you can begin earning more; I estimate I've earned a lifetime total of a little over 100k RCs in my time playing UWO, on my main character. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused with the wording of my previous post.
So this recipe is impossible? Because it says here that must be accumulated roman coins... :s
The game keeps track of how many Roman Coins you have earned at Rome's Coliseum; basically, earn the max of RCs 50k on the character of your choice, spend them all, then earn and spend another 50k on that same character. You have hit 100k total earned RCs for that character. Now just earn-and-spend over and over, until you've hit the required amount to unlock the recipe(s) you want to access in Florence via Lorenzo's "Harem".
Make more sense? I've had a friend manage to get as far as the Spontoon recipe appearing in Florence at Lorenzo's residence so far. The recipes themselves, once available, ought to only cost Florentine points to produce, and not need RCs. I actually haven't been there to check what's available for me yet due to assorted, uh, star-gazing, gold-chasing, summer-city related distractions.
yay!!! thanks guilder
Just a quick note, the game doesn't seem to give you a notification of when you unlock these recipes, not even through Sailor's Guide. You'll have to keep track of your total coin count and check back with Lorenzo; I discovered this after having apparently gathered all the coins I needed (and maybe more! xD) to unlock all of the recipes shown above. Good luck!
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