Where does this sell best?
I've noticed this trade good can be produced by private farms. Is it of lesser value than most Indian spices as a consequence, meaning I shouldn't bother to bring it back from India, or is there indeed a particular region where it would be worthwhile to sell it?
The reason it's not really worth bringing from India on a trade run is that it doesn't count for a speciality good. I'd say only bring it if you're a cook and for some reason need to make loads of garam masala (btw garam masala does count for a speciality good but you're better off bringing gems from India, or cardamom if it has to be a second spice together with your pepper).
I see. My thanks for your insightful answer.
Contrary to the above information, an investment of 3k ducats or more is required for this to appear at Alexandria's marketplace. However, the city is Ottoman Empire territory, so only Ottoman players may invest there (barring an ESF where Alexandria is involved and its fort is demolished).
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