Shipbuilding/Sp. High Explosives
The method of making a material for Shipbuilding.
Casting Skill: Rank 14
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Massawa - Shipwright(Town's mans Recipe)
Shipbuilding/Sp. High Explosives

Make Explosive shells

Make a cannonball filled with explosives yielding various

Improved Cannon Chambers: +2 to +6

Wen zhi
I got Special high explosive. how can I attached it with my ship

Cao Wei
How can I use it? I can't attach to my ship.

Ming Mei
this and others are improvement parts they require NC ship improvement permits and you need to be a ship builder or be fleeted with a ship builder of the appropiate lvl.
also only some ports have the required development (capitals etc) also you need to have invested approx 1-2mil in the port
or if fitting as Original Skill then you need 200 Patriot Awards and take these to secretary in your nation palace and convert to Special Shipbuilding Permit - ( skills require 1-3 ssp)
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