Ming Mei
how much does this sell for? and best places to sell :D?

i think between 3500 and 4k ,prices are better the further you travel, africa , india , s.e.a.

if you want to sell local goods from iberia i think you should try muskets , they sell up to 7k in south east asia
This is a excellent good to bring for nanban I found out, and works swell in all 4 EA nations, but you can only buy a limited number of these (84 at R20 Spice trading), so unless you have a ton of PO 4s to burn, your better off port hopping between Malaga and Ceuta which, fortunately, is just across the channel.
^ It sure is. What I notice is that the best goods for nanban are often PO 4 based in my experience which is expensive nowadays.
I tried with Gold Dust today which works well in Korea and Taiwan, but quantity on R20 metal with robes is around 130 each.. (better than Musk though).
Another thing to know is that the greater the price of an trade good, the less quantity the Market Keeper offers it and the less effective your trade skill become. An bad humor of UWO -_-
Kind Regards,
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